My First Steemiversary!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

This post has an audio version, hit it and scroll down following my voice ;) 

Hello! Hello! It seems like it's a special day today as @ruth-girl is already one Steemit year old (yeah, I wished this was the case in real life)!! 

It all started last summer when a person I love to hate and I hate to love introduced me to a "cool platform that gives you pennies for your shots" (a penny for your thoughts). And told me, "Go on, join it and you can just upload those tons of photos you've been storing on your phone and make a few bucks". I said "What the heck" and gave it a try, which at first was...

A total disaster

Yes, my first post was a photo with a lame caption (although the photo was cute!)

Some more pictures and memes followed and...

Then I left

for a month or so until I decided to take it more seriously (again, thanks to the man who introduced me to the platform). And I started writing: Nature soothes the spirit

See? @trumpman was always there to provide valuable feedback :P

And then I took it...

Even more seriously

I thought: I am a teacher, I could blog about things I do at work and tried to make what I like to define as "a decent post"

New Schoolyear Is Coming - How To Get To Know Your New Students

And then bizareness kicked in!

Bizarre Natural Phenomena Vol.1 - Volcanic Lightning AKA Dirty Thunderstorm

that granted me my first @steemstem upvote! (my Steemit long-term relationship)

And as things kept getting more weird

Bizarre Natural Phenomena Vol.2 - Bioluminescence, The Art Of Creating Light

I got my first curie upvote!! (hooray!)

My Bizarre Natural Phenomena series has kept going ever since and I admit I am proud of it!

Until of course the stories showed up!

Yes, Ruthie has always been a writer. Poetry, short stories, philosophical ramblings, vulgar rhymes, it doesn't matter! When she gets inspiration she will write!

Short Story: A Sea Of Scarlet (English & Greek Versions)

She will even sing

The Key To The Mystery Door (Dark Fiction)

I love it when my stories are read in the "right" atmosphere; hence the soundtracks, photos, even me narrating them:

The Abandoned Train Station (A Story Of Mystery)

I think I should do such recordings more often or do you prefer the video versions better?

Abigail Αnd Τhe Spider (An Illustrated Fantasy Story)

Who remembers the troll team?

SteemSTEM Science fair Entry - Newton's Third Law

Those little guys became superstars! I have missed them. They should come back soon, don't you agree?

All this time I haven't been alone

I met lots of wonderful people here!

My Greeks and the @greek-trail.

@steemstem and the science community.

@eye4art that aimed to help artists on Steemit.

@davinci.witness and the team that works on so many wonderful projects (involving art and languages).

I would like to mention each and every one of you, but for fear of forgetting anyone I'd better not. 

Aaah! I could turn this post into a journey back in time. As I am going through my post history I remember everything I wrote about and a feeling of nostalgia starts dancing around my brain... (weird picture, huh? a dancing lady inside @ruth-girl's brain like a ballerina in a music box)

Long story short

This has been a wonderful year, with ups and downs. I have learnt a lot. I have laughed a lot. I have got angry. I have had fun. I managed to make one of my biggest dreams come true thanks to Steemit (when I bought my camera using money earned from Steemit). I am still here even when prices go down (this month was only tough for me because I didn't have as much free time). I will keep being here and doing what I know best


Thank you @trumpman! I wouldn't have been here, I wouldn't have got so far without you!

Thanks all of you, the whales, the dolphins, the minnows... the people! I wouldn't have become the @ruth-girl I am without your support! 

*All images by @ruth-girl

QUIZ: What animal did you hear at the background of the recording?

Thank you so much for your time!

Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people! 


Oh! Congratulations Ruth ❤️🌷it has been wonderful to see your successful journey here on Steemit. Things could have not been different for you. You are very bright, talented, eager, loving ... this list could go on and on 😊
It looks like we are all the same Steemit age :)

Thank you Abigail for the constant support, the feedback and positivity coming from you!!! ❤️❤️
And Happy Steemit Birthday to you too!! 🎂🎈

I congratulate you on your anniversary, Ruth!
Will you celebrate the anniversary of dating @trumpman in a month?

Ooooh! What a lovely troll team that came to wish me a happy anniversary!! I loove them!! :D
Thank you very very much @nsbachurin!!

I don't know, it will depend on him :P

That reads like a beautiful love story, between you, @trumpman and Steemit.

