Hard Fork 19 Reminder (this Tuesday) + Steemit Needs Series: Please comment with your ideas to improve Steemit!! | E. 7 | June 15th, 2017 | Community Engagement | Archives to help Developers / Community.

in #steemit7 years ago

Hi again everyone! I am keeping my word to keep the series going!

I would like you to comment with your visual aids or written ideas of what you think Steemit can use to improve the Community for features and why.

Comments sections here are GOLD as we know, some great TIL learning and tips usually pop up too here.

It's now 2+ mths or so after the latest big changes, the Steem Powering downs latest rounds, those cashouts done and seeing some stabilizations, some bugs fixed and the latest Hard Fork.


The next HF is coming this Tuesday, just a reminder!




It's OK to gather new ideas but if the same issues pop up, that is great too, because it will send the message that something is more important to the developers and Steemit Elders. My goal is again - use this blog post as a resource to help the dev's and the community members. I can combine them into one post later on if needed to help developers or members.

It is easily searchable also -- as I use the same key phrases / words etc. in the title to keep it searchable - more easily.

I was trying to pick good tags...... I decided to use the TIL tag -- hoping someone either looking FOR help on learning something -- or someone looking TO help on these things would comment! I thought about that one for a couple mins.

If you want to tag people or share it so others can comment and contribute also, that is great. I have my own ideas and see a lot of people talking about it, but as someone who is NOT - I REPEAT NOT! tech savvy like many of you, and who is newer to the Blockchain and Crypto stuff, I know my role is limited to give ideas, I am just a Minnow LOL.

But I have been an activist for years, I am used to building community and gathering info and trying to help so I guess you can blame the activist side of me for this idea which I think is a good one -- an INTENTIONAL POST on the idea, to gather stuff in one place and be easily searchable and findable for all the IT types and developers etc.

Just my way of trying to contribute. I did not even know for sure what tags to use in this post, and I actually spent 5 mins looking and researching the best ones to try and use, before I posted this LOL. I will edit the tags ASAP if you give me better ones to use!!

If we can get some good feedback going, we can use these ideas, all in one place and people can refer back to them. That's why E.1 / E.2 /E.3...4/5/6 etc etc - was in the title, I am hopeful it is helpful as a resource.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!


Some of my recent blogs:






If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

I would love a file/folder storage system to categorize all the posts that I like and want to archive in a way that I design.

Good idea.

It is sometimes hard find a place to start or "To get into the Steem" per say.
I find myself bouncing around without purpose sometimes, but I guess that is not always a bad thing. Allows us to maybe see something we would not normally see or read.

A better HEADQUARTERS 1st place to start and catch up before diving into the Steem.
I guess like the Menu/sub-menu but a Page.

Also a Live message feed at mentioned Headquarters. place I can quickly view and message someone.
I will right things down from now on.

Thank you for all you guys do!!
Seriously mean It!!

Some more good points and feedback!!!!

Just a reminder too..... every week on Friday nights EST - we have a



on my page. I put up a reminder post early in the day each Friday (up now) and then after 5-7 pm EST -- the main post goes up and we gather community there on that post for a whole weekend, every weekend, drop in and out as you like and visit.

I replied to this comment earlier, but it seemed to vanish?

Anyway, I strongly agree that the means of taking advantage of the permanence of the blockchain @danthegreat outlines would make Steemit better.

I have another idea for the business model of the site. I would suggest finding a way to monetize the site and or traffic on the site for the company. Then, that inflow of money could be used to purchase the 9.5% annual inflation of STEEM, or a portion of it, needed for maintenance and the reward system from existing STEEM rather than creating new STEEM. This would increase the value of STEEM at a much more rapid pace than through relying solely on new members purchasing STEEM and speculators trading, or hoarding it. This is akin to a company raising the value of it's stock by buying back shares thus increasing the value to the remaining fewer shares. A rising value of STEEM would act synergistically to draw people to the community and its reward for activity premise.

Interesting ideas again.

Followed you just now.

Just a reminder too..... every week on Friday nights EST - we have a



on my page. I put up a reminder post early in the day each Friday (up now) and then after 5-7 pm EST -- the main post goes up and we gather community there on that post for a whole weekend, every weekend, drop in and out as you like and visit.

I just followed you too so that I will be alerted to those gatherings. Looking forward to trying to help Steemit be an enormous success. There is tremendous potential here. It would be very wise to get the site to its most attractive to new Steemians as quickly as possible as this is, I am sure, a rapid growth phase. We want as many of these new Steemians as possible to find the sight highly desirable and stick.

This is very true my friend.

If it can be done without the need of displaying banner ads in the website, its possible, but if it does includes displaying banner, lots of steemians may not like it because they had enough banners on almost all sites they visited.

