A life of Abundance begins with these 3 Basics Skills

in #life7 years ago

The 3 basics: Thinking, Speaking, and Writing.

Before you embark on your journey to create a life of abundance, you need to pay attention to the three basics: thinking, speaking and writing. if you are a parent, you are the first teacher to your children. The responsibility is on your shoulders. Doing these three basic things well as early as possible will ensure that your children are on the bullet train towards their destination called a life abundance.

Many people fail to create a wealthy and fulfilled life enjoying a life of abundance because of their unawareness of the importance of these three basics during their younger days. Their parents are not exposed to the importance of the three basics because they are struggling themselves and they are not thinking and speaking well. They also do not know what it means by thinking and speaking well. They themselves are not aware of the advantages of thinking well and speaking well.

Don't End Up Saying This in Life
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People are attracted to you if you think and speak well. The ability to speak well attracts attention and people tend to like you. They also want to engage with you and do business with you. The ability to say worthy things and mean what you say are usually the attraction of your character and your personality. So, when you speak and think well, you are like a magnet attracting many good things in life. Thinking and speaking well pave the way for you to write well eventually.

You Don't Need To Lie When You Read, Think, and Speak Well
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All these are essential ingredients to help you and your children achieving a life of abundance. Understanding the three basics and how-to be proficient (and eventually master) them are your first and most important step. As a parent, you will be in a better position to help your children after you yourself have master the three basics: thinking, speaking and writing.

Thinking well

It is true that everybody can think. But there are some people who think better than others. What is thinking well. Thinking well to most people, is having the capacity to reason. To me, it means able to analyse, assess and solve problems. This includes the ability to create, follow logic, and a trend of thought. It also includes the ability to recognize good ideas from bad ones. Thinking well is the first sign of awareness of other possibilities.

if you are an abundant thinker, you most probably have a different way of thinking. You will celebrate little bit of thinking well first and keep improving the power of your thinking. You will think before you make any decision. You will not make any decision based on emotion but rely more on information available.

An abundant thinker is aware of illogical thinking and faulty thoughts and he knows how to avoid them. What are some of the faulty thoughts? I will illustrate later under the topic of faulty thoughts.

Why it is so important of thinking well in our life? Good thinkers are aware of their vision of their lives because most people tend see a version distorted by their hopes, fears, and other attachments. The Buddha said, "Our life is the creation of the mind."

Marcus Aurelius commended: " Life itself is but what you deem it."
The quest for wisdom in most communities begins with this insight. They introduce practices for reducing attachments, thinking more clearly and finding solutions to every day emotional torments of normal life. The focus here is on how to think well as part of our mental health.

The misconception of what we think is causing us pain and stress. When we face a problem, it's easy to get trapped in a spiral of negative emotions - frustration, anxiety, stress and many more. Where to find answer to your problem? Remember that it all begin with thinking!

A simple mind shift will help to eliminate any negative emotion weighing you down.

Positive Thinking Helps Lesbian Relationship

You need to clear your mind, gain clarity and tap into your thinking power. Advice from others are just opinions providing alternative thinking.

You can show respect to their opinions, but you do not have to follow their thoughts. If you start to think well, the whisper from your conscience and reasoning will help you to think logically. Always be aware of alternative opinions and it is your logical thinking to decide which course to follow. So the earlier you and your children start the training to think, it will give them a head start.

The advantages of thinking well.

There are many advantages to you and your children if they think well. The ability gives them a great competitive advantage. They can solve problems and accomplish their objectives efficiently. The ability to think always makes life easier and it enhances their relationship with others. People recognize them as smart and consider them as capable people. Thinking well will lay the foundation for their social life. What is the difference between thinking well and intelligence?

Thinking well is a skill and intelligence is a natural capacity. having a sizable intellect is always a great asset. it facilitates the process to think well, but it does not guarantee that. The advantage of thinking well is that people think that we are intelligent. As parents it is important that you teach them how to think instead of what to think.

The idea of of critical thinking advocated by Socrates helps us in fostering critical thinking. This encourages our children to question their own examined beliefs as well as receiving wisdom from their elders and those around them. It may cause some discomfort initially, but the process will lead to better understanding.

The journey of thinking well begins at home. First parents have to think well themselves if they want their children to follow. So it's importance that parents know what is thinking well?

Many parents lack exposure and role model. They too become emotional and sometimes illogical. They can't argue in a cool and calm manner. The lose their temper easily and live with anger. They become depressed because they can't get things the way they want from others. They do not take responsibility of their own misjudgments. They become less tolerant and are disconnected with others. Parents must be aware that they are going to pass these traits to their children.

Teaching Zero Critical Thinking

The idea of thinking well starts with parents. This awareness and the cultivation of thinking well by avoiding distorted thinking must be followed by parents first before they can teach their children.
Here are some of the distorted thinking parents must share with their children.

#1 Teach your children to avoid labeling. Most of us have the tendency to assign negative global traits to ourselves and others. For example: "I am unbearable. He is a rotten person. He is an ass hole. He is good for nothing and others."

#2 Do not overgeneralize. Most of us have the tendency to perceive a global pattern of negatives based on a single incident. For example: "He has mistaken a name, and he is going to be unreliable."

#3 Do not practice blaming. We focus on the other person as a source of our negative feelings and we refuse to take responsibility for changing ourselves. For example: "My parents caused all my problems."

#4 Do not practice emotional reasoning. We tend to let our feelings guide the interpretation of reality. For example: "I feel depressed; therefor my marriage is not working out."

