I have been through rehab and doing okay now!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Yeh yeh I know what you are thinking drugs right? wrong, drink maybe? nope.



bidding bots, stealing bots, cheating bots, bots like jerrybanfield bot that do not turn up then refund you minus what ever he feels like conning you out of.

On the whole running around with bots will give you 2 things.

  • 1 a higher rep with a lower value wallet.

  • 2 a small feel good for a few minutes (something facebook know about with likes)

  • 3 less incentive to write anything of real value

I feel they add zero value to this system - that is my opinion, unless they donate something back, all they do is make money for someone else, you can think what ever you want, and do what you want, for me though the 2 month experiment of trying them all - left me well out of pocket.


I will write for 10cents

Seriously though, if all my post is worth is 1 cent even, so be it, that will mean only 1 thing = I must do better, and I can live with that, I will be f----ed if I am going to feed someone else's family just because they own a bid bot.
(The use of bots to upvote someone with more value than your own vote is worth, is a whole different matter though.)

Deliberator verdict out of 10 for bots? = 1 and must try harder (as my school reports used to say)

Images courtesy of pixabay

Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates


I agree 100 percent with one exception
@smartsteem and @smartmarket they give you a fair return.
Once I used the yappahatt bot tracker and patiently waited until I could buy a vote for my son. Then I bought a vote from minnow-no-helper and it took 4 hours and lo and behold I got ripped off the bot was also owned by the bottracker owner. I tired to reason with them I had even saved the results of the bid in a screen shot. They tried to act like I was fool and didn't know what I was doing.
I wrote a post about it and was attacked by the vote bot and another account ruined my rep and then they even stole the less than half bid they gave me.
You can go back in my history and see the post that was attacked. I deleted and when things cooled over I put the entire post back in the comments. I even noticed that some others on the bid got higher results that the bid results showed.
I was pissed I spent my last sbd to upvote my sons post. They completely stole my sbd!
Until I found smartsteem I never used a bid bot again.
I think most of the big players just prey on the rest of us just like in life. They have their charities just like the criminals in our world. But they just use that to make themselves look good when in reality they are Not good.

I was towing the part of these bid bots but figured exactly what you have highlighted in this post. I would agree with you that bots are not really worth it.
You really deliberated well on this 😀

It seems it is one sure way to end up with a very empty wallet to me, and not much sp also, I suppose they are great if you want to hit trending and pick up a few extra 0.01c votes. Loved the last bit by the way. :-)

I just wanted to send you another @treeplanter.
But now I'm not sure if you like it at all.
Although... Have you read through #dolphinschool and/or #sharkschool?
There one can learn a thing or three about bots...

Anyway, to get back to the point.
Do you want me to keep sending you my favorite bot or do you find it useless/inappropriate?

It is the only bot I like to be honest, as long as they really are planting trees that is, I almost edited in this morning that the use of bots to upvote someone with more value than your own vote, is a whole different matter, in fact I will edit that in now. thank you my friend.

I tend to like to hope for the best. :)
Therefore I hope @treeplanter is a very nice ally, hehe.
Always nice talking to you. Thank you too.

I appreciate your post and even if my upvote as a low-value minnow is modest, I'll be happy to bestow a cent or two upon you.

Imho the use of bots favors those who know how to use them and don't do anything for quality contents, hence should be banned.

Ideally, and unlike the "real" world, Steemit would be a true meritocracy, where each contributor is remunerated in the same equitable way according to the number of upvotes, which then would be a true reflection of the quality or relevance of the posts. That includes the people whose expertise and work are actually needed and utilized to run the platform, for which they should be compensated separately and fairly.

Bye Bye Bots!

That my friend sounds like a fantastic idea, now if only this was star trek and I was captain luke piquard and you were someone else on board my ship, I could say "make it so" though sadly we are not and I can not. Thanks for stopping by.

Here is another two cents worth:
As Picard would have heard his French father say when he was growing up in La Barre : "Si ma tante en avait, elle serait mon oncle" (if my aunt had some, she'd be my uncle)
Keep up the good work!

