Occupational Hazards of a STEEMIT Author - Hopefully, This Won't Kill Me

in #steemit8 years ago

Steemit has not all been fun and games for me. For about the past month and a half, I’ve been spending a lot of time on steemit. Often, I now spend several hours a day just working on posts. It has certainly been a fun and exciting time, and I’ve even made some good friends and money along the way.

However, there have also been many “job hazards” that I have encountered along the way. Thankfully, I’ve made it through mostly unharmed and have not yet died in the process. Here a just a few of the hazards that I have encountered along the way.


Early on in my steemit adventure, I began a series called THE EDIBLE OUTDOORS. So far, I have made 17 posts in that series, and I think that it is doing quite well. One of the rules for the series was that if I featured a plant in a series, I would eat the plant that I photographed prior to posting, so that I could personally vouch for the edibility of the plant.

Though I laid down the foundation that I am not an expert, but just a man on an adventure who is sharing, and that none of what I post should ever be interpreted as medical or professional advice, I still want to make sure that I am being as credible and honest in my posts as I can be. Though I have never misidentified featured plant in my posts, I did make a comment about Wood Sorrel and Purslane in my Dandelion post.

While I was working, I noticed some weeds growing outside and ate them after taking some pictures. Those pictures and that experience wound up in the Dandelion post. Afterwards though, I realized that the pictures plant which I claimed to be Purslane was actually Spurge. Yes, I had ingested a poisonous plant! I had thought that there various kinds of Purslane, and was mistaken!

Now, of course I’m fine, and I didn’t even notice any negative effects after eating it, but who really knows. When I made the actual post on Purslane I made sure to point out this error. Thankfully, the @papa-pepper show goes on.


In my line of work on steemit, I spend a lot of time outdoors. This certainly gives me some great opportunities to take some wonderful pictures and have some adventure, but it can also be dangerous. For the Steemit Photo Challenge Shadow Contest, I produced the gem below. This, of course brought me in contact with the Pygmy Rattlesnake used in the photo.

That wasn’t the most dangerous part, though. Since I try to verify my work with a “proof” at the end of most of my posts, I had to somehow get my face, the word “steemit” and the rattlesnake in the same shot.

Obviously, it worked… but still. Then, sometime later when we were done enjoying the dessert I made for the recent Steemit Food Challenge, I almost stepped on another Pygmy Rattlesnake.

Interestingly enough, the title of that specific contest was “Desserts to Die For”. Once again, thankfully, I didn’t


Though I only work on steemit in my “spare time”, I am still working a normal job away from home. Doing both of these takes a lot of my time. Since I still work all day many days of the week, working on posts for a few hours after that doesn’t leave much left for sleeping. Two nights ago I went to bed at about 1:30 am and awoke at 5 am. Last night I got to be a little earlier, about 1:00 am, and didn’t wake up until 6:30 am, so that was a little better.

I know that some of you might sleep even less, but personally, I’d prefer to sleep a little more than that. Every once in a while, I can handle it, but this has kind of been going on for weeks now.


This is another occupational hazard that I encounter while working on posts for steemit. If I’m out in the woods searching for wild edibles to use in an EDIBLE OUTDOORS post or as an ingredient for a recipe I’m posting, encountering such hazards as Poison Ivy are almost inevitable.

Thankfully, I’ve only gotten one small patch on the back of my arm so far in my time on steemit. As I consider it, perhaps steemit is actually preventing me from encountering more Poison Ivy, since I now spend so much more time on the computer. Usually, I’m kind of covered in Poison Ivy for most of the summer.


Though I have personally never flagged anyone’s comments or posts and I have never been flagged myself that I am aware of, I realize that a real threat does exist. It seems that flagging can lead to vengeance flagging, which can quickly spin out of control.

Since I can choose what I look at and what I do not, I do not consider flagging a post or comment a valid response if I do not appreciate it. I have certainly seen posts that I disagreed with, but I chose just to overlook them and not upvote them. Periodically, people have replied with comments to my posts that I did not appreciate, but it seems that others quickly flag them and “make them disappear” by having them fade into the background.

It is perhaps a good thing to have the option to flag plagiarized and stolen material, but thankfully I haven’t had to. The occupational hazard of flag wars exists for every user, and I’m glad that I haven’t been affected by it yet.


Since we continue to be in a struggle to get noticed and keep our followers "fed," periodically we have to step up our game. When I encountered a Scorpion recently, I remembered that they glow under a black light, and immediately knew that I had a post on my hands.

This of course meant that I had to handle a scorpion and convince it to cooperate for some photos. We even took a few with it in my hand and then I made a video about how I pick them up. Of course for this post, I just put it on my tongue, which was a brand new experience for me, not to mention the scorpion. No stings yet, though that could make a great post too!


