Steemit Essentials - Qurator Delivers when Others Just BS

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


Qurator - Real Results Where Others Fail to Deliver

I know you've been plugging away at your keyboard for months so you can get a bunch of $0.15 STU payouts on your quality content. You've become frustrated and start cursing Steemit, whales, haejin, etc. Maybe you even blame the Russians (seems like the goto scapegoat for most problems in the world these days). You can't understand why nobody on Steemit seems to value your 5000 word dissertation on the migratory patterns of caribou. Here is some solid advice (not just for Steemit):

If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to get what you always got!

If you want to really grow your account and gain some traction on the platform, let me suggest yet another great resource available to you for next to nothing of an investment. Qurator

There are a ton of "communities" here on Steemit and unfortunately, the vast majority of them aren't effective or require you to sell your soul and time to them for a fraction of the net benefit to you. I won't name them (there's really too many to name anyway), but let's face it. You're here because you want to build your account and get paid for your work.

If you're here to donate your time and effort without return, then you probably won't be here very long anyway because that just isn't how people operate (regardless of what they say). Does this mean that you can't help others? Of course not, but there still needs to be some value for you or you'll just burnout, become disgruntled and blame the Russians like many of the intellectually lazy people in the world.

Note: if your preferred method of knowledge ingestion is video, scroll down and just watch the instructional video I made

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Why Join Qurator?

  1. Get automatic upvotes everyday for life.
  2. Get FREE advice on their Discord channel about how to manage your Steemit account.
  3. Meet cool people that can actually read and write and make "friends" with them. (this is called "networking")
  4. Get access to a voting bot that guarantees a profitable upvote - @qustodian
  5. Participate in weekly contests to make better payouts on your posts (and grow your network - are you seeing a pattern here?)
  6. Improve the Steemit community in general (for those of you that are all about rainbows and unicorns), but really the community does get better when we have good authors putting out good content.


What exactly is Qurator?

You notice that the first thing I discussed was the VALUE @qurator gives you before the "What is it?" section. Keep that in mind next time you post (free advice).

Qurator is a community where someone might actually enjoy reading about your evaluation of the mating rituals of white squirrels in Iowa. Well, not likely, but finding a target audience is a topic for another day. In any event, the @qurator project is a community of people that generally promote and share good content. It is also a great way to get upvotes for life if you continue to put out quality content.

Disclaimer - I receive nothing from the Qurator Project for referring you. This is not affiliate marketing. This is ME trying to help YOU get a return on your hard work and getting paid to do it by way of SP and SBD. In fact, Qurator may not even like this post, but I love them enough for both of us.

Here is how @qurator works:

You produce quality posts and not just pictures of what you ate for breakfast (stole that phrase from @yallapapi). After you have put together at least 10 good posts, you apply to join the community. This shouldn't be too hard for those of you that read this far into my post.

How does One Become a Qurite?

How do you join? Go to @qurator and they give you instructions that are easy to follow (instructions here -, but I will save you some time.

Step 1 - Send @qurator 4 Steem (not SBD) - DO NOT ATTACH links to your posts or other BS. In the memo section, simply put "I want to be a Qurite like @energyaddict22" (this is not mandatory, but they will know I sent you haha)

Step 2 - Wait and be patient. Yes, Qurator doesn't have a magic bot that immediately reviews your posts to see if they are worth a damn. They have some very smart people (moderators) that will actually review your posts over the next 24-72 hours to see if you're worth your salt. If you are, they will send you a transfer and welcome you to the community. If not - You get a full refund of your 4 Steem.

**Note - they have an appeal process if you get denied, but let's be honest. If you got denied, you probably should rethink the "I'm going to be an amazing blogger on Steemit and get rich" dream. Don't go back to step 1. Just go back to Instagram.

Step 3 - Join their Discord if you hadn't already. They are going to invite you to join their Discord - here is the invitation link:

Realities Versus Socialist Dreams

At this point you are good to go. You are going to get a "Tier 2" membership for 30 days. Currently, that means an upvote of about $0.15 each day. After that, your "Tier" will depend on your level of support for the community.

Wait! I have to support the community? Yes, but it isn't hard and it isn't going to cost you a bunch of additional Steem or SBD. Here is the link to the latest explanation of the "Tier System" - - (you will need to scroll down a bit)

However, I am here to simplify this for you and save you time. After your 30 days at Tier 2, you will go to Tier 0 and get an upvote daily that is currently valued at $.04.

