Hey Steemit... You Down With OPC? (Other People's Content) | What type of content should be posted on Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Hey Steemit, so yesterday @kenanqhd posted a topic which has kind of been on my mind lately. I re-steemed his post, but also wanted to make one of my own asking this question.

So as with any social media platform and community, they seem to have their own culture and their own rules. As a new Steemit user and minnow I'm getting a feel for this site, what type of content people are looking for, what's the unspoken etiquette of this site, etc.

I think what's really unique is Steemit is so new it's actually kind of forming that stuff as we speak so we all play a role in the culture of the site.

Anyhow, when I think about posting content something I've wondered about is whether it's okay to post other people's content or whether we should only be posting our own origional content?

I can see it both ways. I feel like Steemit in many ways is somewhat similar to Reddit. On Reddit, while a lot of people do post origional creations, their own artwork, their own pictures and stories, many times Reddit posts are just "hey look at this cool shit I found on the internet and wanted to share"

I was curious what the general consensus is about this topic. I mean is it okay for me to go on Youtube, take someone else's video, embed it into a Steemit post and I earn off their creation?

Not by any means saying I am the final word when it comes to Steemit far from it, but just my personal thought on the matter is this. If you add some value to the content you post whether it be commenting on it, maybe doing a collection of things or a compilation of sorts I think it's okay to use someone else's content.

On the other hand if I'm just taking every video say Phillip Difranco makes and embedding it into Steemit posts with no commentary, no writeup, no nothing, to me that seems kind of lazy and kind of like I'm earning off someone else's work.

I was just curious what the consensus is on Steemit and among the community in terms of the type of content we should be posting.

I think one cool thing about Steemit is because it's not reliant on advertising Dollars at this point someone can do a cover song and their own version and interpretation of a popular song or their favorite bands song and they can still get paid where as Youtube would not allow them to. Another example of a type of video I watch is compilation videos of motivational speeches. While the speeches aren't necessarily those peoples origional content when they take the time to pluck 100's of quotes out of various motivation speeches, add a video to it, add background music to set the mood, in my mind that's a 100% origional creation and takes talent to do and on here they can be paid for something like that where as on Youtube they woudln't be able to.

Anyhow, what's your guys take. You down with OPC aka other people's content? What's your thoughts?


If we're trying to replace the other social networks, then it has to permitted. It’s a normal activity to share content that you enjoy.

There’s a lotta debate over the details, though. Plenty of double standards, too.

What you can do (or get away with) likely comes down to your status in the community. Wealth, followers, friends, seniority.

Just like in RL!

I forget if it was this post or the guys who I resteemed but I made a comment that someone had posted a Mike Rowe independence day speech I really enjoyed and would have never seen had he not posted it so I definately find value in that.

I think personally speaking to get my upvote someone at least needs to add some commentary about why they thought that content was worth reposting. If they simply paste in a New York Times article or Youtube video with no context or no opinion of their own I'm probably not going to upvote it

Everyone develops a keen sense for spam on Steemit. It’s definitely wise to dress up a YT embed with a personal blurb. Same goes for images, relaying news events, etc.

I’m sure as a YTer, you realize how important title/thumb/first line is in the feed. I think it’s critical to start there for signaling “this isn’t spam”. The savvy veterans here work a Steemit logo into everything (incl. clothing and coffee mugs!).

Hey gigafart thanks for the comment buddy. Yeah I kind of got the sense that Steemit is like Reddit in that spam isn't looked upon favorably and that the site kind of polices itself.

I gotta up my thumnail game. On Youtube I use tubebuddy to make my thumbs so I'll have to find some program or something for here. I play around with Canva but I'm not really crazy about their fonts.

I think there's a way of telling an original story using Youtube content and other vids/images/quotes to illustrate what you're saying. As long as you're telling a cohesive narrative about a given topic and the (preferably short) clips, art, images, etc. you use are only there as reference points or to make your points more vivid, I think they can become a sort of collage that you weave together with a larger meaning. It's almost like telling a story to someone you know - you may have to reference a famous song or incident or concept or more than one as you explain what you are telling them, but those things don't form the substance of your story, just some of the building blocks.