I believe I have stated elsewhere that robots are useful tools but most seem to driven in a moronic fashion. To find a similarity a robot is very good, but it is not an interlocutor and therefore once having posted a similarity found to the postee, it need not and should not post again to that user until it's driver has studied, read and discussed the similarity situation. Robots used by such as like @arcange that gather info for the use of all the community are also very good. And if we the community need a robot, there is one major need that can be paid for by visitors, and that is to turn the archive into a useable library with an index robot that can do far more than look for tags but also can divide posts into non-info and short and long info. This is the function any thinking steemian would agree to robots doing, as we increase in user numbers and the archive becomes totally unuseably vast. There is a robot that finds spam, but the driver uses spam to increase their wallet daily via the spam the robot pukes, while it's driver has stolen my reputation and themselves have written nil info-posts. It's disgusting and counter to all that good steemians pretend to admire. And I say pretend, because they continue to watch bullying whilst doing very little to stop it. Making all above dolphin party to terrorism. 😇
May the blessings be.

Hi Simon, I am aware of your situation with cheetah as bifilarcoil asked me what could be done on discord, the only course of action you have as I said to him, is contact those people via their chosen medium and explain your book you are quoting from has no copyright attached, they will then leave you alone, only you though can do this, I can not fight a case on here for someone else, as there is no middle ground for that, I hope this helps you resolve your problem with them.

Thank you. I am grateful for your looking. However they wish me to plea to them, I not only will not, as a non-computer person, I find at present I can not. They need to monitor their robots with a human interlocutor. I do not answer to a robot and refuse to plea when I am being abused. The robot driver is making a their own hole to fall in. I have not done anything deserving of this treatment and will continue to blog as I find steemit, until steemit no longer listens or I get fed up with the shit. 😇
May the blessings be.

Sometimes though bots get it wrong, and you would not be pleading with a bot, more stating your case to a human that their bot has got it wrong in this case, then THEY will have to fix the issue, and maybe just maybe you will help to avoid others ending up in the situation you now find yourself in. A s far as I know it only requires a 2 minute chat on discord.

And if they agree with you they will restore your reputation.

--I no longer really care whether they agree, as they've been bullying me too long. I have no intention of plea-ing my case anywhere but here in an open community, and will not go off site on some hidden agenda the drivers of robots are in control of. I am not a computer trained person and every one of my posts is here for everyone to see. Let them apply to me for me to accept their apology for malpractice. Every one of their posts can then also be seen by all the community. 😇 May the blessings be.

They will return MY reputation, IF they agree. I don't need them to deign to lower themselves. My reputation stands, to anyone with the education and nonce to read. Their thievery blares their malpractice to all, until they come on site with their specifics and discuss their actions. 😇 May the blessings be.

I just noticed! I had rep 11 when I posted this morning, and now 10, and checking back thru, all blog has gone down, not just today's. Told you they are thieves. My followers increase and the robot drivers reduce my rep for some reason. 😇

If you do not sort it out with them, you will end up minus rep, and anything you post will be hidden.

Someone gave me a point. O/n so thanks. If they want to chase me off the site with their bullying, it will be an example to all those above dolphin of the crudity and crassness of the system they are upholding by not doing something about it. Bullying exists because the good say it's someone else's responsibility, when in fact as a community, it is everyone's. Who gave these robots responsibility? Open community, who are the drivers and why are they hiding? And as a community, why and how can another person arbitrarily diminish another's points of reputation without discussion or committee meeting? Because they are moronic bullies. Nasty Nazis, the forerunners to terrorism. If they can do such to me, a person new to steemit, new to digital computers, and someone with no recourse to argument or discussion on the platform on which it is taking place, then they prove themselves terrorists, thieving every members' earnings by misuse of robots. 😇 May the blessings be.

