WHY USE STEEMIT: Some introductory information and initial tips for new people

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

If you are reading this and haven't joined steemit.com yet here are some things to consider.

  • It is free
  • You are given some startup steem power for free.
  • You don't have to buy more. In fact the easiest way to get more is by using the site.
  • Post blog entries... are you a writer, poet, philosopher, musician, programmer, artist, movie fan, etc.
  • Respond to other people's entries. If they like it they will up vote your comment and reward you.
  • Don't want to post or reply? You can get curator rewards for up voting stuff as it newly appears on the site
  • Getting paid for content seems to encourage civility and I've seen deep conversations on steemit that on other social media sites would have felt like a warzone
  • It is anti-censorship. It stores information in what is called a blockchain, your post can never be deleted!

Examples of people who've had success on steemit

About a month ago Tara made a pretty impressive make up tutorial that ended up paying her over $26K.

This was followed up with many other make up tutorials from other people including a comical one from a popular person on steemit @stellabelle. @roelandp also had success with his response to Tara. It is hilarious and well made and earned over $8K.

It is not always like that... that was a couple of weeks in the life of steemit

  • Open source programmers made well over $10K announcing updates to software
  • Writers writing short stories on steemit earning thousands of dollars
  • Musicians releasing steemit inspired songs and making thousands of dollars
  • Photographers and world travelers sharing their images with some nice narrative text making thousands
  • People responding to other peoples posts making hundreds, and in some cases thousands.

It is not just about the money

Come for the money and anti-censorship, stay for the community!

Anyone can earn here. The community is predominantly very positive and I've seen civil conversations that could not have possibly occurred on other social media sites happen here. On other sites they would break down to name calling, and general turmoil and never achieve this.

Do you already have a following on another site?

We had some celebrities in some areas join last week... they've all made thousands of dollars in their first week.
Here are testimonials from some of them you can see for yourself:

That is just a few people that joined steemit LAST WEEK.

Do you make youtube videos?

Are you already a blogger?

If you can answer yes to any of those then you are already set to making a huge splash upon your entry to steemit. I have some suggestions for you to help make that happen.

Are you none of those things?

Neither am I am I made over $1000 my first month on steemit just posting about things I like to talk about, replying to other people, and up voting. If I can do it, then you can too!

If you have made it this far and are interested

The first thing you'll want to do is look around steemit for a bit after creating an account. Get a feel for it. Every blog post can have up to 5 tags describing it. They can be whatever you want. Some common ones a Philosophy, Art, Writing, Photography, Politics, Anarchy, Music, and an important one introduceyourself.

You should prepare to write up a blog about yourself. The more open and honest you are the better they seem to do. If you are well known (and perhaps even if you're not) people often like you to verify your identity. This can be an photo with you holding a sign with the date and your steemit handle saying steemit. If you are a youtube video maker you could introduce yourself that way. If you are a blogger you could add the image in an edit later linking back to your introduceyourself blog on steemit say, this is me and post it on your official blog. Anyway you can verify yourself is good. If you are well known and verify yourself people generally get really excited.

NOTE: If you join steemit and your first post doesn't do as well as you like. Don't worry. Stay for the community it will pay off. Keep this positive thought in your mind. Any amount you make is you actually making money doing something you were already doing somewhere else and not getting paid.

If you monetize your youtube videos on youtube this will not interfere with that, in fact it could be viewed as an extension to that. Add your youtube video here with some personalized text to go along with it and you are golden.

How do I get the money?

The money has three modes steem, steem power, and steem dollars. It will be important to learn what these things are and you certainly need to know that before you can get to this money. There are a lot of tutorials to help out with this. Once you are here on the site if you haven't found the answers you are looking for, feel free to reply to this blog entry or one of my other ones and I'll happy provide you links to current tutorials. People are always making new ones.

Today one of our local helpful people @craig-grant actually posted a video about a debit card you can get that you can use with money from steemit. That is pretty helpful.

Join us in the adventure!

Join us in a Global Paradigm Shift!


