How I'm Using my 2700+ SP To Positively Impact The Steemit Ecosystem

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Until I reach 1000 followers, at least 50% of my upvoting Dollars will be up for grabs to Steemians who provide value-added comments in this blog aka community.


I am humbled to have obtained 300 followers in such a short period of time. Thank you!


Dear fellow Steemians,
I am especially grateful for all the value-added comments I received which were encouraged through my constructive comment campaign where I upvoted all comments which I perceived added value by a minimum of 5 cents (with many more comments receiving 2-4 cents and several comments receiving 100% of my slider VP, i.e. 35-40 cents).

I’d like to personally thank the following Steemians

Thanks so much for all the great comments I received recently by the authors below.

Comment authors who received at least 5 cents at least once for their comment during the last 5 days :

@canis7lupus @biophil @johleen @ka82 @lario @frederikaa @wealthy-easily @xyzashu @dexpartacus @ashr @melinda010100 @artedellavita @qholloi @arturomdg @onealfa @clixmoney

Comment authors who received at least 20 cents at least once during the last 5 days :

@pfa @cem @steemitboard @lawrenceho84 @sebastianjago @momoroongchao @farmstead @jamesbrown @anonymint

I succeeded with my goal of obtaining 20 followers a day!

Inspired by the success of my 5 day constructive comment campaign which in conjunction with other efforts enabled me to fulfill my short term goal of earning 20 followers a day, I decided to give even more of my VP to commenters who provide value.

How I’m Giving Back

Until I reach 1000 followers, I offer to use at least 50% of all my upvote Dollars which I gain from having over 2700 SP to promote value-added discussion in the comments. More specifically I offer to upvote value-added comments with a minimum of 25% of my slider voting power which will translate into anything between 6 cents and 12 cents (assuming a Steem value of $1.23) depending on my voting power at the time. Currently my voting power is above 85% so if someone leaves a value-added comment, I will upvote it by 10 cents (this is the reward received when I use 25% of my slider voting power with 85% of my assigned voting power.

I will upvote until my voting power goes to below 55% (if it goes below this point, 25% of my slider voting power would amount to less than 6 cents assuming a Steem price of $1.23) at which point I will wait until it replenishes to 55% before resuming upvoting.

The above are merely guidelines as I retain sole discretion of how I use my voting power. However I encourage you to call me out if I don't stick to what I'm promising in this post.

If someone can tell me where I can check the ratio of my upvoting Dollars which are used to upvote my posts vs posts of others, I’d be much obliged.

If my upvoting of value-added comments promotes growth in the number of followers and amount of constructive discussion there is, I will likely go on to committing a decent % of my voting power to commenters even after reaching 1000 followers. It is my hope that people commenting on my blog will gain so much value from writing their comments and reading other people's comments, that they will follow and interact with this community regardless of potentially not getting an upvote by me. Also, as the community grows, commenters will be able to garner upvotes from other community members who also value and appreciate good content.

What is a value-added comment?

In my humble opinion, a value-added comment comprises a combination of one or more of the following factors, many of which are interdependent :

  • Constructive --> Generally being helpful / providing useful information / offering an informed opinion

  • Humorous → Something amusing, lightening the mood, making people laugh

  • Informative --> Providing information related to the article in the form of an opinion/source/fact, preferably with a brief description of how the new information relates when providing a link to another source

  • Challenging --> Challenging the views of the author or other commenters, preferably with substantiated opinions/facts/sources

  • Contributing towards the Steemit ecosystem - Helping in creating a sustainable and healthy Steemit ecosystem. This may include me upvoting a very new member to give them a positive first impression of Steemit or me upvoting other Steemians who are contributing positively to the Steemit ecosystem

  • Original --> Unique, special, thinking outside the box

  • Interactive --> Encouraging further interaction by asking a question or making a statement which results in multiple further replies to that comment

  • Inspiring → For example recounting a story about facing a challenge or providing facts which inspire people to take action in their lives in some way or other

If any one of the last three factors are fulfilled (inspiring/interactive/original) as judged by me, the comment is guaranteed a 100% upvote.

Please let me know in the comments below if you can think of any other categories of value-added comments I may have neglected.

See you at the top,
Follow the community at blockchainttmft where constructive community members get rewarded.

I spend all day reading and writing about cryptocurrency because it will change the world as we know it. Below are some of my recent articles.

