Steemit Essentials - A World of Utility in

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

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Steemworld - One-Stop Shop for Reports and Tools

In one of my recent Steemit Essentials posts, it was suggested that I should take a closer look at Steemworld because of all it's functionality. It was even suggested - and this was pure blasphemy to me - that Steemworld was better than the Ginabot. Needless to say I had to delve into Steemworld and I am thoroughly impressed.

I often say that if you want to build your account on Steemit, you need to be using good tools to build with. Some of these are community resources like @qurator and @steembasicincome amongst others, but also there are tools that add ease of use to the functionality of Steemit (which can be clunky at times). Steemworld is one of those tools that will help save you time and make better decisions about what you do on Steemit.

Steemworld is the creation of @steemchiller and he has built an all-inclusive product that aims to limit how many outside resources you need to manage your account. He has done a fantastic job so please show him some love and thanks after you finish reading/watching this post.

Steemworld Functions

So let's start breaking it down - If you prefer to be spoon fed and can stand 15 minutes of my voice, here is the video.

For those of you that prefer to read my review, let's begin. First thing you need to do is go to Steemit Id. Once there you will see a screen similar to mine here.


You will notice right away that there is a chart showing your current voting power and what your vote is valued at. Just to the right of it you'll notice the voting value at different percentages. Next you will see columns that display your rewards for today and as far back as 5 days ago. This is some great info to have upfront and center.

Feed Tab


There is quite a lot going on here in the feed tab. It took me some time to learn how to manipulate it to get the reports I wanted. Of all the tabs available I only found a few to be very interesting to me. Perhaps you will find the others more useful, but I will walk you through the cool features of my favorites - Stats, Account Details, Followers and Mentions.

Let's explore some of my favorite features here starting with the STATS tab.

Want to know what kind of voting power a Whale has? Check out the simulator tab where you can punch in an amount of SP and find out. For me, this is useful because I can see what will happen to my SP if I let my leased SP delegations expire. All the more reason to keep my delegation going (we will discuss that at a later date on Steemit Essentials/Strategies.

Next you can see how long it will take for you to get back to 100% voting power. It gives you an estimated time. This let's you know if you should lay off the upvote button for a while. If you're falling below 80%, you're doing yourself a disservice. Learn to manage your voting power and this will help.

To the bottom right is another cool feature that you can use to get reports on incoming and outgoing votes. I absolutely LOVE this feature because it shows some easy to read charts with useful numbers. Want to know who is voting you up the most? How many times a week? This function shows you.

On the flip side, want to know where you're spending your voting power? Again, easy to read, colorful charts with a couple clicks. This is gold for me.

Account Details lets you view what your profile page says and edit it. Kind of cool if you prefer to use this site instead of your Steemit main page.

The Mentions and Followers tabs are equally cool because they let you know who has followed or mentioned you recently. You can scroll down through the history as well. However, that isn't the best part because I get all that with Ginabot anyways. The very best part is that I can quickly follow someone back when I see they are following me. For me, this a crucial bonus with the Steemworld site. For instance, I will post comments and upvote people that I think wrote a nice post, but I won't follow them until I see how well they engage with me and my comment. If they follow me, mention me and respond to my comment, then they get a "follow" from me. That is my criteria. I'm sure you have one also or do you?

Account Operations

This area is also great for reporting and for selecting items to report on. It is presenting you with a running tab of everything that is happening on your account. This is a ton of information and a lot to digest, but you can filter this information in several ways. Take a look at the photo.


You will notice that you can select the day you want info for, but more importantly you can select what type of information you want such as incoming, outgoing, or both. You can hide certain information or in the drop down menu select only a key piece of info. For example, you want to see how many upvotes you received for the day. Select incoming and in the drop down box select votes or select comments and votes and see who is actually engaging with you and not just upvoting. Super Sweet tool!

Recent Posts


Recent Posts is just what it sounds like. It gives you rewards info on your posts in STU. You can go back in your history to check out previous posts and their payouts as well. While this is good info to have, it isn't as dynamic in the way it displays as the Steem Supply variant, which is why I keep Steem Supply open on my desktop as well as Steemworld. The great thing is that the next section covers this information beautifully - Coming Rewards.

Coming Author Rewards

I love this section as much as anything on the whole site and I thank @lynnecoyle1 for letting me know that I could click on the little pies in the left hand column to see a nicely detailed pie chart of my author rewards. Too Cool for School!


The pie charts show who voted for my post or comment, what their voting weight was, and how much value it had. I will be honest that I was like a child with a new toy going through all my author rewards in detail. FUN FUN!

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Tools Section

This section needs some work. I know that some features such as the SEARCH tab are coming soon, but the other tools either didn't work for me or they weren't very valuable such as an "Upvote Tool", which I wouldn't use because I like to upvote people at the source - Their Posts. I'm hopeful that @steemchiller will be putting some more work into this section so that it is just as awesome as the other features of the site. My fingers are crossed.

Pros and Cons of Steemworld

Pros - Great reports on a wide array of useful information about your Steemit account, many features that I couldn't find elsewhere, accurate display of voting values and SP, runs on it's own page and it's FREE.

Cons - Information overload, learning curve can be steep for some users because their is no FAQ or How To section (one reason that I'm writing this post)

Conclusion and Best Use Suggestions

@steemchiller has blessed us with his hard work and provided a great resource. It has some amazing features for managing your Steemit account, but it does take a little time to get familiar with the layout and functionality.