This had been a center of conversation in the past. There were discussions of the pros and cons but still final I guess were not yet achieve. In the mean time, its on status quo

Seems like maybe there could be a bank of links that Steemians would find helpful and thereby not involve banners. Like the link to blocktrades that was recently removed. I liked that a lot and it was very easy to purchase STEEM for your account. Similar links might be able to generate cash flow. Possible links that steemians might like:

Link to travel booking sites as many steemians decide to book travel after viewing posts about locations.

Link to a thesaurus/dictionary to assist in posting

obviously you want reference type sites that would help the Steemian experience, buy not draw them away to another content site.

I dont know much about the technologies and mechanism in the platform and Im not a marketing guy either. Try to bring this idea in a discussion together with the great minds of the platform, where you can elaborate more about this.

The platform does have costs. Those costs need to be covered, and R&D and technological improvements at the least also need to be supported. I am uninformed as to extant mechanisms that provide those necessary funds, but your proposal is not without merit. Certainly there are plenty of examples of worse!

Does Steemit Inc operate as a nonprofit? If there is a profit motive, which I suspect, there will always be a pressure to maximize profitability in the short term, and absent due regard for the long term, well, we all know what can happen.

This is more of a query than anything and anyone is welcome to chime in...but do you think the voting power situation is going change whether or not (in general) vote for their own posts? Especially lower-level minnows who don't have a ton to begin with?

I've always voted for my own post, because when I had a bunch of SP it wasn't worth much, and when it was, I'd already dipped into the honey jar and didn't have as much as I did before...but now I feel almost greedy at the thought of it.

I didn't before...I mean, my mother told me when I was running for elementary student council, "If you can't vote for yourself, how can you expect anyone else to vote for you?" And that has stayed with me, regardless of whether or not that logic is solid...I'm just saying that I highly doubt Trump voted Clinton (although I hope he did just for irony's sake).

I digress.

Anyone else have thoughts on this or a plan on what you are going to do on your own posts? Slider? Low percentage?

Well, we could not blame them because they did not invest in the platform for nothing, they have to make sure they're going to earn returns with their investments. There are just those who were lucky to receive their votes.

The thing is, there is an incentive to vote for yourself, and if there is an incentive, then x.x% of users will always be doing it.

Either the option to vote on yourself is taken out and nobody does it, or everyone should do it...

Edit: Also remember that the ability to vote for one's self also creates an incentive to buy and power up Steem - which is good for everyone.

I think it should be a given that each account will upvote it's own posts. Once. However, I consider the situation of multiple accounts, and how that can drain the Steemit account to extract personal wealth.

The classic problem of the commons.

I haven't thought of a reasonable way to limit the number of accounts an individual can have, or a different valid reason to do so - but this is a valid reason. In the event that Steemit becomes a platform for governance, it will be necessary to limit a person to voting but once.

Anybody else care to share thoughts on this issue?

A Problem I noticed.. is the lack of cross promoting Steemians

Since I've found Steemit in July, I've wondered why there was no dedicated youtube channel promoting it's own video content creators by including their videos in a Official Steemit Channel or promoting the content creators own youtube channel.

It seems that much of the music community is running into folks who love to curate videos from YouTube...from hit artists not on Steemit, and not accompanied with fun facts or anything like that. I'd really like to see less of that.

We just started a group specifically for Steemit Musicians, and expect to see a lot more cross-promoting in our community if you are interested in that sort of thing. I think we are about to band together in a big way (at least in the musical community)...and I think this kind of thing is almost imperative.

Edit: I speak so much about the music community, as it is the one in which I am most embedded. :)

These posts tend to often get a lot of views....... and some comments so I can vouch here for Jessamyn -- if anyone has not followed her or her engagement within the music community specifically, she is definitely one to follow and interact with on that topic.

Thank you for your stamp of approval, my friend. Glad we met here. :)

Yes, you are fun!

There are so many new people here, some people seem to focus on the very visible rep. score that is seen in every comment or post, attached beside our name and make assumptions so I figure since I am in the 70's for awhile now, use that for good LOL

I think that as musicians migrate to Steemit that will happen naturally. The fanbase of the artists will likely prefer authentic content connected to the artists they like. People who enjoy content of that type, and who also are aware of the income potential of Steemit posts, will be likely to spurn content that is not authorized or helpful to the artists.

Perhaps a 'verification' badge for artist supportive content might be helpful to the community in selecting which content to support, and which to avoid as parasitic, rather than symbiotic, or mutualistic (sorry about the biology based labels, but the relationships between organisms seems apt analogy in this context).

I have worked as a musician, and have children currently who do, so I am aware of how the industry has changed markedly and the impacts on artists these changes have brought. Steemit may well be a venue for marketing their work that can dramatically improve that industry.

In the immense focus of remuneration on 'stars' the great number of less popular but no less skilled artists have been poorly motivated financially (to say the least). Steemit potentiates means, such as paying for original works, or simply upvoting posts by artists, that can improve the financial situation for artists.