Totally agree with you, I think there's a place for it. I just made a write-up the other day where I included two Youtube videos in my post, one was the story of the gazelle and the lion and the other was an Eric Thomas motivational speech. I referenced a lot of the same points from those videos in my own thoughts and own post so it made sense to include them. That said I also had probably 600-1000 words of text along with it and I feel like added much more value than just the videos. Personally speaking I tend not to upvote when I see someone just embedded a Youtube video and doesn't even write 2-3 sentences telling me why they posted it or why they like it or why it's worthwhile.

Agreed. I liked the gazelle and lion one. Will have to check out the Eric Thomas.

Hmmm this is something to really think on. I don't mind the resteemit it to get folks seen or showcase something tried and either the yes it worked or no it failed, so yes I prefer their own content being added but can see some wiggle room also.

I guess that's kind of what's cool with Steemit is we all have a voice in shaping the platform. Those who spend more time on here or invest more in Steemit have more of a say or more power behind their voice.

Personally speaking I have no problem upvoting someone who posts someone else's creation from Youtube if they at least add some value. If you're going to post a Led Zeplin song from Youtube at least tell me why your posting it and why you like it or why it's meaningful to you, but simply embedding and posting with nothing else probably won't get a vote from me personally.

I agree with you though, I do think there's a place for interesting stuff even if it's not your own. The other day I resteemed a post which someone had posted a Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs speech about Independence Day and it was a great speech and something I wouldn't have seen had it not been posted but the poster also added some commentary of their own to it.

LOL I now have to go back and see that one! The down side of here is the mach 4 speed of postings that I miss unless I am tagged...

Hey dude thanks for the shout out!
I think what @gigafart said makes sense. People do get a sense of spam. If I see someone just make a post and all it is is an embedded YouTube video, I get the feeling that this isn't valuable and the person who posted it doesn't really care much about providing value.

Not adding your own text/blurb kinda makes your post look lifeless and stale. At the same time, if someone posted time-sensitive content such as breaking news or something, then I feel like even just a video would garner a lot of upvotes and attention.

It is hard to see how this plays out. There are people that post reaction vids on YouTube that make more money and earn more subscribers then someone making $0.56 posting somebody else's video.

what's going on with that whole reaction vid thing anyways? a while back I saw a bunch of youtubers cheering reaction videos were dead but i still see them being monetized and doing well.

just to kind of prove a point i thought it would be funny if someone did a livestream reaction vid of someone watching the mcgregor mayweather fight. im sure youtube would step in and put a stop to that pretty quickly lol, if they didn't we'd all get to see the fight for free instead of paying $150 for pay per view or whatever crazy fee they're gonna charge

I'm not sure actually. I haven't looked into reaction videos but I am pretty sure they are alive and well. Posting other people's or company's content on YouTube is technically allowed as long as there is some commentary or something right? I guess they make the rules vague for the very reason so that they can choose at their own discretion what can stay and what can be taken down.

Yeah it seems like every platform from Amazon to Youtube to any other tend to leave things fairly vague so they can use their discretion to kinda do what they want lol

I don't know..I think if it adds value to or helps make a point to what you're saying and of course as well as giving credit to the original creator/author..then I kinda feel like its okay...but I agree if you just have nothing to say and post somebody else's stuff well ...smh...and I also think people see through tjat baloney anyway so I doubt they would get alot of upvotes..but that's just my opinion :) :)

Good question. I'm looking forward to what people say.
It would seem that the basic rules etiquette would apply in that as long as give credit and/or get permission it would be cool.
The whole 'make money off it' concept is the rub though...
I'm too new to have an opinion yet I think.

Yeah that's kind of my thing as well. If people weren't earning I'd probably say who cares but with money at stake it feels like earning off someoen else's hard work.

Personally speaking as long as someone adds some commentary and adds some value I would probably still upvote if I found the post worthwhile.

yeah I agree. add to it and give credit and you're still contributing.

Great! I just upvoted you

I think in time is going to be a general culture who fits anyone despite the culture of each one individual on the steem platform and create general content who can be understood by everyone indifferent of contry and culture,

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