I use Steemworld in conjunction with GinaBot and SteemSupply when I'm working on my Steemit account. All three are operating in the background and Steemworld and GinaBot are sending me constant notifications of my account activity so I'm not missing anything.

Do you have any other tools that you think are useful? Put them in the comments and I will check them out as well. The goal here is to help each other build our Steemit accounts by taking advantage of what the platform has to offer, so please share.

Of course your continued support is always welcomed and appreciated.


Other Steemit Essentials Posts -
Ginabot -

Steemauto -

Qurator -

Steemsupply -

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Special thanks for support from @qurator @dynamicsteemians @newbieresteem @resteemit @asapers

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You got a 22.21% Upvote and Resteem from @ebargains, as well as upvotes from our curation trail followers!

If you are looking to earn a passive no hassle return on your Steem Power, delegate your SP to @ebargains by clicking on one of the ready to delegate links:
50SP | 100SP | 250SP | 500SP | 1000SP | 5000SP | Custom Amount

You will earn 80% of the voting service's earnings based on your delegated SP's prorated share of the service's SP pool daily! That is up to 38.5% APR! You can also undelegate at anytime.

We are also a very profitable curation trail leader on Follow @ebargains today and earn more on curation rewards!

Absolutely awesome!! What a well-written and detailed post about something I too consider a necessity here! You're so's a bit like playing with a new toy; I still spend hours messing around in there. It is a lot of information too, but I just started with my Voting Power, Bandwidth, and Account Operations in the beginning and then slowly added the rest.

If you're ok with it, I'd like to drop this link in the @greetersguild Discord "educational library" channel for newbies to see. Let me know, and while I'm thinking of it, I can put your @ginabot post there as well.

Cheers :)

Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. I would be thrilled to have it added to the library. Anything that I can do to be helpful. Talk to you soon. :)

Wow this was a long read but all i could see was some determined energy addict that spent his time to really research and format this post properly.

I must give it to you, i'm quite jealous too. Lol

Thanks for the positive feedback! I really appreciate it. I hope it was helpful. All the best.

Yeah it was, thanks

Great article and extremely helpful. As a minnow, its been hard finding tools to do a better job on posts here. Im gonna check it out for sure. Thanks for the share!

Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I sincerely appreciate it. Please check back if you have any questions. ;)

Yo are always doing such ana amazing job!! I love every bit pf your resources. I am a daily steemworld user, literally use it every top of the hour to check in on my account updates. I can confidently say you did this post justice!!

Awwww. thanks so much. You are such a loyal follower. Love you bunches!

With content like yours the pleasure is all mine.
Keep them coming.

Good info. I've been using steemworld since shortly after I arrived on Steemit in mid-March. But I didn't know there were colorful pie charts. Gotta go check 'em out. Thanks!

Good deal! Let me know what you think of them. Thanks again for stopping by and commenting. I appreciate. ;)

You're right -- the pie charts are so colorful, it makes it a little more fun to look up my stats.

Here's something funny: The color that Steemworld assigned to my own votes in the pie charts is Yellow... the color of bananas. hahaha

Now aren't they smart! lol

This is a really great summary of the main features that Steemworld offers. At present I’m using Ginabot and steem Supply but am always on the lookout for other great tools. I’ll have a look into Steemworld soon after your recommendation! Thank you!

Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope you find it useful. Please let me know your thoughts or questions. Suggestions too if you have them. All the best.

Thanks for your support..And, your efforts are appreciated!

Thank you for posting this info. I've recently come back to Steemit after a rather long break. Steemworld looks like a great dashboard. Do you think this is something that will be incorporated into Steemit when it goes from beta to full mode? Is it even possible? Just thinking about those of us less technologically minded like me. 😊

We can only hope that once the "Beta" is complete that there will be a full range of services and resources available to users. However, I have mixed feelings about the whole idea of the "beta" thing. What if Steemit wasn't ever meant to be a blogging spot and we are all test subjects? Hmmmm. I will say that more functionality is likely to come to our main pages in the coming months or next year.

That would be great if it did.
" What if Steemit wasn't ever meant to be a blogging spot and we are all test subjects?" a little dystopian but perfectly plausable nonetheless haha. There are plenty of things still running in beta after many years though so Steemit may just stay that way for a while also. I've already seen a few things have evolved, chrome mobile version doesn't require the markdown styling as the fonts, and headings etc are already up there above the post box. I think I'm going to take a look around Steemworld tonight, may be worth a shot to learn and understand it sooner rather than later. Have a lovely day.

You do the same. Thanks again for your thoughtful comments and definitely check it out along with the other tools I suggested. They are all FREE. ;)

I find manual voting very helpful so i can vote more because my voting power is low it easily decreases at 100% voting so to give chance to more peopl I have to control my voting. Tnx to @lynncoyle1 for the tip.

I have this and ginabot open at the same time and i notice that steemworld updates slower like it is delayed for a couple of seconds in notifying.

You have brought up a great point and now I recall that @lynnecoyle1 also mentioned this to me. I imagine this would be of great help until a person hits 500 SP. Thanks for pointing it out to me and I hope others read your comment. Of course, also thanks for supporting and commenting. I sincerely appreciate it.

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