#5 Do not practice negative filtering. We tend to focus exclusive on the negatives and seldom notice the positives. For example: "Those successes are easy, and they don't matter."

#6 Do not embrace fortune telling. Many of us tend to predict the future negatively such as things will get worst. For example: "His future is not going to be good. You are not going to succeed in life."

There are many other faulty thoughts that I will discuss later.


Can thinking well be taught?

It is important to realize that thinking well is a skill that can be learned. However, to do so one would need the right mindset and guidance. This article is already going longer than I planned and I have yet to touch on the 2nd and 3rd critical skill, so lets move on quickly.

Speaking well

Speaking well is another important social skill. The basic ingredient is mastering a language like English, its grammar, diction, vocabulary, pronunciation, and expressions. But more importantly is the ability to express worthy thoughts concisely and clearly.


What are worthy thoughts?

They are simply positive affirmations which help others to grow. Using positive words and encouraging statements reflect that you are thinking well. Negative words spring from faulty thinking and poor upbringing.

The home is a critical factor for such a habit of talking. You may have good grammar and diction, but you will not speak well if you have trouble saying what you mean. Parents are the children's first teachers and a lot of talking habits are actually not taught but caught. Initial poor habits of talking must be corrected before they become their habits.

Parents are the significant role models. Saying worthy things and mean what you say are the starting training all children must undergo, and that habit must be established at home first. The lack of training at home because parents are ignorant can be a terrible blow for the children.
It is a rare quality for our children to speak well.

If your children speak well, it immediately separates them from the rest of the group. This is not a skill that comes easily or confidently even to those who are naturally gregarious.

These are some of the things you should remember.

If you are critical of others, you are criticizing yourself. If you keep judging others, you are judging yourself. You keep gossiping about others, you are inviting others to gossip about you. If you want to get kindness from others, you need to be kind to yourself and be the source of kindness to others.

Remember that you have no right to judge others. We also do not entertain others judging us. It is better to learn to accommodate others and practice tolerance.

Hate Brings Karma Of Judgement Back To The Hater
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Everyone is entitled to his opinions because as far as opinions are concerned, there is no right or wrong answer. It is not school examination system where there is only right or wrong answer. Let your children know that opinions have no right or wrong answer. They need to learn to respect others' opinions.

Speaking well is a skill which must be nurtured as early as possible. Remember that children have no limit in acquiring skills including speaking well. Courses are available, and I will discuss the Four Steps Mastery Formula to help children thinking and speaking well in the future as well.

Writing Well

Writing well is another important skill to acquire. I am fortunate to have acquired that skill and enjoy writing. I was a mathematics teacher and writing well gives me my financial freedom many years ago.

Nowadays children and even adults are not writing much and most of them send short messages through e-mails. But they are still communicating and writing.

Be aware that writing well depends on thinking and speaking well. Once your children think and speak well, they would have no problem writing well.

To me, writing well is simply the ability to express worthy and useful ideas clearly and concisely on paper or computer. Writing well is less about the focus on inspiration, creativity, and flare, which paradoxically comes when you get into the zone of writing, but it's more about consistency, practice, and grit.

Developing the skill demands some extra facilities beyond the skills of thinking and speaking. The skill of writing has some similar analogies to playing a game well. Practice and repetition holds the key to writing well.

The Four Steps Mastery Formula which is usually used to develop the skills of a game like tennis can also be applied to master the skill of thinking, speaking and writing.

This article has gone on much longer than I originally anticipated, so I will save the discussion of the application of this formula in a later article (in a Steemit blog).

Thank you for the patience to follow the development of the three essential basics: thinking, speaking and writing. Let me leave you with a last saying from one of my favorite mentors, Socrates:


Happy weekend and happy reading.


Links and References:
1.www.sinmongwong.com, 2.image, 3.image, 4.image, 5.image, 6.image, 7.image,
8.image, 9.image, 10.image, 11.image


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I think you missed listening .
For me ,its the most important basic.

Hi @adarsh02021991,

I could be mistaken, but I think you might be missing the point. Sensory ability and its corresponding advance practices / skills are not what’s being shared by the doc here.

One could argue many things are missing......looking skills, feeling/touch skills, smelling skills....less romanticized than listening skills, but the point is, these innate abilities are switched on at the start of life.

thinking, speaking, and writing....it's not necessarily so, it has to be cultivated, nurtured, and mastered....and arguable never is it born by talent (unlike eyes like an eagle, hearing of a bat, etc.) or by accident.

Here is another way to look at it:

A deaf person can be empowered to think, speak, and write exceptionally well,

So can a blind person....or even mute person...(yes. They can speak with signing and with their written word).

In fact I knew a person with terrible olfactionary senses due to years of severe allergy, but from his acute thinking, he could smell bullshit a 100 miles away.

Just my $0.02 cents of Steem for your consideration.

Work on Your Thinking.....Cause You Will Surely Meet People With Jealous Asses in Life

Thank you for your article. I will also write an article on listening soon.
Good day and keep posting

Hello my friend of empowrian now is steemains good post thank you.

Hello my friend @alidervash. You have arrived at the correct place, Steemit and Steem is the future of blogging. Always add value, quality, and only your best, and don't take short cut and you will succeed here greatly. I'm not here often but I've just wanted to make a few new post this week. I've upvote as an encouragement to you.

Thank you very much and thank you for vote yes i keep your advise in my mind all the way thank you God bless you.

great post i resteem and follow you!

Thank you and welcome and visting my post and upvoting me also resteem the thank you .

Thank you @ericjordan, I have followed you in reciprocation.

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