More examples of great things people use steemit for

@caleballen is crowd sourcing the steemit community to help write songs. He has a good voice and good ideas check out his FIRST post about a song he is working on, and read the comments to see an example of this community working together. He just posted a SECOND post as follow up.


Great content. Good promotion for steem

This post is very encouraging, but I feel you should have included that you probably won't make much or any money at first if you are an average person. Also, if you don't have Steempower you won't get curator rewards. In our economy people see the opportunity to make money before anything else, and when this doesn't happen, they get disillusioned and leave, which I have personally witnessed.

Personally, I find this platform fascinating. Especially as there are so many ideas I have not been exposed to before. I work in a non-technical field in small town South Africa. But I love to learn so I am slightly obsessed at the moment.

This did not make me immune to the disappointment when I realised I'm a minnow (shock, gasp!). But I love the free expression and constant flow of original feed, as well as the learning opportunties, so I'm here to stay.

It was more a length issue. Write too much and no one reads it. I am very familiar with this problem with writing too much, because I do it so often. :) I did think about some of those things when I was writing this. Funny thing I mention I made over $1000 in the first month I was here. What I did not mention is literally how much work this has taken on my part. steemwhales.com last night I clicked on the posts column so it was sorted by posts and typed in my name. I was ranked #24 out of 50,000 people or whatever we are at now for quantity of posts. That is in about a month. I talk a lot. Some people may think too much. If you were to divide my number of posts by the amount I have made I average probably around $1 per post. Which is good... but the reality is most of my posts are $0.00 or at least well under $1.00. Some of them just CLICK and you do well. There really is a lot I could say. I figure I'll make some companion blog posts to help people out that I can tie to this. I needed something to send to some youtubers I've been trying to convince to come here. That's why I made that the way I did. It is easy to be disappointed in no making a ton. I did add a brief comment concerning that.

NOTE: If you join steemit and your first post doesn't do as well as you like. Don't worry. Stay for the community it will pay off. Keep this positive thought in your mind. Any amount you make is you actually making money doing something you were already doing somewhere else and not getting paid.

I don't need convincing. We all need money, that is forced on us by society. What I personally need more, is an outlet for the stories in me. And to be encouraged by others. Namaste

You have that here. Keep at it. Use it for that outlet, that is the right attitude. If it happens, it happens, if it does not then you are doing what you like to do anyway.

Muchas Gracias por esta excelente información. Great job

De nada (don't know if that is correct spelling, etc... I can speak a little but never have written it)

I don't think the makeup part is what made Tara's post so popular :)

Some of that is true. Yet if you watch it she really knew her stuff and she made quite a quality post. The fact she is attractive is a bonus. If you have assets in your head, or your body is an asset you shouldn't be afraid to use it. (If you want to). There were other attractive people that tried to follow in her footsteps that didn't come close.

Great post! I will be sharing it on my fascistbook! Hope you don't mind!?

Feel free. That is exactly what I made it for. https://steem.ly/2w That is a shortened URL for it. I used one of the steemtools.com sites steem.ly to make a shorter URL. :)

Thank you! Keep up the great posts!

Wish I would've read this awesome guide the first time I joined Steemit. Great post @dwinblood! This is definitely worth sharing. Keep the good work.

Good contents, and anyone have improve idea for new Steemit user?

I made this just now because I needed something I could share with people I was trying to get to join. Feel free to share it. If you want to convert it to another language and make a version not in English that'd be likely helpful too.

Great post, @dwinblood! I'm sure many will find this very helpful.

This is an awesome summary! Thanks for including me with all of those über successful people. I'm touched!

I think what you are doing is closer to home for most of us likely to use steemit. We might not all have your voice or interests, but people seeing what you are doing with steemit might inspire them to do something they love to do as well. :) Afterall, you're squeezing lines out of my @chaospoet alter-ego.

I made this so I would have something to share with some youtubers that I am trying to convince to join. I'd like to have Leo Moracchiolli and some others here. Leo is brilliant and if you haven't visited his youtube channel you don't know what you are missing out on. He is a guy that does brilliant reinterpretations of songs from a home studio, and he often involves his wife Stine, and his daughter in the productions. His version of Adele's - Hello I think is as good as the original yet it is like a totally different song.

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