Keeping the Steemiverse Buzzin': Why You Need to Spend Time CommentingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Damn, it's quiet around here, we say. No one has commented on my post. That sucks balls. And the price of steem - sssssheeeesh.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know you're too busy to spend much time commenting. Ugh. The too-busy lament is our go to, right? However, I'm calling it like I see it - if you don't take the time to comment, you shouldn't even be here.

We all know that deafening silence of posting only to have no-one comment on our work. It's disheartening. We also know the feeling of being excited that we got a comment, only to get a shit comment - those hilariously inappropriate adjectival phrases that go something like this:

'A bountiful and resplendant post'
'I like your work. It is so sad. Please write more ambidextrous philanthropy'
'Nice work, sir. You like me. Thankyou'.
'An excellent and curious post. I like'.

Those ones seriously make me giggle - please don't stop, Mr 25's, as it does amuse me, though it doesn't make me want to go and interact with you. I hope that you have the ambidextrous fortitude (no, I don't know what that means, I'm being resplendently facetious) to read the tips below, and take them into account. Perhaps you'll throw your big words away and say something more meaningful and valuable. Comment like a boss.

The thing is, it's quiet because we're not bothering to engage. Spend a whole heap of time engaging with people, and you'll get engagement back. I'm taking my own medicine this week and upping my engagement and comments, because I love this platform and want it to BUZZ. And I'm responsible for that, just as much as everyone else is.

1 Comments make People Smile

You know that feeling you get when someone comments something meaningful on your post - a little hello, a bit of gratitude, some extra knowledge or an acknowledgement of what you've said? Feels good, doesn't it?

We can choose every single moment to make the world a better place or make it worse. Our thoughts are contagious, either inspiring and motivating people or causing them despair. We have the power to make people happy or make them depressed. How we interact with people can change their day, their week.

So if you're scanning through a post and think 'I'm too busy to comment' or 'they won't even notice I was here', think about the difference you could make to someone's day. That's bound to have the knock on effect of making you feel good too.

2 I Don't Care What you Say, This is A Social Network

This is a social network. This is a social network. This is a social network

I can't stress this enough. Talk to anyone who's been here for a while, through all the ups and downs, they'll tell you that they came for the crypto and stayed for the community.

Fuck all the people using bots to get on trending pages and looking out for themselves - that's them. This is us. We're a collective. We're freaking awesome as a team, and lonely and sad when we're not.

Think about the role YOU play in steem society. Are you just out for yourself? Reckon you'll survive on your own for long? There's people here whose work I love, but I won't upvote them because they never reply to comments or interact with anything I say, so I dont even bother to visit them anymore.

3 Screw the Ghosts, Love the REAL followers

Aw, you guys. You know who you are. You come back all the time for a kind word, even if it's a small 'hey!'. I know I've got tons of ghost followers, but I don't care about that. I care about you. I'm gonna go visit you in a minute (when I've finished this post, coz like, I'm busy innit?) and love ya back coz I'm YOUR real follower too. See Point 1 & 2. Oh, and sometimes you upvote me and resteem me, and that's kinda cool too, and awwww, we help each other survive this crazy SteemWorld, amirite?

4 Rewards Just Rain Down On You

Okay okay, we're here for the steemolo too. Kaching and all that (sssh with the price of steem right now - go read @carlgnash's post about making steempower whilst the sun ain't shining here and power up baby!

  • @abh12345's Engagement Leagues can earn you steem (and friends - see point 1, 2 and 3) - if you can beat the crew at the top, imagine the applause and worship!
  • Check out @curie's comment contest here
  • You might even get upvoted by a whale or a dolphin, sometimes gaining more reward than a post itself! I've heard tell that one day one person got a 20 SBD upvote! Say whaaaaaaat!! I'm pumped when I get 0.01! It all adds up baby!
  • Check out @steembounty - you can WIN for commenting on posts! Sharpen your pen! Check out new bountys here.
  • You might send traffic to your site when people see your name so often they start getting interested in your work, and therefore might upvote your own content.

5 It's About Adding Value

If I was an outsider, and was reading a post about something interesting, and saw all the wisdoms and dialogue that followed in the form of comments, I'd be really interested to get on board. In fact, it was one of the things that turned me into a blogger here, because I hate rattling around Wordpress or other blogging sites with lots to say but no one to talk about my content with. I learn alot by what other people have to say about what I've written, or the posts they've pointed me to. That adds real value to the knowledge base here.