Obviously some of the occupational hazards that I mentioned are more specific to @papa-pepper, but the other ones can affect us all (like sleep deprivation and flag wars). We should all strive to be aware of the potential hazardous situations around us, and do our best to stay safe!

Thanks for your time.
As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!


Wait, so the picture above "misidenification", is one of those spurge? All the spurge I have seen looks closer to hens and chicks than purslane.

The way I understand it, purslane is on the left and spurge is on the right. I can now say that I've eaten both... But I prefer Purslane.

Great post!
Glad to see others acknowledging it as well!
You have worked hard and you put a lot more into your posts than most. You deserve to have a good following and make good money.
I see a bright future for you!
Loved that pepper challenge btw~

Well that is an incredible pile of encouragement to get this early in the morning!

Yeah, I put in a lot of effort and often make my posts from complete scratch, starting with nothing but some thoughts and a camera. It's nice to see it pay off periodically.

Keep up the good work yourself!

Glad to help make your day awesome!
U do great work! Keep it up!

Hahaha! My sleep deprivation is nothing compared to your hazards then. Man, Steemit is literally what wakes me up lately.. I feel I either need to be writing something new, or upvoting, commenting, curating, etc. Buy yes, up later than I should be studying the platform and rules, and then"bounce out of bed" to log on... It's not just me is it?

SAME HERE. If I awake in the middle of the night, I peek at steemit... and then usually can't get back to bed.
Just part of going "FULL STEEM AHEAD"!

Indeed, haha! I've been a walking zombie at my so-called real job all week. I want Steemit to be my real job one day tho, so here I am, just like you!

Well best wishes to you on that. We will see what happens for us!

Cool Post Dude!

What was your favorite part @anns?

Terribly. I once rubbed it all over may face to convince people that I was immune.
It worked... but only for the moment...
That's a story for another time though, thanks @tuck-fheman!

OMG - @papa-pepper you're killing me with that scorpion in your mouth. DUDE what the fuuuuuck?!? LOL
I can totally relate to the sleep deprivation part - but I blame my dogs for that...but since they woke me up.... yeah, I check on Steemit. :)

You made a really good point about the flag wars too. While I will not flag anyone unless I am certain it's plagiarized, I would rather hold back my upvote and not reply. I think I've been flagged by a bot once or twice, but with the new rep. system, it never affected me.
And poison ivy! Oy...when I was young and dumb my friend and I had a good old fashioned romp in the woods...in a patch of poison ivy. It was night time. Let's just say there are places where poison ivy should never be and I had a hard time explaining to the doctor how I got it everywhere. Antibiotics please! LOL

So you can relate to the sleep deprivation and poison ivy, but not the scorpion in the mouth????
I'm confused.

Only if I was desperate and starving would a bug get that close to my mouth...and I'd have to smoosh it first, which probably loses all the nutritional value in the bug guts. it gives me goosebumps just thinking about it! Bad goosebumps. Bad! LOL

Slerp deprivation i can relate to. You want to read the newests posts or you have to finish your own blog. I always say only 10 more minutes but it always turns into an hour

Your post reminds me of the hazards of social networking...lololol...I am not allergic to poison oak or ivy thank goodness. I would have died years ago spending most of my time outdoors and being a klutz. You are a funny man! Thank you for making me laugh, I am turning into a grumpy grandma and need to remember to laugh once in a while.

Check out my Tribute to Steve Irwin for a great laugh...
but you have to watch the videos.

Hehe... I loved this :D The snakes spurred a memory you may like...

One of the oddest experiences of my young life was with a rattlesnake during training in North Carolina.

We came across it while walking some donkeys up a ridgeline. We didn't have food and were meeting some guerrillas for the first time and figured it may be a good offering to bring food... plus we were hungry.

Knowing the rules about their venom sacks, we decapitated it well below the base of the jaw. I then put the corpse in a spare garbage bag we had in one of the side pouches on my rucksack (which was already weighing ~110 lbs).

That bastard was squirming, writhing, and even rattling for the next hour. Weirded me out, but never forgot it.

Note: Snake tastes like chicken... with smaller bones. If this story bothers you, I'm sorry/not-sorry. We were legitimately hungry.

I've definitely eating snake before myself, and actually enjoy it. Thanks for sharing, and for your continued support. I really do appreciate it.

Thanks... It can get pretty interesting sometimes. I think my next howto video will be how to pick up a snapping turtle by the throat.

Lol yes... You don't see that everyday.

Good. It's decided then. Your advice on the pistol-whipped story worked, so I'll put that one about the snapping turtle out on Sunday or Monday, (so no one will beat me to it!)

Haha - there's Steemit snapper wranglers out there now, trying to beat you to a turtle-throat post! :O

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