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RE: SteemHunt Team Blacklist SteemFest founder's Hunt tokens.

in #steemhunt4 years ago

The proof is by reductio ad absurdum, and reductio ad absurdum, which
Euclid loved so much, is one of a mathematician’s finest weapons. It is
a far finer gambit than any chess gambit: a chess player may offer the
sacrifice of a pawn or even a piece, but a mathematician offers the
-- G. H. Hardy


You will never become a Great Programmer until you acknowledge that you
will always be a Terrible Programmer.
You will remain a Great Programmer for only as long as you acknowledge
that you are still a Terrible Programmer.
-- Marc (

Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which
matter least.
-- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832)

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people
always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can
become great.
-- Mark Twain

Measure everything you can about the product, and you'll start seeing
-- Max Levchin, PayPal founder, Talk at StartupSchool2007

It's no trick for talented people to be interesting, but it's a gift to
be interested. We want an organization filled with interested people.
-- Randy S. Nelson (dean of Pixar University)

:nunmap can also be used outside of a monastery.
-- Vim user manual

C++ is history repeated as tragedy. Java is history repeated as farce.
-- Scott McKay

J'ai toujours préféré la folie des passions à la sagesse de
-- Anatole France

Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.
-- Thomas Edison

Java and C++ make you think that the new ideas are like the old ones.
Java is the most distressing thing to hit computing since MS-DOS.
-- Alan Kay

The job of a leader today is not to create followers. It’s to create
more leaders.
-- Ralph Nader

Photography is painting with light.
-- Eric Hamilton

La tactique, c'est ce que vous faites quand il y a quelque chose à
faire; la stratégie, c'est ce que vous faites quand il n'y a rien à
-- Xavier Tartacover

Since programmers create programs out of nothing, imagination is our
only limitation. Thus, in the world of programming, the hero is the one
who has great vision. Paul Graham is one of our contemporary heroes. He
has the ability to embrace the vision, and to express it plainly. His
works are my favorites, especially the ones describing language design.
He explains secrets of programming, languages, and human nature that can
only be learned from the hacker experience. This book shows you his
great vision, and tells you the truth about the nature of hacking.
-- Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, creator of Ruby

Actually, the essence of boredom is to be found in the obsessive search for
novelty. Satisfaction lies in mindful repetition, the discovery of endless
richness in subtle variations on familiar themes.
-- George Leonard, Mastery.

In terms of energy, it's better to make a wrong choice than none at all.
-- George Leonard, Mastery.

Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it.
Geniuses remove it.
-- Alan J. Perlis (Epigrams in programming)

Something Confusing about "Hard":
It's tempting to think that if it's hard, then it's valuable.
Most valuable things are hard.
Most hard things are completely useless -- (picture of someone smashing
their head through concrete blocks kung-fu style).
Remember Friendster back in the day?
You'd sign in, invite friends, have 25 friends, go to their profile, and
then it'd show how you were connected to each one.
That's an impressive [some geeky CS jargon] Cone traversal of a tree -
100 million string comparisons per page -- it won't scale.
Used to take a minute per page to load, and Friendster died a painful
MySpace -- not interested in solving problems
They use the shortcut of "Miss Fitzpatrick is in your extended network"
(i.e. even when you're not even signed up for MySpace)
They didn't solve the hard problem. But they make the more relevant
assumption that you want to be connected to hot women. [LOL]
Shows Alexa graph showing that in early 2005 Myspace took off, and
quickly bypassed Friendster and never looked back.
-- Max Levchin, PayPal founder, Talk at StartupSchool2007

Every man prefers belief to the exercise of judgment.
-- Seneca

Act from reason, and failure makes you rethink and study harder.
Act from faith, and failure makes you blame someone and push harder.
-- Erik Naggum

XML wasn't designed to be edited by humans on a regular basis.
-- Guido van Rossum

You have to write for your audience. I would never write (1..5).map
&'*2' in Java when I could write
new ResourceName('com.javax.magnitudes.integers').
new Functor () { public void eval (x) { return x * 2; } }))
I'm simplifying, of course, I've left out the security and logging
-- Reginald Braithwait

Einstein argued that there must be simplified explanations of nature,
because God is not capricious or arbitrary.
-- Frederick P. Brooks, No Sliver Bullet.

Fools! Don't they know that tears are a woman's most effective weapon?
-- Catwoman (The Batman TV Series, episode 83)

The only problems we can really solve in a satisfactory manner are those
that finally admit a nicely factored solution.
-- E. W. Dijkstra, The humble programmer

Write it properly first. It's easier to make a correct program fast,
than to make a fast program correct.

A charlatan makes obscure what is clear; a thinker makes clear what is
-- Hugh Kingsmill

If you don't fail at least 90 percent of the time, you're not aiming
high enough.
-- Alan Kay

Something Confusing about "Hard":
It's tempting to think that if it's hard, then it's valuable.
Most valuable things are hard.
Most hard things are completely useless -- (picture of someone smashing
their head through concrete blocks kung-fu style).
Remember Friendster back in the day?
You'd sign in, invite friends, have 25 friends, go to their profile, and
then it'd show how you were connected to each one.
That's an impressive [some geeky CS jargon] Cone traversal of a tree -
100 million string comparisons per page -- it won't scale.
Used to take a minute per page to load, and Friendster died a painful
MySpace -- not interested in solving problems
They use the shortcut of "Miss Fitzpatrick is in your extended network"
(i.e. even when you're not even signed up for MySpace)
They didn't solve the hard problem. But they make the more relevant
assumption that you want to be connected to hot women. [LOL]
Shows Alexa graph showing that in early 2005 Myspace took off, and
quickly bypassed Friendster and never looked back.
-- Max Levchin, PayPal founder, Talk at StartupSchool2007

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a
little way past them into the impossible.
-- Arthur C. Clarke

Ce n’est que par les beaux sentiments qu’on parvient à la fortune !
-- Charles Baudelaire, Conseils aux jeunes littérateurs.

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