Thank You Steemit!! Decentralization Rocks!!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Ok! I am here almost eight months now and today I am really happy and excited to show you what those months have brought me...

Ta daaaa!!

A dream came true yesterday, as I ordered my first camera with Steem (well, euros, but they came from Steem money)!

So, how it feels to know that with zeros and units you can actually buy real stuff like my new girl? Awesome!! I have wanted to get my hands on a piece like this for years, but never done so because I could not afford it or even if I could, I'd rather spend that 500-600 euros on something I needed more (save for a car, for example). But then Steemit came into my life (well, first it was the man who introduced me to it and pushed me to try - Thank you!) and then came the rewards and a great pump in Steem price, which felt like the best time to withdraw some coins and finally get the camera I wanted but never managed to get with "real" money.

For the ones who want to know more about what I bought

The camera is a DSLR Nikon D3400. It came with two lenses (18-55 and 55-200), a tripod and a bag and the whole kit costed 550 euros. It was a great deal, since I was quick to get it, I ordered it and the next day the price had risen another 100 euros. The only downside was that they had no available items at the shop where I ordered it and had to wait like more than 2 weeks to get it, but hey... it's finally here!

I cannot express my gratitude to the platform for making a difference in my life! I know, this is an extra "toy" I could live without. But if Steemit brought me this unnecessary thing, imagine what wonders it can work with people in developing countries where 1 Steem could buy a day's, if not a week's lunch!

Once again, Thank you Steemit and thanks to all of you who have helped me making a dream come true!

I am @ruth-girl's fat cat and I thank you too!! Meow!


You deserve this 100 %. You poured your soul and time to make this place better.

Thank you!! You know it's partly your fault :P

Your posts are routinely great so you deserve that camera. Enjoy it and post some nice photos when you can.

Thank you @tking77798!! I really wanted to get it!

You know what I said to myself after buying it? Even if cryptos fail and worth almost nothing at least I'll have my camera :P

Nice. Happy for your success! Nikon D3400 is exactly the camera I am thinking about buying myself. Hope you like your camera. Perhaps a little present is warranted after the recent Steem jump:)

Thank you!!! You have a share on this present, as many more in here do!
Well, it is not bad to reward yourself for the good job you're doing, I believe you should take advantage of the pump and spoil yourself a bit...

Decentralize everything. Fellow dolphin warrior.

decentralize sex too!

Exactly how do you do THAT xD xD

E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!! :D

Τώρα περιμένουμε εντυπωσιακότερες λήψεις!

Ευχαριστώ πολύ!!! Έχω να τραβήξω πολύ πράγμα τώρα!! :Ρ

Way to go! I've actually used my steemit profits on a project of my own- can't give out any details just yet, but it's super exciting. Feels really good, too.

I will tell everyone about it !

Farting noises.

Thank you!! Now you got me intrigued of what it could be... Will you post about it once it's ready?

Definitely, though it may be a while before its done!

I'm a Canon person. I wanted to flag you but I upvoted accidentally by habit.

To be honest, I got my first Canon DSRL (years ago) cos it could shoot better video, but the debate about which brand can shoot better photos is still on, and probably Nikon is better at that, so if you're mostly interested in photos then you chose wisely. Also, the kit looks like a sweet deal, I thought from the pic that you purchased all those items separately and the price was just for the camera!

So enjoy your purchase, start posting some of your pics here, and don't fat-shame your cat, he/she looks perfectly fine to me!

I am a photography-person, that's why I went with Nikon.
Flag me huh? Where is the tolerance to difference? :P Haha, just kidding...

Thank you very much @alexander.alexis! As for the cat, she has become double in size ever since we took her in. Don't let the shot fool you...

Congratulations, I own a Nikon DSLR too but a D3300. The camera is awesome, maybe I'd consider buying a tripod stand as a serious photographer which I planned to be :)

Thank you!! If you do buy one, just make sure it's well-balanced and steady. I heard about people's cameras getting crashed from tripods that were blown away. I know I'm not leaving my new baby on it unattended! ;)

That is my worst fear; I always carry mine with straps on as a safeguard just on the off chance it fell off my hand. Now that you mentioned this I'd be more careful with the tripod.

Συγχαρητηρια . Την αξιζεις περα για περα.
Και γω αυτη πηρα πριν κανα δυο βδομαδες. Ακομα μαθαινω τα κουμπακια.
Απο περιεργεια. Μεσα στο πακετο ειχε ενα σαν σκουφο-κασκολ ???

Ευχαριστώ πολύ!! Η αλήθεια είναι το σκεφτόμουν σοβαρά να μην την πάρω, αλλά μετά λέω ,δε βαριέσαι, αν δεν το κάνω τώρα δεν θα το κάνω ποτέ. Κι είναι απίστευτο το συναίσθημα να ξέρεις ότι όλο αυτό έγινε χάρη στο steemit, κάτι που πολλοί εκ πρώτης όψεως το κατακρίνουν...

Είχε το σκούφο που βρωμάει πετρέλαιο :Ρ

Θα αλλαξουν γνωμη μολις δουν την καμερα και μαθουν πως την πηρες. ;)

Μπορει καποιος να μου εξηγησει με ποια λογικη βαλαν ενα σκουφο δωρεαν μεσα σε πακετο καμερας ??? Τεσπαααα

Καλες ληψεις . :)

Κι εγώ αυτό σκεφτόμουν, χάθηκε να έχουν κανένα t-shirt?

Ευχαριστώ... επίσης!! :)

@ruth-girl, @iliasdiamantis 🕵️ παρακολουθώ με ενδιαφέρον την ιστορία του σκούφου και μέχρι προχθές απορούσα κι εγώ, παρόλο που ήξερα θεωρητικά την απάντηση! 😎
Τώρα όμως την έχω βιωματική οπότε την μοιράζομαι... Στη νυχτερινή φωτογράφιση είναι σημαντικό να είσαι ζεστός λόγω του ότι κάθεσαι ώρες στο κρύο, οπότε σκούφος και γάντια είναι απαραίτητα. Στην photo που ποστάρω από τη φωτογράφιση του προχθεσινού supermoon, έχω δύο amateurs και έναν επαγγελματία, που έχει λάβει τα μέτρα του (κασκόλ - καπέλο) παρά τον καλό καιρό της προχθεσινής ημέρας... είκοσι λεπτά μετά τη δύση του ηλίου το κρύο ήταν αρκετά έντονο, πόσο μάλλον αν καθόμασταν μέχρι αργά το βράδυ! Φανταστείτε πόσο χρήσιμος είναι λοιπόν σε πιο κρύες χώρες!

Φορέστε το σκούφο σας λοιπόν και let's shoot!

supermoon shooting

Άρα το σκουφί χρησιμεύει απλά ως... σκουφί! :P

Πρέπει να περάσατε ωραία στην πανσέληνο! Πόσο ζηλεύω! Δούλευα την ώρα που έβγαινε και την έχασα :(
Ευχαριστώ για το σχόλιο Βασίλη!! :)

όχι μόνο ήταν ωραία αλλά με τη βοήθεια του φωτογράφου έβγαλα και μία τέλεια photo που είμαι πολύ περήφανος!...will be on my next post soon!

Τελεια!! Θα περιμενουμε να τη θαυμασουμε! :)

Welcome to my family!!!
Nikon rulez :p

If you want any tip just ask.


I will! First I need to go through the manual... this weekend has a lot of studying ;)

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