Can Autovoting Make Life A Bit Easier? I Guess We'll See

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

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Streamlining Life

When I made up my mind to go all in on Steemit about 4 months ago one of the things that I wanted to make sure I did was to do my best to reply to everyone's comments and upvote them as well. At least the ones that are not spam and people just looking for upvotes. Tons of you have supported my work for a while now. Due to me taking on more responsibility in the Steemit/DTube community things have came to somewhat of a crawl as far as replying to comments and upvoting them.

I enjoy what I do. It's amazing to be able to inspire, motivate, and encourage people. I also of course know that I am not a machine which I have to remind myself of all the time. Otherwise I will try to climb Mount Everest in one day so to speak with trying to get my work done. 

So here's what I will do to make sure I am still supporting those of you who support me. I am now compiling a comment autovote list. Here's the rundown of how this will go. 

Comment Autovote Details

  • I will select the most loyal commenters to go on the comment autovote list (spammers and bots this sucks for you)
  • You will get only one upvote on each post you comment on and a maximum of two upvotes per day even if you write more comments
  • I will increase the upvote weight to offset not voting every single comment from each person per post
  • I will stratify the percentage of voting weight each person receives. I think this is only fair in order to reward those that continue to show support vs those who support every now and then

Some of you mentioned that abusers would take advantage of the autovoting. However, the cool thing is that I have control over who makes the autovote list or not. So those of you, you know who you are, that always support and encourage me will be on that list without question. Much love to everyone.

What are some topics you would like for me to cover?

Have you joined the OneLoveDtube discord group HERE?

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Auto voting is a good idea, but I personally like manual voting!


I like it too but man it;s getting even more difficult to do it all manually.

Autovoting makes the whole idea of voting simpler and less stressful compared to manual voting. Am cool with the idea

This is a great way to simplify your work here. Everyone will get what he deserves. You worked hard and so you reached a new level. I have been watching you for a long time and therefore I can say that you deserve all your achievements. It's nice to see that you do not forget all those who support you. This is a good example for others.

The main quality of a good message is a call to meditation and the benefits of information being presented. In your messages, these two qualities are combined. So you started to develop and got a good position in OneLoveDtube .

What topics would you like to tell me?

There are many such topics. When I have free time, I want to talk to you in a discord.

Man you can talk to me anytime. I try to answer when I can. You've also supported me for a very long time. There are no words that can describe how i really feel about the support. Amazing!

An interesting idea, this could give you more time to work on your posts and community projects. Im interested how it will work out for you.

I want to be more directly involved with things that go on in the community. That is what I hope to gain from my role with the ONeLoveDtube group. That combined with me continuing to produce my usual content.

Bro your evolving into a buisnes man! 💛

Because you have so many commenters, that should save you some time. What service are you using to do that? I use an autovoter service to hit some of my favorite authors (like you) in case I'm not around to see the post. I don't know that it has an option to upvote commenters. What's your secret? :)

It seems like you're getting organized and that should help in a lot of ways. As things start getting crossed off your list and you start feeling like you're making progress, you'll get even more pumped to see more dominoes fall. I hope it keeps happening!

Yea I have to start automating some stuff but I don't want to lose the human element all together. But this should help out big time. Check out this cool service.

Look at that! "Upvote Comments" Brilliant!

I get not wanting to lose the human element, but for people like you, I don't want you missing out on my vote because I believe in your content and you as a person. I want to support that, so I set the autovoter to give you a vote and then when I have time I come read the article. At least then if I don't have time, you still get a boost. I think that's what it's about, at least it is for me.

I didn't even know this was possible!!

What are some topics you would like for me to cover?

What are you using to auto upvote the comments? How? Could you do a tutorial to teach us how to do it? I would love to see it!

I totally understand you auto upvoting some people, you get around 20-30 comments each post, you have a life, you have to create content, you have to take care of your child... it's a lot of work for just 24 hours!!

What normally helps me during times when i'm overworked is having a schedule, you might need one... but it would kinda runaway from the whole point of being a full-time steemian which is not work a 9-5 job...

Schedules and me don;t mix but what I am getting better at is setting rough time frames for when I need to complete things. This gives me a bit of flexibility.

Lol bro I am so late to reply to this. But I actually did a tutorial on how to use Steemauto in this link.

@humanearl sir...
What are some topics you would like for me to cover?
This is my entry....

  1. Self improvement/Self-Hypnosis
  2. Health & Fitness for Busy People
  3. Language Learning Blogs
  4. How to Travel on a Budget (Best hotel deals. Car rental. Trip advice.)
  5. Writing Style
  6. Rescued Animals
  7. Personal Development (Passions & Ambition Pursuing)
  8. Social Dynamics & Communication Skills
  9. Working in Uncommon Fields of Expertise While Location Independence
  10. Self Defense
  11. Recipes for couples without children
  12. Male guide to female communication
  13. Using technology in small business (Google Docs, CRM, credit card processing)
  14. Blogging about special kinds of foods (we’ve got a course on this one!)
  15. Bullying/cyber bullying

Wel done and perfect work sir...

Great list! I'm not versed in all that but I'm sure I could do some of them. #1 is one that I do alot.

@humanearl, that would be very interesting idea to improve followers list. Autovote selection better but I like most manual curation yet. However I every time agree with your best opinions. Stay Blessed.

I know. I like doing it manually too but with more people supporting me it is getting very difficult to do it that way. So far the autovoting has been working but I need to make sure everyone is getting there votes.

You look good brothern, I can tell the spirit is in you Today!
Amen,You just lifted my day and changed my direction :)
Thats how powerful the spirit can be...
Thank You and GB!

Amen to that. Be praying for me. Been frustrated lately.

Will Pray,, remember dear brother being frustrated is just not being able to move past something usually by your choice because you care :)
Stead Fast and It will pass if it hasn't already.
#smtfloridacommunity #smtcommunity #onelovedtube

You sure are going to great extent buddy !Getting together many in one place by your posts :)

Well yes it will make your work pretty easy and will save your time :)

looking forward to this effect of the autovote ;)

No worries my man. You are on the list for sure

It really means a lot to me buddy :)

Steem on !

Though taking a place on the list of auto voting by you do counts to me but for me your meaningful and positive posts load with energy and optimism are a treasure which is priceless.
Whenever I find time to be on steemit you are one of few people I like to visit.
Every time you come up with an idea that is very innovative and useful for many.
Thank You for being here to encourage and change thinking of many for good.

This is a golden comment. It's priceless too.

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