Attn: Spiritual People of Steemit: This Is a Community Brainstorm to Grow and Support Our Community Here on Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago


Hi spiritual Steemians,
The spiritual community here is pretty scattered about, and I've decided to spearhead an initiative to support, unite, and grow our community in a team. I would like to brainstorm ideas with you about how to do this.

I spoke with @indigoocean yesterday in the comments of @atmos post about bringing people in from facebook here to Steemit. The spiritual community is heavily populated on facebook, and it would be nice to bring them here. @indigoocean has a large facebook following and is going to start herding them over here once she has a better footing.

I would like to unite us in a discord channel, although I've never used discord before.

I would like to have writing contests, and I have already started a series of posts introducing spiritual Steemians who I think have really good content..

What should our team name be?

We have a lovely crowd of people from people who do tarot, share reiki energy, share life experience, Abraham-Hicks quotes, channeled messages.... I would love to unite us and grow us more.

Does anyone have any ideas they want to add to the pool here? Please leave them in the comments.

And please resteem this so that we can get more people in on this conversation.

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Thank you for making me aware of this post, dear @brightstar (again you tagged @atmos instead of @atmosblack - that's why I didn't notice it before 😉) I like the idea, but I'm not sure how to proceed in a more structured and united way. For me this is the #LoveRevolution - I guess, this comes as no surprise 😀
At the moment, the spirituality tag here is yet to be formed - so it's up to us to do so. That's the first mover advantage - as well as the challenge.
I'm still waiting for the first chat/messenger app for the STEEM blockchain, so that we won't have to use Discord - but I guess, most people use it here to organize off-blockchain.
Yeah, it feels good to unite people with a similar resonance and define our niche on Steemit! Let's do it!

Great idea. I'm in an Abraham Hicks facebook group that is enormous, it would be nice to get them here. For the name how about The Spiritual Warriors~ since we are on the forefront of this movement.

Which Abraham-Hicks group? I'm in a few. I got kicked out of the "Abraham Hicks Vortex Group" for posting about crypto being in everyone's vortex, and they kicked me out. :( It was my favorite group. I'm in some others now, but it's just not the same.

Abraham fun! That’s funny they kicked you out of the vortex group. I’m not in that one.

Ok, sweet, turns out I'm already in that group. I'll have to come around there!

I think this is really a good idea,i will contribute my quota to make it succeed.

I have created a channel on discord for paranormal enthusiasts. I can talk to them about creating a Spiritual channel. Perhaps we could tie the two together. I would like to be involved in the effort in any way I can help.

I think this is a great idea and am so glad to see you spearheading it.

All of my groups on FB are members only, so I can't really invite folks into them publicly, but I'll be doing an informal FB Live training on Steemit to one next Tues. evening (group of about 1200) then starting to bring over folks from another the following week (group of about 1500).

(There is another I may do after that that's 20,000 but I'm not sure about that one yet due to some tension between the co-founders right now. May wait on bringing anything new into the mix there.)

In any case, many people working at a thing brings in the energy of the mastermind, and that's all we really need to thrive, not any one large pool of folks. The individual connections are often where the magic is. This is going to be fun!

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