Image sources in order of appearance: 1 2 3 4 5 6


Hope u reach ur target soon. U r a great man.

@lawrenceho84 Thanks I appreciate it, also thanks for resteeming my post the other day! I upvoted and commented on one of your posts too ;)

No problem bro. Cheers!!

This post caught my attention immediately @blockchainttmft, and then I went back to read some of your earlier posts and found myself checking out your first post re qoinpro -I'd actually forgotten I'd signed up about 3.5 years ago. Dug out my password and voila - there's actually something in my account. Probably peanuts, but hey. Thanks for reminding me ;) You've got a new follower
Screen Shot 2017-07-29 at 23.57.02.png

I haven't logged in for at least a month. I'll do it now for fun though 😁
They were not responsive in their social media or support so i gave up on them.

Yeah..tried to withdraw some different coins just now. No luck. Kept saying address was invalid 😔

A person can learn a lot by paying attention to your approach. I've only been on steemit for 35 days lol. Yet as you go along your approach and the things you notice change. I found myself noticing the details of people's post. Before I would just read them, yet everyone now and then you notice a unique approach. And you think cool lol. It makes sense people would follow you. Your not just giving up votes your letting people earn it. Good job. Good luck.

Thanks 😊 which are the most recent things you've noticed or learned about while using Steemit?

Great write up, you beat me to 300 lol I'm like 4 away :)
I enjoyed your write up on "What Crypto and Blochain are Really About"
Your format is definitely improving, I look forward to you implementing broader social media strategies!

@ashr haha yea I'm not sure but if I had to guess I'd say I get most of my new followers from comments I make on other blogs. Building a community is time consuming but rewarding :)

And of course thanks for your tips on formatting, definitely a lot easier on the eyes now and I took some inspiration from @teamsteem 's formatting style.

Broader social media strategies to come too, I'll likely write a post where I show how/where you can promote your post if you've spent a good deal of time writing it.

Thanks for the give away, please take care of minnows in our steemit community.

@stefen you're welcome, I noticed you're into crypto and a developer to boot so I followed you. Look forward to interacting with you further!

Thanks man, But i couldn't find you in my followers list. Any ill follow you back.

My bad, followed now my friend!

I really like this idea-
I think I need to set up a comment campaign of my own!


@olyup Checked out your blog, I write too :) Followed!

How long have you been writing for? Let me know if you also decide to set up a comment campaign, feel free to copy mine!

it's noble from you to thank's and remeber who support you

Thanks for the encouragement @anahowa210, I will go to your blog to leave a comment on your post now :) Also following you because you seem to want to help the community!

thank's Frank.


Friend you are doing a very good job... I must appreciate... I wish you make 1000 follower very soon... I'm following you & Upvoted.... @supriya1993

@supriya1993, thanks a bunch, also checked out your blog, followed you and commented on your post :)

contribution of all people and steamians is most important to make blooger successful I am continuously learning from this website ots uniqueness of reading full articles and then replying according to the content makes it perfect to upvote respectively I have done with my part sincerely you are doing a good work with lots of effort keep going

@tmirhidayatullah Thanks for the encouragement. I noticed you resteemed a post about following people who follow you.

Maybe it looks or feels nice to have many followers because of this, but none of your followers will care about you. Looks good to have them but adds very little value I think. What do you think?

you r right too many of followers even don't care what we post followers response is really low but no disappointments yet very hopeful

Very kind of you... Thanks so much :)

Marijuana education - now that's something which the world could really use more of, following you!

What inspired you to write about marijuana education?

Hello and thank you very much, that really means a lot to me... I used to do Talk Radio, I had a show about Conspiracies Theories. I didn't see it helping anyone. Lots want to shoot the messenger sort to say. All I want to do is help others. So right now I'm setting up for live shows on YouTube to Educate not indoctrinate. We've had enough of that for many years. IMO Hemp can SAVE the Planet. I have around 30 years+ Producing, and Reseach about this amazing Plant, It's something I'm passionate about and hope I can do a good job at Educating other. It really is an amazing medicine.

Thanks @chevs710! Interesting to meet a Conspiracy Theories show host here :D There's definitely a lot of things the government is covering up from us and I don't think it's beyond them to cover up very big events like 9/11 either.

I've also heard a lot of good things about the HEMP plant. How exactly is it going to save the world?

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