Notice to Tag Spammers

in #steemit8 years ago

I will start flagging every post that applies inappropriate tags.

I see a lot of good content that I would like to be rewarded, but abuse of tags will not be tolerated.


Having worked on websites before tags are given weight according to their placement. So in a 5 tags allowed system, this goes as follows, Tag1- 100% Tag2-80% Tag3 60% Tag4 40% and Tag5 20% My understanding of this is the first tag must match exactly with what you think the main category for your post should be. If that is not the case I would call it abuse. As for the other tags, those are usually supplementary to the main Tag and the responsibility of what weight they are given should not fall on the poster. I do not use reddit and do not know how reddit deals with tags, my definition of tag abuse is different, but I will limit myself to one or two tags from now on. The posting process seems to invite people to use 5 tags, without notice of restrictions. When posting about Steemit on twitter I use tags like #Bitcoin, #Ethereum, I made the choice to use those tags based on the audience I am targeting and not the content of my tweet. If I am to tag my tweets with #Steem or #Steemit I will be talking to myself. This does not mean on steemit it is OK to abuse the tag to target a certain audience, but how these tags were supposed to be used was not crystal clear.

This may be controversial, but to me abuse is repeatedly mis-tagging, pseudo-tagging, or ninja-tagging. If a person does tag the first tag correct, it doesn't necessarily mean they are abusing the tagging system. It might mean they are tagnorant or a bad speller.

Finally someone else joining in on my crusade! I have been trying to flag innappropriately tagged posts in science for a while now. However all it got me was the spammers coming and flagging all of my posts. Made me pretty sad. All I wanted was for the science tag to be about science posts. People were posting funny pictures and things there! It's purely an attempt to abuse the system and garner votes.

This is disheartening. Trying to curate a category through flagging results in rageflagging. I think Steemit should have an algorithm for rageflagging, don't you?

No, honestly think more people should actively flag posts. Steemit doesn't have moderators so its up to the community to self moderate. Tag spammers are a good start for community wide moderation. See inappropriately tagged content, flag it.

No I meant that the algorithm would be to check if a person flags all the posts of someone who flags them. This would be rageflagging... in other words flagging out of rage and not because of the content. For example, it would seem unreasonable to flag 100% of another poster's posts.

Oh, I understand now, that would be a great addition!

Have the tags stopped vanishing after post payouts yet? My friend @cryptocreative is a pro motion graphics guy. He really wants to bring in that community, he believes that, visual fx artists, like himself will be drawn to the fact that their content has value beyond a showreel.

However he was concerned that the hashtags he used; #motion #motiongraphics #creativesgetting paid, all vanished after his posts were paid out.

He was a little dismayed, as he felt that he was the first person on Steemit to represent the pro motion graphics, industry. and so really would have liked his post to have been the first one in those tags, especially the last one.

So he's wondering if the tags ever even existed, he feels this might prove a stopping point in him persuading fellow pros to join Steemit.

Any answers, greatly appreciated.


Using # tag will in your post will link to the tag, but will not include in the set of tags. You must manually specify the tags you want in the tags field at the bottom of the post editor.

Tags do not change after payout.



so does that mean you are only talking about the tag field tags? are hashtags fair game?

Tag field tags already have a limit.

Thank you for taking action as a lot of people started abusing tags for visibility, while flagging might not earn anything there's a few people on steemitabuse rocket chat that are trying hard to clear out any spam and abuse happening (also with excessive non relevant tags) . We welcome anybody that is willing to help out.

I know this is good for the community, but sadly I wont be joining the upvote bandwagon on this post (even though I can time it perfectly at 15min ATM).

Have a flag from me, as this is low quality content and subjectively (IMHO) not worth the post rewards of people trying to "ride the whale" for addition SP.

Have a nice day and thank you for all the hard work.

The more I read your stuff, the more I like you. Keep doing what you're doing!

Yey! Thank you @dantheman .

Exactly! We should be categorizing everything well, its our duty as users to organize our content properly so it can be found at later times, not just spam popular hashtags with inappropriate unrelated content... otherswise everything will just be tagged as #steemit #introduceyourself #life forever..

People should realize the fact the dont need to use famous tags to be noticed, they need to use the proper ones, they will still be visible no matter what.

True grumpycat :)

i dont understand the Tags in a post? are they really relevant? i thought only the tags in the tag field are relevant? could anybody clarify this ?

@dantheman, i used a tag #steemittripreport, as i only wrote this trip report for steemit (never posted it elsewhere) would that be tag spam too?
my idea for this tag was, that it was a exclusive for steemit

i read somewhere, that flagging will reduce the voting powers significantly, so should we vote down if we see something?

maybe steemit needs supermods accounts, whom will vote down bad content?
i dont think that should be put onto the whales sholder only, there are just not enough whales to monitor the amount of new posts flying in..

Thanks @dantheman about time the whales show the little minnows who's boss. #abouttime

What an incredibly lame reply. You ass-kissing suck-up.

@r4fken, you mad? lol

Not mad, just calling you an asskissing suck-up. Lol

really? I'm just being positive. If you disagree, well its your opinion. My comments are no different then most on here.

Can I help in the categorization and tagging department??? I worked in libraries for many years and often find myself revamping the topics relating to the actual matter of the subject at hand. I wish I could have changed the way the program of STEEMIT actually categorized one f my posting but it is impossible, apparently... Let me know what you think.

Thanks for your continuous hard work and dedication to this world changing project, namaste :)

Blockchains can be pretty unforgiving. I hope that at some point a reputation account layer can be added that allows a member to change these things, along with their screen name / handle.

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