A big thank you! This is one of the reasons why I love Steemit so much 💕😍💕

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

A few weeks ago I posted a somewhat desperate post with some terrible news I had received.
My best friend had called me that her son of 14 had been in an accident and passed away.
I had to get to Holland as fast as I could, but one big problem: I didn't have all the funds to do so.
There were no cryptocurrencies for me left to sell, no other people to ask...
So as a last resort, I posted a request for help and asked for a loan to get to Holland.
In this post I would like to thank those kind people who offered support and helped me get there.

My personal hero: @likedeeler! 😍 This man swooped in and did what I hadn't expected.

No questions asked, he transferred the Steem which later proved to be crucial for our journey.
My sister in law as well as one of my sisters had sent some money to my bank account, but this didn't arrive till the Monday and we left for Holland on the Friday before that! (I guess that's why we all are not so fond of banks).
Without this loan, we wouldn't even have made it to the ferry in Dublin as I had an empty tank and not even any food in the house...I had spent all the money I had on the cost for the ferry! The Steem he sent me got me all that and more.
It got us to Dublin, through the UK and finally to our destination. I was able to give money to those who were going to care for our animals. This gesture means the world to me. Thank you my friend, I will never forget this!

@canadian-coconut: the coconut should be replaced by diamond because there is nothing nutty about this woman.

I am proud to be able to call her a friend 💕! The work she does in this community and in particular for @familyprotection is simply amazing.
Although a bit stubborn 😘 as I specifically asked for loans and no donations, she still send me a part gift and part loan.
I've known her almost as long as I've been on Steemit and she is one of the kindest and warmest people I know.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You're a STAR ⭐! 💕💕💕

@metzli: One of the great women I had the honor of meeting only recently, since I joined the @steemitmamas.

The mamas in that group are one by one amazing, some were already familiar, but some I only met a few weeks ago . They all showed a lot of empathy about what horror had happened to my friend. A parents' greatest nightmare...
There is a lot of love in this group!

This lady sent me a message...she had some litecoin saved for a rainy day but if I'd send her my ltc address, she would make it happen... In one word: WOW. To this woman I am still a perfect stranger and yet she's shown me a kindness rarely seen in this world. Keep an eye on that one and the @steemitmamas group: a force to be reckoned with!

Thank you @metzli 😘 there are no words to describe how much this means to me.

@dreemit: also a bit stubborn 🤗 sent a gift of Steem and SBD without even a word.

She is one of those people who I have great respect for and I am proud to call a friend. Thank you @dreemit. I love you as far as you can dreemit 😉

@happycrazycon and @iamjadeline: equally stubborn as above 😉 these two lovely ladies who I also only just met in the @steemitmamas group: you are equally amazing. Much love to you! 💕💕💕

And last but not least: To all those people from @ecotrain, @familyprotection, @steemitmamas and beyond who have read the story and offered support by your kind words, prayers and thoughts: thank you!

You all rock! You are all very dear to me and I am honored to know you.

To every single one of you: I simply wouldn't have made it to and from Holland without all of you incredible people. Every time things got a bit too much, I would read another loving word from someone and it helped me get through the day.
No one who has never been through anything like it, can imagine what my friends have been going through and for me, being close to them it was impossible to comprehend. It still is. All I could see was their tremendous pain and yet the incredible strength and love that is in that family. That is what got them through those days. But the pain of losing their child and brother will remain and they will forever feel this. Even though I wished (and everyone there) I could do something to take some of that pain away, I can't. But because all of you amazing people, I managed to be there for them in this unimaginable and deeply sad time. And that will always mean the world to me. And to them...

I am now slowly but surely starting to repay the money I owe to those amazing people. My first (small) payment will be transferred to one person as soon as I post this. Since I am back 'in the saddle' here on Steemit and also hope to work a bit more as LM for the DaVinci/Utopian Dutch translation department...

(AND if all these bidbots keep sending me their 0.001 SBD . Jeez, it's like they multiply by the day...)

I hope to be able to be a bit quicker in the near future and equally divided between those I owe money and a lot of gratitude to.


@article61: I never managed to write that post for your contest: 'How does being a Steemian make you feel?'

