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in #steemit6 years ago

I would like to have the option of sending memos to notes or like a Steemit email. For me it is never an annoyance because I firmly believe the answer lies in managerial solutions. But then I am from NYC metro and as long as I'm afforded the tools, juggling and responding over an InfoWire is part of daily life.

I have played around with stuff like this years ago:

For me, a Steemit email-or-sticky-board that I can glimpse in a matter of seconds, is more important than negligible upvotes.

Really, any development issue has got to have a solution in minizing characters. Heck, even a limit of 15 characters can do wonders for leveraging the networking power that we have here on a blockchain-based-blogging-network.

Scrolling through the "Claims Reward Histroy" is such a downer for my inner-inner-city-child. Would rather just have regular email contact or maybe begin every message memo with a bunch of *********************


I've been rolling around the idea of adapting memos into basically an instant messaging system in the Steem application frontend I'm working on. Basically you whilelist some user(s), then the whole transfer bit is put behind the scenes. From the front it would look just like an instant messenger, complete with notifications, encryption and so forth.

At least that's how it would work in my head. I'm having quite a bit of trouble with signing transactions right now, but once I get that done things will really start moving.

Dear @a-non-e-moose

I've been rolling around the idea of adapting memos into basically an instant messaging system in the Steem application frontend I'm working on

Wow. That sounds impressive. Would you mind telling me more about your project? What is goal of your frontend? And are you doing it for fun or is it project you hope to monetize in the future? Just curious.


Agreed @crypto.piotr.

My time is limited, but let me know if I can lend a hand @a-non-e-moose. Or at least keep me updated- connect via discord, etc.

I'll take you up on that offer to lend a hand!

Maybe you can help me with transaction signing. That would be amazingly helpful, and I would appreciate the gracious use of your limited time @machnbirdsparo.

How's your cryptography? Are you familiar with ECDSA?

I chose java for this one. Virtually nobody is working in java around here, so not a lot in the way of resources or examples.

If you don't mind, give me a quick rundown of your experience with Steem software stuff and your familiarity with these mentioned concepts. It's difficult to know what someone's skills are right off the bat, but once we get that out of the way (and your time and willingness to help are in confluence of course) I'd be happy to have some help.

If you do respond, after that we can get into the nuts and bolts of the matter via memo or something.

but send stuff my way that is already out there

I doubt I would be of much help in this regard. While I was able to get onto the initial EOS testnet (did a post about that), and was recognized on the LN testnet, I found I do not have the equipment for becoming a Steem witness.

In regards to cryptography, I merely played around with some stuff back when first learning some networking-sec with WOW and mixed in some math apps in conjunction with a computer ed course.
The result was an interactive IFR flight tutorial- merely html, css, php, javascript.. some other languages got stuff to work but would not list - looked at Python and Java for a bit- forget I mentioned them.

I believe I would need to start at the beginning. My recreational and professional peering into underlying Bitcoin tech would accelerate efforts though. While I have heard of ECDSA, I have only overviewed the crypto sig tech for discernment.

With guidance I can make some headway. Don't want to waste either of out time, but certainly of interest and considered important.

Hi @machnbirdsparo

I think you've missed very interesting comment here :)

Did not expect people active on Steemit so was not checking every day.. also busy :) nickle and diming it

My project, which I've recently named Sauna, is intended to one day be a full featured Steem frontend that runs as it's own program locally on your machine and connects directly to public steem nodes to interact with the blockchain, not as a website fed to you by some far away server. That's the long term goal anyway.

Right now Sauna does an alright job as a content viewer. I can see my feed and read each post in it and get all relevant info like number of votes the post got or the comments.

Unfortunately I'm still trying to crack an important part of the puzzle, signing transactions. I need to figure out how to properly implement the cryptography library I'm using before I can do things that change the blockchain state such as upvoting, posting, or transfers.

Once that's all squared away, I'll be free to get down to honing the UX and implementing some of my more outside the box ideas, like that instant messenger. It's all still very early on however, and I don't exactly work on it full time. More like at my leisure these days.