Oh! That sucks. Yes, not worth your time or your 4 Steem, so here is what you do instead. You go to and you add @qurator to your fanbase and you set them up so you upvote them once a day at $.05 or at 100% depending on your current SP. If you need to see how Steemauto works read my post here -

If you upvote @qurator 7 or more times each week, you raise yourself to Tier 2 without spending any additional Steem or SBD.

But my vote isn't worth $0.05! Okay, then you need to do 2 things. First, you need to follow my tutorials so you can raise your SP levels. Second, if after 30 days you still aren't at $0.05 there is a consolation prize of Tier 1 for $0.03 upvotes 7+ times a week.

Still not there after 30 days? Consider Instagram and marrying someone with a job; Steemit may not be your calling because anyone posting good content daily for over 30 days is going to be bringing in enough SP to cover this amount especially if you're following me and my suggestions.

Consolation Prize #2 - If you still think you have it in you to do the Steemit thing, send more Steem to Qurator to maintain a higher tier. For 1 Steem you get 30 days of Tier 1 and 2 Steem gets you 30 days of Tier 2. If you do the math, you will see that this is a net benefit to you in the short and long term. If you're bad at math - Instagram.


Maximize Your Qurator Investment

Here are my suggestions on how to utilize the Qurator Project to get to the needed SP threshold and grow your account.

  1. Post everyday. I don't suggest 4 times a day because most people posting that many times a day are producing shit work that I won't read anyways. Post a quality article everyday. You can write several and set them to post on different days - see my Steemauto article for how to do this.

  2. Use the "post promotion" channel on Qurator's Discord. You are going to have to read, comment, and upvote on another qurite's post. Then you will share your post and someone will do the same for you. If your stuff is good (or maybe you just get lucky) you will get several people that will upvote and comment. Also, you are going to make "friends" this way.

  3. Buy upvotes on your posts from @qustodian with your SBD. It won't be much if you're poor, but it will be profitable. Currently, you can get an upvote from @qustodian for amounts of up to 0.4 SBD. Don't have that much? Send less. Either way, it is a profitable upvote of somewhere around 150 - 200%

  4. Engage with people on Qurator's Discord. "Engaging" isn't "tit for tat" follows or upvotes. It is actual conversation with other people about "stuff". Whatever you like to talk about. Ask questions about how they do things on Steemit and why? You'll get some good advice and some tips and tricks to the Steemit game as well. Have a serious question of a technical nature? Ask the Qurator moderators. They will probably know and if they don't, they often will find out for you. Yes, they are that cool!

  5. Invest in @qurator. Once you have enough SP, delegate 100 or more to the Qurator Project. Every 100 SP you delegate gets you up an additional Tier up to Tier 5. So, if you upvote 7+ times a week at $0.05 and delegate 300 SP, then you will be Tier 5 (it stacks) and you will receive an upvote daily of $0. 73 (current amount).

  6. Follow and Upvote other Qurites. The people that are fully utilizing the Qurator Project are growing their accounts. That means that your "friends" on Qurator are going places. Upvote their content regularly - again, see my Steemauto post on how to do this. They will be thankful and will share the love. I know that I do so don't forget to support me as well - Shameless plug.

  7. Participate in Qurator Contests. They have some very cool contests and while you may not win, you will meet other people and grow your network.

Qurator for Dummies

So, all of this seems a bit complicated to you? I have created a solution since many of you are Generation Y or later. Just watch this video and I spoon feed you everything that I just explained in a 15 minute video more or less.

The awesome, charming, intelligent, and amazing people at Qurator

@scrooger | @boontjie | @goldendawne | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest | @stresskiller | @aaronleang

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More Steemit Essentials Posts -

Like this article? Please resteem, upvote and comment.
Don't like it? Comment and tell me why. Let's discuss it.
All intelligent comments get an upvote for effort (even if I disagree).
Send me a copy of one of your posts and I will try to read it quickly.

Images Stolen from @qurator - I don't think they will mind.

Posted using: busy

Follow me on:

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Discord - EnergyAddict#9726

Special thanks for support from @qurator @dynamicsteemians @newbieresteem @resteemit @asapers

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You got a 24.57% Upvote and Resteem from @ebargains, as well as upvotes from our curation trail followers!

If you are looking to earn a passive no hassle return on your Steem Power, delegate your SP to @ebargains by clicking on one of the ready to delegate links:
50SP | 100SP | 250SP | 500SP | 1000SP | 5000SP | Custom Amount

You will earn 80% of the voting service's earnings based on your delegated SP's prorated share of the service's SP pool daily! That is up to 38.5% APR! You can also undelegate at anytime.

We are also a very profitable curation trail leader on Follow @ebargains today and earn more on curation rewards!