What if your amazing comment just wowed a Steemoutsider (what do we call those peeps here?) and they decided to come on board!??

Tits don't add value - @torico made that point a few days ago. There's plenty of things that add value, but I'm a bit over the shit posts that people ALLOW here by not downvoting or flagging to say: you aren't really adding anything to the reputation of Steemit in the real world. If visitors come and see shitposts with no interaction, what example is given here?

6 Empowering the Little Fishies

All you really need is one person to show you that you are awesome and they're off!

I've seen redfish start here with no clue how to make a pretty post or write well, or even know what to talk about. Once you start commenting and interacting, it's like you're giving people the power to explore their own potential.

If you do this at a crucial moment, the human spirit is so receptive - what if you were the one that encourage brilliance just by popping by and commenting on an aspect of their work? The stuff they do well? The best little snippet of their post?

One little bit of gold that could turn into something really special down the road.

I know I would NEVER have started Natural Medicine if it wasn't for the gushings of @mountainjewel, who popped past on a post of mine and was full of enthusiasm and excitement. That reminds me - I need to get onto commenting hard so I can rank above her in the Engagement League (not competitive at all, but I'm coming atcha @steemflows)


- If you believe in the Steemiverse and want it to succeed, you - and everyone of us here - needs to make new users think it's worth sticking around.
- If you believe in the Steemiverse, you gotta make the people that have been here for a while, and might be a bit tired and fed up, think it's worth sticking around.

- It is up to everyone of us to show people we CARE about what they do.

Oy, what are you still doing here?




Yes I totally agree, go comment like a boss! I have to mention the @curie comment contest here as well, the rules were just modified to allow even brand new plankton/redfish accounts with low SP and resource credits a chance at winning Steem for commenting :) Check it out:

Awesome @carlgnash, I was JUST literally reading about that, and I'm going to edit this post to include it!

Great advice, @riverflows!

Like to think of myself as the King of Komments. Have made a steem career out of commenting like a boss. 😎

Awesome!! Some people just blow me away - they could make steemposts out of their comments!!! Me, I drop some love and rush off elsewhere - but I do mean the love I give!! Even a little bit counts, right? I just realise I spelt 'Commenting' wrong in the title (typo) - damngonnit.

I just realise I spelt 'Commenting' wrong in the title (typo)

My typo was intentional. (Komments) 😎

When you say " made a Steem career out of commenting " 😂😂
Anyways appreciation to your work

Posted using Partiko Android

With 57 blog posts (including resteems) out of 2609 total postings (including this one) it appears to be the only explanation for my current advancement on the chain.

Without comments, Steemit might die. Who wants to write into a total vacuum?

This excellent post was included in our new curation effort The Magnificent Seven -- a collaborative work by @enchantedspirit and @catweasel. You have received a 100% upvote from each of us to show our appreciation for your post. To see your creation showcased here ... and the fine company you keep ... please visit this link.

The Magnificent Seven # 41

We appreciate your support both for our work on this project and for the other creators of exceptional content who make it all possible. (Follow @catweasel to catch our future Magnificent Seven posts. @enchantedspirit says I'm really not as annoying as you might think, but she doesn't mean it.)


A message that will hopefully never get old here!

Resteemed and upvoted. HEY there my friend I am here to help prove steemit is alive and well. Just been through a night of torrential rain and lightning storm. I am at the moment in spain but t it reminded me a lot of Costa Rica. This morning is calm again and still and dry but the world is washed and fresh and ready to go!!!
We live through all sorts of weather in life and here in steemit but hey - we are survivors through all of it and come out smiling and stronger . Have a beautiful day my friend 😍🌅💚🦋🌴🌈🍀❤️

Fabulous - see, you can post even in a crazy storm!!! Love the analogy. Maybe this is the quiet before the steem storm ... yay!! Thanks for your comment babe, appreciate the resteem too - let's get this partay started!

@riverflows I LOVE your natural medicine tag! You are a kindred spirit. Herbals have had my attention for fifteen years.I am off all prescription drugs now, and my health has improved a Lot!

The problem on response here on steemit seems to be a massive fall off from the Hard fork. The active people went from 60,000 to 12,000 overnight, and some of the 12,000 can only post a limited number of times before they end up in RC Jail.

These combine to make the responses shorter, and fewer.