But I think by now you get the drift 💕💕💕

All pictures sourced on www.pixabay.com


What a nice Thank-You you have written.
Yup, I'm stubborn. Didn't take you too long to figure it out ... lol
According to my mom it all started back when I refused to potty train, until she finally gave up on trying and only then did I go and do in on my own accord. :)

I'm glad that you have so many good people supporting you here on Steemit.

Yup didn't take long at all...I guess it takes one to know one 😉 My mom used to say the same about me, I always wanted to do everything on my own account and I was in a hurry to walk and talk lol. Once I started, I never stopped! Yes, I feel blessed to be surrounded by so many great people here. You wouldn't see this on twitter or fakebook...

Just amazing!! This is the platform that holds the the very best of humanity. So glad you got the help you needed! ❤

Very true, the very best is right here! Before Steemit I kinda lost hope for humanity a bit, but since I joined here this has been restored many times over.

I feel the same, when I saw these heartwarming acts of kindness at the time, it made me so proud to be a steemit member! <3

Thanks to @anomadsoul making me "A whale for a day" by following my vote while he is traveling, my vote will be followed directly by his vote with the same percentage. So thanks to this you will receive a much higher upvote than I could give with my own Steem Power.

Have a great sunday!

yes, same here. I am so proud and happy to be here. Steemit and the Steemians are a blessing. xx

I wasn’t sure how being on Steemit could help anyone in need. But, ever since I joined in May this year, I’ve been seeing posting from several people & now yourself how those that have engaged with yourself came out of their norm to help out.

And it’s not just mentally but also financially which is very rare when majority of us may not have met each other. It makes me in awe of the community we’re in & how people are willing to help.

I’m glad to be in this community and I hope I can also lend a helping hand one fine day.. I got to learn how to do it ..

yes, this place and the people here are amazing. June 2017 was when I joined and it was definitely one of those 'meant to be' moments. ❤️

So happy to hear from you again and know of all the help you have received @misslasvegas!! And as stubborn as you call I am, mine was a gift so no repayment please as it was just a small gift! We have seen people in need on this platform, I too have rally upfunds before and people gave so generously unto me, so whenever I can, I want to be a giver, big or small :) This platform has made it possible for us to connect from different continents so this is certainly my pleasure. You have been through a lot and taking the children along, the last thing you need to worry about is money. If it can be solved by money, then the problem isn't a problem :)

Much love to you as you recover from such a trip, emotionally and physically <3 See you around after this!

Yes, this platform is something else. And the people here....just wow. Thank you again for your help, I can't even begin to describe how much it means to me. Much love to you!

Awwww... this post is filled with so mich love from everyone. You are one lucky momma, there are so many who loves you. Truly you have found a family here. It is rare to have one. Treasure all your friends, they are in limited edition..

This is by far one of the greatest testimony from steemit that is not only inspiring but uplifting. Money is not always an issue, friends do matter.


Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @maquemali! Yes, this platform and its people is amazing! The community spirit is coming back and it's starting here!

Yes it is!!! and its overflowing and overwhelming how people reach out and help out each other. I love it! I am in no way regretting being part of the wonderful community.

So happy that you were able to get the financial support you needed, sorry I could not help you out in that way. But I have been thinking of you lots and sending you lots of yellow healing energy and warmth. It has been a crazy couple of months of late but hopefully now things are starting to settle down. Much love xxxx

Thank you @trucklife-family, and no worries, I got all the help I needed and soooo much support from everyone, yourself included. You are going through some rough times too. I truly hope things will settle for all of us soon. ❤️❤️❤️

So glad you were able to be there for your friends! They'll never forget it, as I never forgot those who were there for me when I lost my sister. I'm so glad they have a strong family unit, it will be a tremendous help. Though it's truly time that is the healer.


@dreemit, I never even responded to your first comment in which you told me this. I am so sorry you had to go through the heartbreak of losing your sister. I've seen Levy's brother and how he dealt with it, he was such a rock to everybody! But of course he also had his own moments of intense grief. This was his little brother and best buddy!
Yeah, I do think time is the healer, but even though it moves fast, it heals slowly...

Is the older brother the only sibling? I was fortunate to still have my brother, we grew extremely close after we lost her, and continue to be best buds. It would have been so much worse if we didn't have each other. My heart aches for his brother and the whole family :(

Yes, it was only the two boys :(

Amazing inspirationaly story loved it

A loving and kind platform really!
Welcome back, @misslasvegas trust you doing good now

absolutely! Thank you.

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