Always interesting to read your views on these things @simon62, the "drivers" should pay better attention, and yeah it is a bit weird with all the strange bot-comments sometimes. But one bot I really like is @gentlebot. =)

Thanks @friendly-fenix, it isn't the robots, but the drivers responsible for them and the manner in which they are used. They cannot partake of community and should not have any say beyond the search they are set. 😇

Let's hope things improve a bit around here!

I resteemed a couple of bot sites today 😯
I just noticed! I had rep 11 when I posted this morning, and now 10, and checking back thru, all blog has gone down, not just today's. Told you they are thieves. My followers increase and the robot drivers reduce my rep for some reason. 😇

Thats most unfortunate, maybe you should try and talk to the people behind these bots?

I have tried, but it seems they are afraid to enter steemit with posts which would be for all time. They can attack persons but are not up to open discussion on the site they use to make their dollar copy pasting sane old same old, while they themselves have not made one single original info-post during my time here the last time I checked. Abd if now they have, it will be because I've mentioned their using a spamming robot to earn while hiding and only doing one or two Resteem every two or three weeks. 😂😂

Well done! I hope the deliberation wasn't too long and complex. ;)

I came to the exact same conclusion a while back and as I recently became a witness I highlighted the bid bot issue in my declaration. I have @davemccoy by my side in my witness quest and we will do our best to spread this word.

Main hurdle though. How do we get huge whale accounts to stop delegating to these bots?

Hi, on the whale account issue I have no idea, I would think though another relevant question may be how many whales "own" these bid bots, I have no idea, I know a man that might know though in @abd12345 or @themarkymarky may be able to help on that, and as they are both involved with the witness side of things, they are the perfect people to be talking to about this issue, as both seem to be very much of the same frame of mind as you. Thanks for stopping by my friend.

Not too many whales operate or own a bot, but they delegate SP to profit from the bid bot business. The current economic forces allow for it, and as it is very profitable they can't be blamed for doing it.

SP delegation and curation rewards are two things from a system point of view that can possibly change this balance. Let's see what future HFs will bring. :)

When is the next HF? and what is planned for it? you would know more than most I suspect.

@steemitblog can be a good place to check for updates. I think this is the latest post about HF20: https://steemit.com/steem/@steemitblog/hardfork-20-velocity-development-update
Here they hint at a release at the end of the year, but nothing is set.

More hardcore, check out github :)

Hey @Deliberator thanks for posting, I need to go into rehab for this issue. I've wasted a fair few SBD this last month trying to get some exposure ahead of the rest of the minnows and totally agree, I'm poorer, stuck chasing a few dollar fix... and probably cut corners on writing to get content out thier.

One thing boosting a post didnt seem to bring in is the interaction, id rather have 0.01c and a comment saying keep it going i like what you do, than a self funded pat on the back.

Any way keep it going i enjoy your content 👍

Thanks my friend, I added you to following, my upvote is only 4 cents, though everything helps in the long run, I will look out for you work and try to help out, be careful of the withdrawal symptoms from the bots lol.

I truly appreciate that thanks, and ill what out for those withdrawl symptoms 🤖

One question!?
Did you use https://steembottracker.com before using your bots? To see that they where profitable and at 100% voting power?

Yes I did use yabapmatt's service, almost like a junkie needing a fix some days.

Hmm. Interesting...
And you always ended up with a negative ROI? Even though you picked the top-bot on the list at https://steembottracker.com?

Yep and some worse than others - smartsteem was the worst by far, $10 bid and $14 upvote, minus the 25% you end up on a loser more than I like to admit.

Thats not a good thing!

im still not sure how i used a bot and got 77% of the voting pool, yet ended up losing money from an 8 steem bet? I got less of an upvote than i bet, the opposite of almost all other bots ive used. all bots are not created equal, thats for sure. it was an estabond bot.

Oh I had that also, less of an upvote than I paid on more than 1 occasion, hence why I am quitting, now on the other hand if there was a guideline that said all bots will give a 2.25 x or more upvote in return, that would be different, but the "you never know" factor ruins it for me.

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