Steem Analytics Update (Voting History & More Stats)

in #steemit6 years ago

This update brings an anticipated new feature "Analyse Voters" as well as additional visual stat charts and a revised layout.

Have you ever wanted to get to know some of the people who write on Steemit a bit better?

Steem Analytics

Steem Analytics is a tool that allows you to browse user profiles visually and get some statistics on the posting and voting history, as well as useful links to some of the more seminal posts by each user

  • If you are a casual or new Steemian this App may help you get to know other Steemians.
  • If you are a professional blogger features of the site will help you analyse your engagement and posting history on Steem(/it).


The Voter Tab adds a visual representation of each users voting history based on the people that have voted for them over time.

Learn who your biggest supporters are!

Voting History

This example shows the voters that voted for @dantheman.

  • You can see for the first few months, he upvoted himself a lot but this stopped later on.
  • The size of the words represents the rshares of the votes in each month.
  • The colour distinguishes between different voters.

More Visual Stats

Another great addition in this update are more stats. You can now see how per post averages are tracking per month since you started posting; Payout, Votes, Comments

as well as some metrics to get insight into the posting style; Average number of Images used, Average number of Words used

Try Steem Analytics Today

There are many more useful features on this site, and more to come. Try out Steem Analytics and let me know what you think.

Please Upvote and Resteem to spread the word about this tool if you like it.

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Thank you for reading this. I write on Steemit about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Travel.


I wonder if there will ever be a tool to calculate % of bots votes. What Im trying to say is that we know that around ~5% of daily votes are made by bots but Im curious of their value. I think their influance is much bigger than 5%.
I hope I expressed my thoughts correctly and you will be able to understand what I meant to say 😂
Keep up your great work sir! 🤗

That would be interesting alright. I'll definitely get on that. It will be specific to users but you would be able to see how much individual people are using bots.

It's very interesting topic in my opinion.5% of the whole amount is not that much but Im preety sure that % of whole value is much bigger.
I asked somebody once about that(not sure but I think it was peanguinpablo) and he said that it's impossible to calculate that because you can't get this kind of data.
But if the tool could calculate that for specific users wouldnt it be possible to calculate influances on all users all together?

For bot votes do you mean auto voting bots or upvote bots?

Auto vote bots can be estimated by looking at voting frequency over a period of time.
Bot votes are much easier to calculate by building in an indicator for known voting bot accounts.

Amount of daily bid-bods votes is well known(~5% of all daily votes)
But I've never seen statistics about percentage value of those votes.(?% of daily value of all votes comes from votes made only by bid bots)
Sorry for my poor english.Now I see that I shouldn't have been skipping my previous english classes lol

Very interesting stats @eroche. Thank you.

A couple of things it would be fun to see - being able to add another user so you could compare what they're doing, i.e. seeing 2 accounts at the same time.

A days of the week collumn. I'm really curious to see whether my posts do better on certain days of the week or whether I'm just imagining it.

Also, the table arrows are a bit confusing. They might be better placed in front of the column title rather than at the end (Or maybe I'm just a bit slow 😂)

Great suggestions, what metrics would you like to compare between users?

To be honest @eroche I wasn't thinking of anything particularly. It was when I looked at the first post plots I found myself thinking I wonder what xxx's looks like compared to mine. And then wondered that on a couple of the others too. 😁

That idea was more from curiosity than usefulness really. But the days of the week could be really useful to know if some days are significantly better than others.

I also think time of the day makes a difference but, again I could be imagining that. 😁

I'll have a think about this and see what I can come up with. It would be really useful to compare what your doing vs someone else to see areas you can improve our differences that may be giving them an edge.

Great. Thanks @eroche! 😊

How have I not seen this site before?! I like it, and it looks like you're taking suggestions to make improvements. That's awesome. I don't know if I have any suggestions off the top of my head—I'll need to go back and look around some more, but it's nice to have a tool like this.

Finally a decent tool that lets you do some 'long term' tracking, which is great to discover new trends (and keeps me motivated to do better)

Excellent information very complete

I was really excited to find this tool, but for the last week or so it doesn't seem to be working?

I just noticed myself. Something has changed in the api that it uses. It uses appbase and that's constantly being updated.

I won't get to fix it till Monday or Tuesday but I should be able to sort it out fairly quickly. Thanks for letting me know 😉

I would have let you know earlier, but i figured you already knew :)
I would have contacted you on Discord, but i don't know how to connect with people on that platform- I only know how to message people im already connected with...

Many people wanna Steem Analytics Update.......

thanks for special share with us...

I just checked out your tool and it's really amazing.

Is there any plan ahead to chart account growth?

  • Follower growth
  • SP growth
  • Rep growth

Some of those charts are on
Although I was commenting with jesta, and a new upgrade is coming out.
And from what I gathered, after the upgrade, the charts will be gone awhile.

I'm freaking out about losing such a valuable chart. :(

Have you considered a BACKLINKS tool or feature?

I see you're doing a lot with Twitter Stats. I'm working low key on a big onboarding project that involves a lot of syndication to other blockchain and social media channels. Finding backlinks to posts, links, etc. is major for me. Do you know of any tools right now that can show backlinks to a steem post?

There are a few ways to get backlinks, it's easiest to get them if you're looking for a particular user. If you want to browse by topic it's more difficult. I might be able to help out if you let me know some more details of what your trying to get. You can connect with me on discord or steemit chat.

With respect to the other stats, I will build them in here over time. Rep growth is the most challenging but the others should be possible fairly soon.

Well, what frustrates me a little about Steem interfaces is although the wallet/account/user is our own, posts urls are so when looking for backlinks through most tools; they just look for backlinks to (have not tried with other interfaces yet.)

Internal Links

When other steem accounts make posts and link back to my post, I wish there was a way to have a list of that. Right now @ginabot sends me a notification when someone mentions my name which usually sends me posts when someone links to my posts since my username is in the url. What I wish I could know is: What posts on link to URL I imagine since the code for each post is in the blockchain, looking for a url wouldn't be so hard but it's not so easy either lol.


@snackaholic is working on an amazing tool that shows who resteemed an article.
This tool has been helpful in getting the names of people who have resteemed.

External links

Trying to figure out how to know if someone has linked to my post anywhere on the web.
Have they tweeted any of my posts?
Have they shared them on Facebook.

I guess because Steemit lacks analytics like Google Webmaster Tools or Google Analytics has, we can't really see if a post is getting traffic or if a post is being linked to.

I've tried a number of free tools online to attempt to see internal backlinks and external backlinks to my posts but none have worked yet.

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