That is a good point. It is not like several video platforms are being worked on and or tried out to get AWAY from the fascism of YT/Google......

But until that happens, that would be a simple thing to do and get going.

Thanks for the reminder. I'm glad steemit is constantly improving and updating the system. And are looking for suggestions. I'm not fond of the bigger payouts from big STEEMPOWER holders. Maybe it can include reputations if it does not allready.

I strongly support your statement. I have no envy about the wealth of others. Were I laser focused on wealth I am sure I would be, but I am not.

However, I am extremely interested in free speech, and in how Steemit can support those that invest in it. The conflation of wealth with speech is a censoring mechanism, and seemingly ignores reputation, something that should be a stronger vector for support.

I don't want to censor the wealthy, nor to limit somehow their ability to support content financially they deem worthy. However, just as I would oppose a big bully pushing smaller people around merely due to their physical size, I do oppose the wealthy pushing the poor around simply due to their wealth.

This, I repeat, is not because of envy, or some sort of dislike of wealth, but out of my personal respect for integrity, clarity in communication, the value of objective reporting, and the people doing it.

I highly recommend that reputation have an impact on post payouts. I have a lot to add to this, but already wrote too much here.

They have had to try and address that in this HF, at least in part.

Have a look at the link if you have not.

I would love an option to save our favorite fellow steemian posts, I mean, a selection inside the follow button or something.

Great idea! What good is a permanent blockchain if you can't easily recover what is in it in a rational fashion?

Edit: this is practically the same thought @danthegreat expressed.

So like a bookmark feature for posts you want to save or find later -- that has been discussed a LOT I know by people.

A bookmark would be nice indeed, so we could organize our readings :)

Ahh, I have another idea!! Wish we could have a conversation-track function, so I could easily search​ what I've commented in your post about 5 months ago.

More great ideas.

I am not the most skilled guy online but holy cow, this series of regular blogs to gather all this input is a gem, it is amazing to see stuff from people like this!


Just a reminder too..... every week on Friday nights EST - we have a



on my page. I put up a reminder post early in the day each Friday (up now) and then after 5-7 pm EST -- the main post goes up and we gather community there on that post for a whole weekend, every weekend, drop in and out as you like and visit.

Thanks for the invitation, but having a busy weekend. I'll join soon, never been in a campfire! :)

Every weekend, come on over!! I have another good trading/market overview up now too.

Thank you!

Changing the submit story window to a more easy way, just like other social sites. Currently, it is hard for new comers to make a post not unless they are already expose with codes.

I think you have a good point. Users unfamiliar with html will have more difficulty formatting their posts to look better.

Despite the fact that I could once just write a webpage in notepad as a text doc (a long time ago=p) I haven't yet managed to get the markup bar working, and either don't format, or have to do as I did in the past and just write the html into the post.

It could be easier, perhaps templates, or modules, etc.., for folks with less html knowledge so their posts can be more valuable to our community.

It is, to me, the content of the ideas in the post, generally, that is of most value, rather than the formatting, but the formatting can impede that communication if it is an impediment by demanding more time and work than necessary.

The more time we must spend figgerin' out how to do it, the less time we can spend doin' it.

And everybody wants to spend as much time doin' it as possible.

Yes, you are right, the idea of the content is much better but we could not hide the fact that how we format the looks of our content helps a reader to get excited of our content.

I've always thought that something similar like this would be good -- as in when you open up the SUBMIT window - inside it a couple options / links auto open to give you the option for a more noob friendly version or option, etc.


Just a reminder too..... every week on Friday nights EST - we have a



on my page. I put up a reminder post early in the day each Friday (up now) and then after 5-7 pm EST -- the main post goes up and we gather community there on that post for a whole weekend, every weekend, drop in and out as you like and visit.

Thats great. I will try my best to come. Thanks for the invitation.

Just walked in the door, and posted the official


post now for the weekend - so it is up now on my page!

I'd love to see a Draft mode.

More of a SteemIt, ChainBB, Zappl, eSteem feature... but I have been talking with a few developers about add-ons to these platforms.

Good idea for sure.

Showcase tab so members can pin three blogs or comments they have made in the past that they feel showcase who they are, and what they stand for when someone looks them up.

With how fast Steemit moves some people every so many followers try to fix this issue themselves by redoing an introduction post so people get a better understand of who they are since that can easily become lost in all the blogs, and post they make.

Great idea!!!

Just a reminder too..... every week on Friday nights EST - we have a



on my page. I put up a reminder post early in the day each Friday (up now) and then after 5-7 pm EST -- the main post goes up and we gather community there on that post for a whole weekend, every weekend, drop in and out as you like and visit.

Sounds wonderful, I will be sure to stop by and check it out.

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