As you know that I have been a follower for a while. I don't visit as often as I like but I always like your fun and to-the-point writing style. I agree with many other qurites here that you have done an excellent job on this post. Even after multiple post there are still people I see in the discord room who talks about "profit" and "loss" . I think this post of yours will tend to that need very nicely. Many thanks for your effort. I know it perhaps took a long time to prepare and write this post.

Thanks for taking time to comment. I truly appreciate it. It is always good to hear from you.

One question, since you refer people to Instagram three times in this post, how much is the secret Russian Instagram Network of Collusion (RINC) paying you to send unwitting sheep their way?

Busted! You found me out. Not enough clearly. I'm renegotiating my contract with them currently. My Russian wife wants a new apartment and I need a new MacBook. Can I count on you for a reference on how well I subjugate the sheeples? 😂 You win "best comment of the day".

Of course you can! Anyone who can weave such a deceptive tale of hope while secretly luring the unsuspecting to their doom will always have my support.


I voted with the bot on this post and will pay in the 0.55 SBD from @boontjie later for the upvote. You should get your spend back relatively soon.

The ROI on the spend is 200% roughly after curation rewards are distributed

This. We like this!

Thank you so much for such a detailed rundown of Qurator. We know it can be quite complicated for all the new members, but this is pure gold.

Everything is explained really well and to the point, loving the video as well.

Mind if we use this post for some of our newer members?

Well deserved upvote from us.

Wow. I would be thrilled to have you share it. Thanks for the love. I have no words...😂

I wanna ask. I mainly creates gaming video content (also streams). This doesn't hame to much text in posts, so they also can be treated as good quality content?

I think that @goldendawne answered your question much better than I could. This is why she is a Superstar and well, I'm not. I will say this about the gaming videos. I love them especially when there is some suggestions, explanations, reviews, or some great interaction between opponents or teammates. I judge based on the whole content and not just the text, but that is me and I don't make the rules for "quality content". So, you got a follow from me and now I expect to dazzled by your skills. ;)

Thank you for saying I'm a superstar, but in reality; not so much. Just dedicated to qurator 100% and its members.

And thank you for this fabulous post explaining qurator and all its facets that members get with their membership. We work are butts off behind the scenes and thoroughly enjoy all that we have to offer everyone. Sure we hit the proverbial bumps in the road; hey, who doesn't.

Thank you @goldendawne and @energyaddict22 for your response :D I understands now :D

A few weeks ago, I started doing themed posts once a week. One week I did art/sketching/drawing, another week was poetry and this past week was music. We have quality writers with great content, that may not have a lot of text in the actual post.
I have plans to do Dlive, Dtube, freewrite and fiction writing, Dsound, gaming, etc. There are so many niche topics and tags and I am finding new ways to feature every member- and we are just over the 1300 member mark now. I even did a post for the curating members (ie thesteemengine, sneayninja and more).

I also do a Tasty Tuesday post for food photography and some of those have little to no text as well. Same goes for Photo Friday- a post featuring extraordinary images and photography skills. I try to cover ALL topics and tags and by adding this specialized posts every week, I am hoping to be able to give all members the exposure of being featured; as they are all very deserving of the spotlight for their work.

Btw, I am the qurator daily newsletter writer.

Wow. Thank you so much for this post @energyaddict, this is all the information I've been looking for regardimg qurator. Now I understand exactly what needs to be done.
You are also quite the prolific writer I must say, your work is very well laid out, easy to understand and fun to read through, very engaging really.
I think this post was particularly meant for me. Thank you for sharing such invaluable information.

Of course it is all about you my Steemian Juliet! 😍 Timely post to go with our morning conversation. Thanks for commenting and I can't wait to look over your #payitforward post. 😉

Not to sound like a bot but this is such a "great post!". Everything is so detailed, easy to follow and understand. I just love all this!

I have been a member of qurator for over three months now, back then registration was only 2 steem. And I have to say, it was all worth it. They also have the friendliest and kindest mods who are almost 24/7 ready to help you.

Thanks for commenting and confirming what a great team of mods qurator has. Sincerely appreciated.

Without qurators help I wouldn't probably grow here on Steem, so I hope many people would read this article of yours and take time to support the project that helps everyone grow together :)


With great pleasure I read your post @energyaddict22. I follow the @qurator, too. And confirm that it is a great project for Steemit. Thank you for your separate opinion about Russia. That's what I think.

Thanks for commenting. I always enjoy hearing from you. 😃

thanks for your kind words. Have you a nice day!

И вам тоже!

Thank you for your priceless article @energyaddict22! I used to blame the Russians but, after reading it, I know it's all caribous' fault.

So right you are! Thanks for stopping by. lol

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