Steemit Musings: If You Take Away the Carrot... the Donkey Stops Moving!

in #steemit6 years ago

Unless you've spent your life under a secluded rock somewhere, I'm sure you're familiar with the classic parable/truism of getting a stubborn donkey or mule to move by dangling a carrot in front of its face.


This isn't a post about donkeys, but it's still a good metaphor for rewards.

We humans are not that different: our motivations and decisions to take action are often (always?) predicated on there being some kind of "reward" — intrinsic or extrinsic — for doing so.

I won't go into details about understanding the psychological nature of rewards... some of them are mystifying! The field of study, itself, is huge.

When You Remove the Carrot, the Donkey Stops Moving!

I'm more interested in the dynamics associated with changing — or even removing — a reward structure, and how it affects the equilibrium of a "system."

In general, the donkey just stops moving.

Not rocket science, is it?

What will grow and BLOOM here...?

And yet? Our world seems filled with people and organizations that somehow operate under the delusion that they can "remove the carrot," and still somehow get the same — or similar — outcome.

"Web sites with rewards" are a good example.

Some idiot somewhere — often wearing an Armani suit and an MBA from Harvard — opines that the company, having built a user base of a million+ will somehow keep going as before if they take the "cost cutting measure" of removing carrots from the equation... and next thing they know, the company is going bankrupt because the absence of carrots caused the user base to drop from a million to a thousand.

And everyone sits around and scratches their head and acts all butthurt about it. Like the failure is some great revelation...

To the "mystified," the idea would be that the "donkeys" have somehow developed "situational loyalty" in the interim... thereby removing the importance of the actual carrot.

Alas, it almost never turns out that way.

It's very very simple, really.

The donkey was very stubborn and was motivated by the carrot. It didn't magically become less stubborn as a result of the carrot being offered, it was merely motivated. Remove the motivation? It's still the same stubborn donkey...

And it is with people, as well.

The corporate graveyards are littered with the skeletons of great ideas misdirected by someone who mistook "motivating" for permanent "behavior modification."

What path do we walk?

Speaking More Locally

Now we have all these blockchain based "social sites" where people take some sort of action in exchange for virtual carrots known as cryptocurrencies.

What's my point?

If you're going to base your business model around luring people in with "carrots," you damn better make sure where you're going to come up with an almost endless supply of carrots.

Because if you just remove the carrots — in whatever "form" that may take, from chopping rewards to the currency becoming worthless — the "donkey" (users) will STOP.

Not because of some great moral or philosophical premise being discovered, but because people tend to be loyal to whatever they are told they are going to get.

... and on Steemit...

One of the points I have been flinging at deaf ears since I arrived here two years ago is that a large part of this community's "issues" and "retention problems" aren't about our ever-changing ecosystem — change is pretty much inevitable — but about "promises made" to get people to show up here, in the first place.

Mis-marketing. Mis-representing.

A prickly proposition...?

Of course, the counter-argument is "we wouldn't have built the user-base we have here, if we hadn't focused on the 'carrot' of lots of rewards!"

Yes... but...

Does the major inactivity and "dead account" issue we're challenged with not point to the fact that we mostly attracted people looking for rewards rather than looking for a social site?

Does the fact that coomunity activity correlates heavily with the price of Steem not point to the same thing?

And is that really what was needed as the core premise, here? Or would we have been better off focusing on security, durability, censorship resistance and community, with the rewards more of a secondary and coincidental benefit?

It's an open ended question, to which I have no serious answers. But I submit it bears discussion, as we look forward and build a more long-term future here.

I know that I would have been just as active here if the premise had been "All your rewards can do is build stake for five years, after which you can only power down 2% of your stake per week."

Thanks for reading!

How about YOU? What is your opinion about "carrots" and our motivations? Do you believe we basically "get" what we "ask" for... both directly, and indirectly? What approach do you feel would increase engagement in the community, and not result in so many inactive accounts? Keep in mind, we still have to operate within the general constraints of "reality." Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

(As always, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 190203 13:10 PST



Great food for thought!

Since the beginning, I had a vision of brick and mortar businesses (everything from a laundry mat to a pub to a retail outlet) creating profiles, getting followers like they do on Facebook, and spending all of their steemit curation and author awards on rewarding the engagement their patrons show. Sure a different stream of income is nice but not worth as much as a loyal and constantly engaged client base that makes a community.

I look forward to the day the inactive accounts revive.

Posted using Partiko iOS

How do we "sell" this as an investing opportunity, rather than just a "cash dispenser?

For some strange reason, I have the hunch and I bet you already must have some time without reading the regular stuff of our mutual friend @tarazkp. LoL

don't forget the stick(attacking your customer base).
when that appears the donkey leaves...
it's always wise not to be a dick (sporting goods)


There's a special place somewhere for organizations like Gillette. At least I'd like to think so...

bankruptcy court?

I agree on the reason the donkey moves, but I also think we should throw carrots around. The idea is to get people to learn and hold crypto and the social media site is a good way to do it, while also promoting and rewarding Authors.

Anyway, I think most of our large stakeholders are not interested in building a site and they will not change as long as those of us who are stubborn continue to show up

Oh, we should definitely experiment with the carrots. Maybe even consider apples and cabbage, too.

It's a bit like the classic "chocolate experiment" from psychology. Put a kid in a room and give them a piece of chocolate with the information that you have to go "do something" for ten minutes. They can eat the chocolate, OR if they don't eat the first piece of chocolate, they can have TWO pieces of chocolate when you come back.

Teaching people to "hold" crypto — rather than just turning it into fiat to buy pizza next week — is a similar exercise in teaching *delayed gratification."

How do we effectively teach those who come here to hold their stake, rather than just cash out every 2-3 days? How do we "sell" this as an investing opportunity, rather than just a "cash dispenser?"

i want carrots like I was getting 2 1/2 years ago - but now with no carrots I'm more likely to spend my time working out Steemit's dirty secrets rather than doing new posts...

Well, whatever dirty secrets you might uncover... remember to wash them before you eat them!

And I might have to ice them a bit before I post them!

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With the kids it is very common. I am sometimes guilty as charged with the carrot as well. May it be from work or at home. It is human nature to always think, "What do I get when I do this?".It is hard to move without any form of reward. Here in this community I guess engagement really depends on the person. The person needs to find the niche to stay interested. A lot of them are just looking for easy rewards which does not happen overnight. In return they just leave.

This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

Carrots are certainly of prime importance, and I love the way you played out this metaphor.

I've always seen the crypto-tokens as a sort of imaginary currency, so that was not my carrot when I joined. I liked the idea of a blogging platform where people were community minded. I liked that it was decentralized. I liked that it wasn't cluttered with advertising.

Now though... the crypto-carrot grows larger everyday as I hear others complain about the dropping value, sponsor contests to win more of it, and in general just focus on King Crypto Currency.

I'm not saying I don't like the coins...just that the focus could easily shift away from them and I'd be just as happy. Stay positive - keep the ads away - stay decentralized. :-)

it would be interesting to see what is the percentage of inactive accounts to the period when they registered. i think most will be in the 5 dollar steem period. how i look at it, you need 1 of 2 things for this to work, you need rewards in cripto or rewards in "comments". someone who invests time and effort to post and than lacks of both will just stop doing it.
how to stop people to cash out more, well with a carrot, give less support to people that cash out regularly.

Posted using Partiko Android

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