I'm certainly having fun developing Sauna, but I will monetize it insomuch as I will accept donations and blog about it on Steem. I'm not going to sell copies or anything like that and I plan to make it open source freeware. I think of it more as volunteer work than as a hustle; I don't expect to make much from this, but I think it could turn out to be a valuable tool. Perhaps I'll see some of that value translate into more crypto in my wallets :) that would be nice.

I have a few other posts that talk about it from the past if you're interested. I'm about to make a new one soon too, so stay tuned ;)

I am not a developer, but the stuff you mentios sounds like what the Whaleshares people have a handle on. Are you on Whaleshares? Also, link me the other Sauna posts.

A while back, when I first joined Steem, I looked up the definition to see if Larimer the Younger had something up his sleeve. I debated whether to post about the definition of Steem, but decided on an image of the albedo effect with the Sun's rays in the distance.

So with that and your post, I wonder, what is it like to put Steem IN a Sauna rather than bearing the weight of producing new Steem. ...How about funneled Plasma.

Oh wow, new vocabulary!

I always thought "Steem" was meant to be a play on "Steam" with how the logo looks. Something like "Esteem" without the E.

Doesn't matter really though. As good old Willy Shakespeare says, even if you don't call it a rose it still smells good.

Edit: Just saw that steem in this sense is based on the word esteem. While this is neat, I must say I'm even more confused about the name and it's relationship to the steamy looking logo.

So if Larimer the Younger did not back into the name as such, and intended the Steemit logo to be a reflection of Cees, then it would follow:

that a living flame of flickering written content ...

would exist to gleam reflections of thought ...

of the writer, the reader, and hopes of new birth through discourse

... aside.. Kids.. what does Steeming it mean to you ? :)

LOL we were obsolete b4 we began.. tis the way of educational institutions - well according to current administrations :/

I am with you. Results matter. Long-term ones especially. So if our minds lend to steam power of hot air causing us to rise to the top with only the word steem to have been a spark from long ago, so be it. More of us certainly need the sauna experience from the aching muscles and tight hips that our masters, the Chairs, have so cynically endowed upon us, all in an effort to keep their cushion tops warm.

Anyway, here's the links to all my posts about Sauna, the newest are at the top.

I've definitely slowed down with posting about it, but I've been pretty consistently slamming my head against the as yet unyielding wall that is transaction signing. This progress, if you can call it that, isn't at all flashy and doesn't lend itself well to blogging.

I got a helper who, if I'm lucky, is working on making the UI less of a torture device while I wrestle the cryptography. I'm actually itching to make a new post, but I'm waiting on a new UI version that implements some of the feedback I've gotten.

I have done some other stuff that is a bit more visible in between struggling against the cryptography, so I might make a post about that even before I get the new UI.

I've never heard of Whaleshares, but if these "Whaleshares people" can lead me to getting transaction signing validly implemented I'll go far out of my way to get in touch with them.

Thanks @machnbirdsparo!

Glad you got the helper and glad you slowed down. Keeping these posts on my todo list. Will try to do a flyby comment session b4 the weeks up.

Join us on the Whaleshares discord channel here:

Sign up for an account here:

Friend me here:
Or reply to this comment if you cannot find me.

I know of devs working on getting Whaleshares to make use of Larimer's inspiration. I think they would get a kick out of your Java effort if no one else is working on it.

Let me know when you're set up.

I have been live with them as transaction signing specifically, as well as, other witness tech stuff was discussed.

So I guess you did it. I finally got myself a discord account, something I've been avoiding even though many Steemians have recommended doing so. I'm having some trouble with verifying my email though. Unfortunately I've lost the motivation to continue fiddling with it right now, but I'll take some more looks at it over time.

Edit: I tried to use this channel invite, but discord says it's expired.

I know the feeling. Easy once all set up.
Whenever you get on, message me.
Yeah the discord invites expire. Either refresh or find another ..
the name of the channel is
"Whaleshares Official"
no quotes

! a lot happens on discord :)

Dear @a-non-e-moose

I wonder why did you name your project "Sauna" :) It's a pretty name but just ... little bit strange :)

Right now Sauna does an alright job as a content viewer. I can see my feed and read each post in it and get all relevant info like number of votes the post got or the comments

Wow. Are you using phyton or some other programming language to do all of that?

