Win $20 SBD: How Has Steemit Improved Your Inner Self? Closes July 2nd.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Steemit is a platform about bringing value to the community. When many of us very first begin story posting we wonder why our posts are not doing so well.

This begins the period of initial reflection.

  • What am I doing wrong?
  • Why are others posts doing better than mine?
  • How can I improve?

Some don't try to improve and continue posting invaluable content.
Some try to emulate other posts.
Some give up.

Then there are those that begin to reflect on their inner self to empower them self to help improve their content.

  • What skills would I like to develop for Steemit that also bring me personal satisfaction?
  • How can I be a better Steemian — one that I would like to be a part of my tribe?
  • How can I be a more positive influence on Steemit?
  • What culture do I want to help create on Steemit?
  • How can I make a difference on Steemit?
  • How do I want to be remembered on Steemit?

Learning about oneself and improving on that self is a lifelong task. However, this platform makes it a daily part of our life if we allow it and I find that healthy.

For me personally, I used this platform to blog about my struggles with alcoholism. This helped me achieve sobriety by receiving the support of many others. I continue to blog about sobriety to not only help myself but to help others who may be struggling with the same issue.

Through this blogging experience, I began to reflect what in life is truly important to me. I learned to develop a strong family, forming a closer bond with God, helping others, and owning the experience that was war are central to who I want to be.

By learning this about myself I want to bring value to the community by:

  • Posting about my family and how we try to raise our children in a positive environment to help foster ideas for other parents or bring happiness to those who may not be at that stage in their life.
  • Showing my vulnerabilities through the sobriety posts to show others we are human, have weaknesses, and can improve on those weaknesses.
  • Showing love for others by helping where I can through service or promoting posts of Steemians who may need financial assistance.
  • Sharing various experiences about war to reveal the human aspect, thus fostering thought in regard to the consequences of war.

For this post please share how Steemit improved your inner self and how that improvement helped you to bring value to the community. To qualify, write a STORY POST of at least 300 words, leave the link in the reply section, and upvote the post. The winner receives $20 SBD.

Because self-improvement is subjective, the winner will be chosen at random using This allows for the ability to give a link and password for fellow Steemians to view the result and to ensure their name was included if they submitted an entry. The link and password will be included in the post declaring the winner on July 3rd.

Post Closes July 2nd at 2:50 pm CST

I look forward to reading your posts and it is my desire for these posts to provoke thought within the community in regard to self-improvement. Your post may be the very post to allow a fellow Steemian to analyze something within their self they may have never thought to analyze; resulting in an increase of their value to the Steemit Community.

1 Nevit Dilman CC BY-SA 3.0
2 Rasmus Olsen CC BY-SA 2.0, redesign by @lexikon082
3 Nevit Dilman CC BY-SA 3.0
4 Linkedin Slideshare

See the Latest Gift Reveal! Click Here To Support the Hamburger Saint Project In Rememberance of Sgt. Michael Barkey KIA Ar Ramadi, Iraq July 7, 2004

Submit Questions To Be Answered By WoldDawg Every Saturday


Article explaining inspiration

If you enjoyed this post, please upvote and follow if you desire! I mostly story post about my sobriety, family, effects of war, and the crazier parts of my life. However, if it interests me I may just Steem about it! Steem on Steemians!


Steemit has made me a better person and thus improved my innerself by making me concentrate more on issues that matters most to succeed in life an example is descipline and hardowrk. Before am always out and chilling after the days job however steemit has thought me to stay calm and communicate what I like plus read blogs of intelligent guys like you and thus learn more. A win win for me and you... upvoted, thanks for sharing.

@charles1 Would you please put this into a 300 word(or more) story post? I want these stories to be able to reach the community and not be stuck in the reply section. I not only want to read them, but I want the community to be able to read them to. BTW it's super great that Steemit is making you more productive and to focus on hard work and discipline. Don't forget to leave the link to your story post if you decide to make it.

Oh, that will be a stretch for me now, due to work schedules. I just commented on your good initiative . Great guy...more success

Ok. I just wanted to make sure you understood how to qualify and didn't want you to feel jipped if you were not included in the drawing. I do appreciate your comment. If you do have time the post doesn't end until 12:50 CST on July 2nd. I hope you have a good work week.

Just wanted to say this is an awesome thing you're doing, :). Thanks!

Much Appreciation. I would love to see participants and read how their inner self has been improved by this platform. It's a truly unique quality of Steemit.

Here is my Story Link --

@lexikon082 please consider it. I have Upvoted as well.

people please upvote, Comment and Resteemit.
Thank You

Thanks so much. The winner will be random because I feel self-improvement can be subjective for an outsider looking in. Thanks so much for your post and I will be looking at it now.

Steemit has really helped my inner self for the reason I have battled Rhuematoid Arthritis for the past 26 yrs. I have been a stay at home wife because of it. So Steemit has allowed me to earn extra cash we in other words would not have. It makes me feel like I'm contributing to my household. Thank you @lexikon082

Would you be able to put that into a 300 hundred word post, as it was part of the conditions? I would truly love to hear your story as my mother suffers from severe debilitating RA.

Smile for you and a good mood
(ᵔᴥᵔ) aaaand little ApVote from @burundel

Thanks for the positive vibes and upvote.

Right on brother! Very nice post and generous offer you put together. As I am still quite new to Steemit, I have yet to even really begin into my stories. I will certainly join this contest and look forward to writing my entry.

The Last Sage

I look forward to seeing your post.

Good thinking!)

Ty. I really look forward to seeing these posts.

Here is my submission for your contest. If you would like, please follow me as I am relatively new to this community. Thanks for the consideration, and congratulations to the winner in the event that I do not win...Steem-on!

Hey, Brother! It doesn't have to be creative. Just shoot it straight. It's probably the best way to do this post.

My existence seemed futile.
Then I found Steemit!

This jumped off the page at me. I felt like I was reading a mirror. I look forward to your post.

Awesome and challenging.

You can do it! Challenging yourself is part of the process.

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