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Hmmm... This is one question my friends do ask me, anytime they see me busy on discord. I started steemit almost 3months ago and it was really hard when I posted for the first time and soon after steem started dipping.
I had to wait always after posting since my RC was low with 15sp at my sign up. I was always limited to post and not to comment at all. When ever I got to see any interesting stuffs like the advent now, I read but wasn't able to comment. So I said to myself, that I have to build my sp no matter what so I can interact more on the platform.
I would say I kept posting because of lovely people like #burlarj, #xawi, #mango-juice, #ifeoluwa88, among others. We were in a community that had competition always. Each day I saw these guys post, post and post and with good amount of payouts, I say to myself, I will soon get there. So I tuned my mind to post each day of my stay on steemit

Also, one person who motivated me to post always is #neoxian. He makes me stay motivated to post always. He gives out his selflessness love to plankton like me and always makes me do more

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow! This is really interesting experience. I had no clue that beginners suffers from new RC system this way. Very good to know! That RC was build to fight spam and looks like it is working but having it's own disadvantages as well... Thanks for sharing!

Yea.... New users really suffers from RC problems and thanks for dropping by. Hope to see you around always.

Posted using Partiko Android

Steemit was my first foray into social media, and I came for the crypto. I initially thought I might write a little about medicine. But then, I got a camera and never looked back. I keep posting despite the ups and downs in Steem price, because it has helped me develop as an amateur photographer. Making myself post forces me to look for new and creative images, helping me to see beauty in the world that might otherwise be overlooked and, hopefully, bring it to YOU.

Keep at it :) You are doing great!

Thanks for that encouragement!

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Great to know! I have similar story here! This place was forcing me to continue drawing everyday and to learn new skills. I've learned a lot here. This is the only one social network where I have gained such a huge amount of experience (not theory) in professional skills.

Well said! Some of the contests help, by forcing you to create an image you might not have otherwise tried, but just trying to post something everyday is enough encouragement to try something different, stretch yourself, and grow as an artist.

I enjoy meeting new people and finding content that would otherwise be hidden on traditional social media channels, learning plenty about cryptocurrency and becoming part of a passionate community looking to change the way we interact online and building towards a new type of communcation and trade. Its all super exciting and its by far the bigger attraction than the monetary rewards im currenlty getting

Many one day If i can earn big on steem I may feel differently

that's pretty much how I feel about it as well.
Good to see you here @chekohler

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Omg! Sounds like one of my questions on day 20. ๐Ÿ˜€ Ahamazing! ๐Ÿ˜€
My answer to that question is so simple but truth. It is because of the persons that keeps on motivating me just like you @esteemapp @good-karma and to the good samaritan who believes in me and delegated SP in me. And of course, it is because of the grateful Steemians I supported and I keep on supporting. ๐Ÿ˜€ And most importantly, I do enjoy blogging without thinking of Steem/SBD price breakdown and I do enjoy blogging even I am not a professional blogger. ๐Ÿ˜€

Merry Christmas to all! ๐Ÿ˜˜

Yes, you won that :) really good question! We will announce your winning after that post payout.

Oh wow! So happy to know that @dunsky. ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you thank you so much! ๐Ÿ˜˜
Merry Christmas! ๐Ÿ˜€

Am motivated to keep blogging on Steem blockchain despite the STEEM/SBD price breakdown for the folllowing reasons:

1. It affords me to learn in a creative way from creative contents.

2. Each day, what I see on Steem blockchain ignites an innovative spirit in me.

3. Steeming is fun all the way.

4. I acquire new skills blogging on Steem blockchain.

5. With Steem rewards (despite low prices), I find joy in sharing love to others and doing charity.

This answer is better than mine. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks @steemseph for your encouragement.

I love writing and I always wanted to do a blog thingie to keep my writing together. When I was thinking of this was when I came across Steemit about a year and a half ago and since then I have had no reason to be away even for a day. The rewards on the post are an extra and helpful, sometimes even helps me with paying bills, but the core reason for me being here being writing is the reason why the prices of STEEM/SBD have never bothered me. I have posted here every single days for the past 1.5 years, the only days being missed being during the time of HF when we couldn't access the platform. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to think of looking back and knowing that I have written over 300+ works of fiction/poetry here :)


Community ... and like Steve Marin, I'm a Lonely Guy

To answer this question simply, I will say that Steem is my favorite destination for sharing the various forms of art I attempt.
Authentic interaction here is superior to the interaction Iโ€™ve experienced on WordPress, Instagram, and YouTube.
Using all the other social media platforms reminds me of eating at only one restaurant. Itโ€™s easier to learn about other humanโ€™s perspectives here on Steem.
Iโ€™m hungry.

Posted using Partiko iOS

For me I already learned to love Steemit with the people in the platform, interacting all the people round the worlds and improving myself giving me self esteem.I was alone and lonely away ftom my family gor a long long time and here I feel comfortable and at the same time I earned a little.This is how and why I keep on writing and taking photos just for my steemit family. I LOVE THE CONNECTION OF PEOPLE MORE THAN THOSE VALUE OF STEEM AND SBD. With positive thoughts sooner the value will be ok.

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