Do You Care Too Much About Steemit Blogging Rewards? Find Out Here.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago

8 months ago, I did a little experiment on myself. I hid all the monetary rewards on Steemit for 24 hours. Now might be a good time to do it again.

Check out that post to understand what I mean: The Steemit $$$ Challenge: Prove To Yourself Why You Are Here

There seems to be some drama on Steemit about an experiment being run related to those with high STEEM Power not voting with their full vote power in order to increase the influence of the votes from accounts with less STEEM Power. I'm quite fascinated by the experiment and am curious to see what happens. I've seen my normal $0.01 vote go to $0.04 which is kind of neat. But... then the flags came. Some high STEEM Power holders didn't want to play along, so they continued voting and some others decided to counteract their votes with a flag (technically a "down vote" as far as the blockchain itself is concerned). The flamewars concerning flags and downvotes have been going on for months, and I've mostly stayed out of it. It's possible I've argued for both sides at different times.

This early in STEEM and Steemit's life, I don't really care.

I'm here for the long term. I think this is amazing technology, and I love how it has kept me consistently writing since I joined in June of last year. I love how I wrote some PHP code to work with the blockchain itself and how much fun I had in the process. I love the discussions I have here. A recent post of mine had 85 quality comments! How fantastic is that?!

So let's move on from worrying about the price. I've invested real money into this platform and technically, on paper, that's a loss to me. I purchased at much higher prices. I'm not worried because I didn't invest more than I could lose, and I believe in the long term prospects here. I have a right to be upset, but I'm not. In my opinion, there's far too much drama over this experiment. I say let it play out and see what happens. If the $$$ causes you trouble, go back to running my 24 hour experiment.

Here, this will make it easy:

Install Stylish and the "no prices" plugin here:

I just reinstalled it myself, and it still works great.

If you're too wrapped up in rewards for blogging you feel you deserve, then maybe take a break from Steemit or take a break from the rewards process via this Stylish plugin.

Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Medium... they don't pay anyone a penny and no one cares. Let's not get caught up in unnecessary drama. Life is a gift. Treat it as such, and you'll never be disappointed.

As I've said many times before, Steem On.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, voluntaryist, and blockchain enthusiast. He wants to help create a world we all want to live in.


This early in STEEM and Steemit's life, I don't really care.

Same here. For me the most important thing is the Steem blockchain. With Fabric it will be possible to build a much larger ecosystem and the blogging won't be the only thing. Current dissatisfaction with some system parameters is pretty much non-problem in the long run.

People just have a tendency to look only what's immediately in front of them and not keep in mind the bigger picture.

If somebody feels bad how Steemit works today, they should go and read the roadmap for this year. It will help to recall what's really happening and what's truely important.

This says it all right here!!

Yep... too much drah-mah! I've been watching the show... and I struggle to get past a pervasive sense of entitlement underlying much of what is being said. I've been blogging and writing for over 20 years and most of it has been for free... so getting a few bucks here is a nifty bonus, not something to feel like I am "owed."

In a sense, this whole scuffle has been cool because the level of comments and interaction per post is WAY up... and isn't that what "community" and "social" are really about?

I struggle to get past a pervasive sense of entitlement underlying much of what is being said

So true! I've written about entitlement before. It's a powerful thing we need to be wary of.

isn't that what "community" and "social" are really about?

Heck yeah! Social media without social is just media. I love social media.

Sorry for linking out to older posts, but you're hitting things I love talking about. :)

I like your writing and your thinking, so I'll go check 'em out.

The sense of entitlement is mindblowing. I personally believe this experiment is fantastic for Steemit.

On a sidenote, the moment I started free writing forgetting about any rewards or pleasing anyone it became a lot more pleasant to write.

There's a lot of study about how intrinsic verses extrinsic motivation impacts creative activity. If we're doing it for rewards, quality and enjoyment will go down. The activity itself my stop completely.