I remember Abigail and the spider. I think that was the first time I resteemed one of your posts.
I'll throw in some additional trivia/memorabilia, from my point of view. I've only been active 5 months here, in fact, my very first post was exactly 5 months ago, so I am not such a seasoned user, but not exactly a newbie either.
And so...
Aside from the people I already know (in real life), you are one of my favorite people here, did you know that?
Anyone following your profile gets versatility, creativity, silliness, all kinds of different things, all from one source. And it doesn't get stale.
I have no idea yet where exactly I stand, with Steemit and all that, but.. I am glad to have made your acquaintance! :)

Me, @trumpman and steemit... a lovestory on the blockchain! :P

Your words put a big smile on my face!! And it feels weird that such a cold means, a "faceless" online platform can become a place where people tunnel their creativity through; where they get feedback (sometimes positive, others negative); where they meet people that might think in a different way, but still have things in common.

Thank you for being here (and I mean thank you for being here with me on a constant and meaningful basis), because I love our interaction as well! :D

I would swear the photo was posted a month ago or something!

Do not be a bore )))

And yet it's been almost a year...

θα σου πω φυσικα συγχαρτηρια γιατι εννοειται το αξιζεις αλλα θα πω πολλα πολλα συγχαρτηρια στον ανθρωπο που βρισκεται πισω απο την επιτυχια σου και αυτος δεν ειναι αλλος απο τον @trumpman ...αν δεν ηταν αυτος ισως δε θα εκανες αυτα που εκανες...μπραβο λοιπον και στους δυο σας... να τους φτασετε τους λογαριασμους σας 100.000 SP ο καθενας...

Η αλήθεια είναι ότι πέρα από τα βασικά δεν έκανα και πολλά πράγματα εγώ. Είναι φυσικό ταλέντο και έχει ρίξει πολύ δουλειά!

εγω τη δικια μου τη μαστιγωνω....αλλα τιποτα...αποτελεσμα ουδεν

δε τη μαστιγωνεις αρκετα τότε!

μου βαζεις ιδεες.... rg-cartoon-1c.png

Ευχαριστω! Ευχαριστω! Ευχαριστω!! Τι ωραια ευχη! :)
Η αληθεια ειναι πως μου εμαθε πολλα, ειναι καλος μεντορας, αλλα κι εγω ειμαι καλη μαθητρια :Ρ

Ruthie Ruthie.....μηπως ειναι κοκκορακι αυτο που ακουγεται???...τι ωρα εκανες ηχογραφηση?? 6 τα χαραματα???

Ωωωω ναι! Ειναι κοκορι! Λιγο πριν ποσταρω το εκανα, κατα τις 9 παρα. Τα δικα μας εδω περα "λαλανε" ολημερις... δυστυχως!

χαρα στις κοτες σας!!! :))

Ναι αλλα το psychological support team εσυ το στελεχωνεις! :Ρ

Who are we? Steemians
What do we want? The trolls back
When do we want it? RIGHT NOW!

Happy Steemday. I think the best has yet to come! We have a lot more to see in this platform, so it was a wise choice to give Steemit a second chance! ;)

PS In case you didn't understand me, MORE POSTS WITH YOUR TROLL TEAM PLEASE!

Thank you! Thank you! I think it was a wise choice too! :)

Hahahaha! I'll make sure they come back! Damn, you are a hacker, you might discover where I live and start protesting outside my house (with the neighbor's roosters to make matters worse!)

Ho ho! I will! In fact, I'll bring some roosters too, to back me up!

Noooooo! Thank you! The neighbors already have enough :P

You don't have a choice, girl!

Happy Steembirthday !!!

You are an invaluable member of the community and it is an honor to have met you. :)

Thanks a lot @iliasdiamantis! :D

It is an honor and pleasure to have met you too! We are among the ones who try and we will make a difference! :)

Awesome. Did you speak / record it first? Or write it first and then read it?

She will even sing

Where did you sing?

Minnows: “i” like “in” and “mint”. Not “mine”. At least that’s how I say it.

I didn’t notice any animal noises :/


First the text, then the recording ;)

I sang in the second video of that story (ενα νανουρισμα-αυτοσχεδιασμος επηρεασμενο απο παραδοσιακη μουσικη περισσοτερο). Ιn case you listen to it, just be kind with your comment :P

(You are right on the minnow word, it means something small - mini - so it should be like "in" and "mint" it just sounds funny to me, don't know why)

I just listened to it and it almost put me to sleep ;p

Mission accomplished :P

na ta 1.000.000 ta SP sou mexri tou xronou !! :D

Ευχαριστω! Μακαρι! :)

τα μισα αν φτασουμε μετα θα σταματησουμε να σου μιλαμε (και να σε ψηφιζουμε) φαλακρα!

I'm actually thinking it's a good thing, if we get more articles with an audio version in the future :)

It is something different! I get bored easily and I love to experiment, so changes are welcome! And you never know, perhaps we get any offers to host a radio show :P

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