Combine that with a reduction in new accounts that they themselves are RC restrained, and it is becoming harder to get decent comments on Steemit.

I especially agree with your comment #2; steemit IS a social media platform! People stay, because they have friends here, and they find posts that are worth their time to dread!The better the content, the better the chance that Steem will recover from the Hard Fork.

We need new people, but the Hard Fork make new accounts very difficult. Three new accounts I have pulled onto Steemit, are now inactive, because they have no RC, so they can not comment.

More quality posts, and new accounts is the cure for this funk; but I have No Idea how to manage that.

Be Blessed, and keep on steeming!


Your comments are kickass - you're a shining example of what this platform is and should be. I've sponsored crew with delegation to help get over that problem, so if you know someone who's suffering with that, let me know, as I have a spare 100SP right now to help someone out.

Thanks for your vote of confidence about @naturalmedicine, I'm working so hard on that and I love the crew that are on it and posting, and love supporting them any way I can!!!

There is a Man in Kenya, who has a Christian School, who I got on steemit; but he thinks he did something wrong (he hit the RC problem). Let me check to see if he is still active.

There was a girl in the Philippines that posted amazing photographs, but she may be gone. I will look.

There is a student who was until recently in Dubai, but is now back in Pakastan to go to school, who is active, but gets hit by RC Jail often. He posts as much as he is able.

Please let me look, just a little, for the best candidate for help, and I will post back. I still try to encourage the newbie accounts as much as possible! They will make, or break, steemit, and no one seems to understand that!

I am thinking about posting single common plants, and their herbal uses on your natural medicine tag. Trying to figure out how to let people know that knowledge of local plants is important, and can be good medicine!


I am so thrilled that you are on board with the natural medicine thing. We don't have a lot of steam power and keep hoping for a bigger delegation as so we can make a difference as I really believe that unified community sharing wisdom about natural healing has a place here and I love steemit so much that I want to give back. Let me know what you come up with as I would be happy to help them out until they're up and running. This usually doesn't take long if they have just a little bit of delegation for a couple of weeks.

Posted using Partiko Android

I wish I had more so I could help, but most of my steem power is delegated, and it is keeping me out of RC Jail right now! But I have run out of RC and ended up in RC Jail twice even with the help.

The focus on using local plants may give them the concept; that local plants can provide medicine, in a grid down situation.

With things heading the way they seem to be heading, plant knowledge may become the only source of medicine available to us!

I have been pushing to build a conventional first aid kit, and I am thinking about some posts on that too!

Maybe even a post on the changes Herbals have made to my first aid kits!


Have you seen the #freedomfriday challenge for this week? Could be a really good answer for that. Yeah, definitely - we had a 'survivor' challenge too and the 3 medicine's we would add to our first aid kits, it was a lot of fun!!

I will look at that, sounds fun.

I often eat wild harvested food, for practice. I may try that in the winter, to see what I can find, ROFLOL!

The first aid kit adds would be tumeric, ginger, comfrey tincture, and colloidal silver, all home made.

I recently added a hot pack of globular salts (molten salt heat storage) where you boil the packuntil it turns liquid, then place it in the first aid kit. There is a small metal disk inside the pack. Snap the disk, and the ultrasonic waves from that disk begin crystalization which is an exothermic process. About 70% of the heat used to turn the salts to liquid, is released back to heat. Can be stored for years at room temperature, then used for heat. Nice toy!


Hi @riverflows, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @steemflows doesn't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @steemflow ?

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Dammit, @steemflow, your mirror name confuses me.

Glad to know that commenting is valuable. As a small new account my vote doesn't mean much but I do comment a lot when I see a good post (like this one). It gets discouraging of course to write something on your blog and no one sees it. Then look at trending and see huge money on a picture of a rubber ball and two sentences of content. Actifit has been good for me because as a group we read each other's posts and comment appreciation or motivation. Writing contests have been helpful too to meet some people. I really have been enjoying my time here though.

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad you've been enjoying it! Please do shout out if commenting is a problem, because people WILL figure out a way to help you. Steemfolk are super helpful and kind. Contests and challenges are GREAT ways to build your account! So glad you've been enjoying it - I really, really love it!

I comment when I have something to say. Lately I've been too tired for much commenting. And some of the eco-train themes are beyond me.

But if I have something to say, you'll hear it. :))

Great advice for us all :)

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