As you've said "Steem On", things will sort themselves out. Resteemed

Thanks for your wise words, Luke. I reblogged them right away :)
It´s good to have people like you on board who stay grounded no matter what happens. It´s definitely the right way to align our focus with the long term goals and solutions.
There is enough drama in the real world, we don´t need to build any artificial one here on the blockchain.
Steem on - yes! :)

I am more excited when I see a 4:1 or 3:1 ratio of votes to comments than I have been for monetary rewards. I mean, monetary - really??? STEEM value is low and I have been powering up so it's kind of like monopoly money to me anyway. I'm here for the community and to put my stuff on the blockchain.

YES! I'm the same way. Also taking to account the number of readers to comments. Interaction is better and more sustainable. The money will come if you're deserving of it.

Forgive me for my shortest comment ever but all I can say is "I totally agree!"

Rock on, @merej99!

I'm here to put my stuff on the blockchain.

That's a friggen battle cry if I've ever heard one. That's awesome.

Keep rocking.

I am thankful to everybody who taught me, an old school girl who didn't even know what an email was in 2002, about blockchain, cryptotrading and so much more. What a wacky but lovely community and I feel that I belong. I gained self confidence getting my word out . That's massive because I never liked to go too much public nor personal. I never belonged to the big earning stars but since June I am collecting my steem little by little. I love my wallet! So , every experiment helping to get us moving further and ahead is more than welcome. I can take it ! The Downflags I mean! I put my 💄on , get a couple of pro seccos and sit back :) and see what's next while I keep on steeming.

Hahah! I love it. That's a strong, confident attitude and the world needs more of it.

hahaha back to you ! I mean it ! That's how I walk my Austrian Techno steemit girl walk :)

It's a good thing you helped re-adjust my perspective regarding this when you did! Right now, I'm really just laughing this whole experiment off. I feel more bad about how people are dealing with this. It's not really getting the results that they intended, I think. Some people are being supported by a lot more people than others, and the majority of responses are very negative. For the past few posts, I haven't even been looking at my earnings, I'm just trying to enjoy the healthy interaction that I've been getting lately. That's in large part thanks to you, my friend :D

Thanks Jed! I love, love, love that you've adjusted your emotional responses to your own expectations. Healthy interactions are what it's all about, especially the ones in our own mind!

If posting stories and blogs bring value to you, then do it. Intrinsic motivation is more beneficial than extrinsic motivation by every conceivable measure regarding creative activity. Know yourself, know what you want, and take appropriate steps forward. You can't lose with that strategy because it only depends on you, not on the actions of others.

I just needed a little push, and you provided that for me. It didn't just apply for Steemit, as it really trickled into the real world as well. That's why I'm very grateful of you tutelage, Luke. I know it took some minutes of your day to respond, and I just want you to know that I'm very appreciative of you lending those minutes.

I've actually been preaching the Word of Luke in the real world, and it's being received quite well. Know that you are getting full credit for it :D

Hahah! Oh man. Please don't give me too much credit. Glad the things that have been helpful for me to learn are helpful for you as well. :)

As Marshall Rosenberg talks about in NVC, the greatest thing we can do as human beings is meet the needs of others. Thank you for sharing this with me and letting me know my small investment was worthwhile to you.

Thank you for passing on the knowledge :D This is #payitforward in all of its glory. Heck, I even caught the voluntaryist bug from you! Haha!

Good ideas don't require force. :)

Preach, brother! No truer words :D

Very nice post! Congratulations !!!

You have a great outlook on this issue. I agree with more than one point you made. Like taking a break. It's healthy to take a break from things now and then. For those of us who post daily, it's nice to get a brief "vacation." And like you said, millions of people are posting on "Fakebook" and gaining nothing at all. Steemit is still a great project with a bright future.

I think it has a bright future, but even if it does not, I've greatly enjoyed my time here so far.

I joined for free, have had fun posting/talking with some very nice people. The chance of a few cents occasionally is a bonus. My biggest moan is everybody gets lots of votes, but, when you look, very few have bothered to see what they are voting for.

Yeah, the bot situation annoyed me a lot early on as well. I've seen decided I'm okay with using steemvoter to vote authors I consistently like. I may not read all their posts, but I want to continue rewarding them for delivering consistent value and since I have STEEM Power to vote on how the rewards pool should be divided (even if it's just a few cents here and there), I'm okay with voting for people I like to participate in some of that reward. That's been my justification lately, anyway. I've switched back and forth on the issue as it's not a simple one.

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