The biggest reason why I like website front-end is the fact, that I can open each comment in new tab. And then reply to all of them one by one. If someone has 5-10 comments daily then it's not much needed. But any user with solid engagement will need that feature.

So just think about it while building your tool. Perhaps you can add "tabs"? So I could click on particular comments and "open them in new tab"?

Once that's all squared away, I'll be free to get down to honing the UX

All those IT explanations - that's just to much for me haha :)

I don't expect to make much from this, but I think it could turn out to be a valuable tool.

I could help you by sharing feedback. After all I'm quite succesful Steemit user and I've been in social media marketing for past 3 years already so I kind of understand "marketer" needs more than most people do.

I'm about to make a new one soon too, so stay tuned ;)

If you ever do - PLEASE send me memo or drop a comment with a link.


If someone has 5-10 comments daily then it's not much needed. But any user with solid engagement will need that feature.

I came up with Sauna because of the word play of Steem. A sauna is a place you go to be exposed to steam, and my frontend intends to be a where you go to be exposed to Steem. Consider it a continuation of Steem's long tradition of terrible names ;)

Nothing is set in stone though; if I get inspired to a better name I'll go with that. It's not my main concern these days. It doesn't matter what I name it, just how well it works.

I'm using the java programming language for this project. I picked java for security, and because I like the architecture and language. In java, programs run on a standard virtual machine. For this reason, any java executable (an executable JAR) can be copied and run on any computer that can run that virtual machine, which is a lot of them, regardless of operating system or other details of host system implementation.

I'm sure I could get comparable cross-platform compatibility with python, or a lot of other languages, but I like java. There's also virtually nothing built for the Steem blockchain with java, and it's kind of neat to be taking the road less traveled.

Tabs as you describe them here are well within the realm of possibility. This is exactly the kind of feedback I'm looking for! I'll surely come back to this tabs concept as I make more progress. Anything I can do to help facilitate the needs of different users will make Sauna a stronger frontend.

I will certainly keep an eye out for your feedback, and I will definitely send you a little memo when I get around to making my next development update.

Thanks @crypto.piotr!

Please refer to my other comment on this post regarding the Sauna name and my testnet attempts. One of the testnet obstacles I hit was that I needed Windows "Pro" for the virtual machine for.. either EOS or LN (think it was EOS- my computer tech stuff is always in a cloud as I file it deep away when no longer working on a project). Like starting an old car with a quarter inch of dust, plus I am quite inexp.

Anyway, I think there is something there with Sauna and as I mentioned Plasma

I'm sure I could get comparable cross-platform compatibility with python, or a lot of other languages, but I like java. There's also virtually nothing built for the Steem blockchain with java, and it's kind of neat to be taking the road less traveled.
I don't have much free time on my hands, but if you are set on a development course, feel free to include me in the discussion and I'll see what I can pick up. Yes on the road less traveled.

Dear @a-non-e-moose

Thank you for your amazing comment and Im sorry for such a late reply. For some reason I've missed your reply and I only had a chance to read it now.

Big Thx for always being so responsive.

ps. If your Sauna project would be ready and if you would like me to help you market it (as a friendly favour) on Steemit, then let me know. I will gladly support your efforts.


I have no problem with late replies. As long as I'm still alive it's not too late. The blockchain's not going anywhere.

I'll definitely get back to you on that marketing stuff once the time comes. Thanks for the offer.

Dear @machnbirdsparo

For me it is never an annoyance because I firmly believe the answer lies in managerial solutions.

I appreciate your kind comment.

Please keep in mind, that you can count on my help (whenever I can support you, I will) :)

You could always send me memo with link to your publication and 2-3 sentences description ? I will gladly support you with upvote, will drop a comment.


I'll keep that in mind as I re-establish myself with M^5Wire.

Have you heard of the @steem-plus plugin ?


Plenty of other features as well. (just to show a few)

This tool makes it super easy to filter memos.@crypto.piotr I wonder if you have heard of this plugin ?

I use this, but have been sort of away from Steem and missed much of their upgrades. TY

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