How to Write and Publish on Steemit Everyday to Increase Your Profits

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

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Do you want to publish every day but lack the discipline to do so? No problem, there are ways to circumvent that lack of discipline.

1. Write down all the reasons why you want to post every day.
2. Make a decision that you do this till you reach your goal.
3. State all that in public.
4. Get motivated to start & enter flow state.

I have done these steps in my first "Road to 100000 Steem Power Day 1" post.

I am gonna do these 3 steps here for you to show you how it could look like and how those can be combined with the limited motivation steps from above.


How to do These Steps

Step 1: Write down all the reasons why you want to post every damn day. I want to post every damn day because like that I will build a huge follower base, increase my profits and soon be able to pay my retarded landlord with money I made from Crypto.

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Step 2. Make a decision that you work towards your goal till you reach it.

This is called dedication. Dedication is not a feeling (even tho you can start to feel it the longer you are on the road), it is a decision. You decide that you will stay on the road to have 100000 Steem power by the end of 2018 however you fucking feel.

You will post 1 fucking article every damn day to reach your goal. It does not matter if your mother died, if you have cancer or if your girlfriend or boyfriend wants to have sex.



Step 3. State all that in public. You are going to tell your friends, your family and all Steemians that you are going to have 100000 Steem Power by the end of 2018. Like that you will put pressure on yourself and your loved ones will remind you to stay on the track (if they are good people).


Step 4. Combining that with motivation to do the first step. Write down your goal (100000 Steem Power by the end of 2018 by posting an article once per day and through commenting like a beast).

And next to that goal you post all the videos that fucking get you going. And everytime you feel like quitting you watch those videos. Here are the 3 videos that I watch every time I feel like quitting.


And now you know how to publish every damn day. Remember that dedication is a decision and that you will post however you feel or whatever happened.

After a while you will enter a flow state and writing a post per day will become easy for you. Because what can stop you if you are able to post whatever happened?...


Get More Upvotes & Followers: Steemfollower

My Previous Post: Road to 100000 Steem Power Day 35

My Website: Youtube Channel


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Step 3. State all that in public. You are going to tell your friends, your family and all Steemians that you are going to have 100000 Steem Power by the end of 2018. Like that you will put pressure on yourself and your loved ones will remind you to stay on the track (if they are good people).

This is something I've come to realize as well in my later years. A lot of people like to say that you should keep quiet and just talk about your success when you get there, instead of boasting about how you're going to do this or do that, etc. But honestly I've found that telling your closest friends (maybe not your family, as they can tend to brutally wreck your dreams) about your goals and dreams truly does help you stay on course, because now that you've gone and told your friend you will do something, there is an added pressure on you to actually go out and do what you told them you'd do. Such a great motivational tool that far too many people aren't utilizing....

A lot of things are straight up not true in the self-improvement sphere. It is best to find out yourself. They tell you to not tell others about your goals because it makes you feel "like you already accomplished it" which is just not true.

I recommend you this blog & article here Rodeo for true & tested, hardcore self-improvement:

Thank you for suggesting that post, I visited the site and skimmed through it, and I have decided to leave it until I wake up in the morning, because it looks like exactly the kind of post I need to read to get me motivated first thing in the morning. :)

Good idea, the book and the website have fortified me.

This is called dedication. Dedication is not a feeling (even tho you can start to feel it the longer you are on the road), it is a decision. You decide that you will stay on the road...however you fucking feel.


Excellent advice @valorforfreedom, I would like to take an equal goal for that date following the progress as you do, it seems to me a great thing to do :)

Sure, go ahead and do that. I will watch your progress and give you tips along the way. But do that and just don't talk about it here.

I find people who talk but not take action honorless & highly disgusting, don't be one of those people.

The action has started, I posted the first post of the goal to reach 100,000 SP :)

Awesome! Now you have post every day. No excuses :-)

No excuses!! 💪👍

Thank you for your support!!, and I am not nor will I be a person without honor ;)

I would follow your blog to see if you put in the action, but I don't understand your language.

It's an honor for me, I write in Spanish but sometimes I do post in English using translation page. Fortunately, numbers are a universal language: D. I've been following you for some time

Thank you mate. Are you using a translation page? It is quite ok I understand you.

One question: Why do you follow me?

I am asking to understand why people follow me to get more followers.

Because you are focused on a goal in Steemit that I also want to achieve and I liked the way in samples the progress.

Thank you for the feedback Luming.

Yes, I think publically declaring something is an important step, for motivation and accountability purposes and letting the universe know your intentions so as long as you take that action, opportunities will appear to help you reach your goal.

So one post a day from me now on too. You read it here first :)

You are the second person who says that now.

Many people talk.

Know that hard working people will think lowly of people that only talk.

Hey @valorforfreedom,
Here are the words that got to me bro:

I want to post every damn day because like that I will build a huge follower base, increase my profits and soon be able to pay my retarded landlord with money I made from Crypto.

Thats what I always tell my followers. Quit making excuses. Noone cares really. All we want to see are results. We want to see you do great things. But then you have to put your ass down and frigging do those great things. Great things aren't going to do themselves. We do great things! Actions not words.

I personally write everyday. I post as much as 3x some days. All quality posts. No fluffs. As for people that make excuses of writer's block; I'll be like write 20 frigging articles when you got the juice flowing. Plan ahead. Organize yourself so that you already know what you are going to post by friday next week.

You will post 1 fucking article every damn day to reach your goal. It does not matter if your mother died, if you have cancer or if your girlfriend or boyfriend wants to have sex.

There will always be excuses...but in the long run, when you look back at the reasons why you never did what you were meant to do, you will find out that they weren't worth it. Its just plain logic man.

Thanks for always coming through with your works. You are one of the powerful people on my list. We may be minnows but we have the mind of a whale. Everything begins in the mind!

Have a great day brov!

Also feel free to participate in my #Hug-Challenge! because it seems you are already doing 30 comments / day. You can follow the link to see what its all about! Cheers!

Your comments are outstanding, I need a pinning function. Sounds like I have to follow you and check out your blog Naira. I agree with every damn thing that you just wrote above.

Could you sum up what this challenge is about? I have to answer a fuckton of comments. Maybe I really like that challenge and participate in it?


Thanks for always coming through with your works. You are one of the powerful people on my list. We may be minnows but we have the mind of a whale. Everything begins in the mind!



Oh @valorforfreedom, the contest is about all of us. Its about sharing love. Its about giving a piece of ourselves. I could write an epistle about it...but lemme summarize.

I call commenting and upvoting hugs. SO what I do is reward people who have given others the most hugs over the week once they can share their proof of hugs. Its as simple as that.

But to make it more fun, I chose specific topics for each #Hug-Challenge and I put emphasis on original under-rated works and strangers. Because if you just comment and upvote your friends, thats normal. But if you can do same for a stranger, then thats epic.

Do check it out brov. Cheers!

i tried to post everyday, but i just ended up getting anxious and stressed all day, and almost quit steemit because of that. Now i post whenever i have something to post, and i dont worry about my frequency. I don't think this advice is for everyone, also some content just requires time to make.

Weak words.

You can do better.

Do you publish every day?

Yes I do! :) Made it a goal of mine to do it right when I started here. I did miss a few days in my third week, but that was because I was on the road, out of town, and on working vacation mode. :P Been going strong again since coming back, though! :D

Get a laptop to post anyway. If you can't afford one you write 10 posts beforehand and publish them day after day with an autoscheduler.

If you can't do that you give your sister, brother, mother or whatever money to publish for you (give em money).

You can do much better than you are doing right now.

Thank you so much for your helpful advice! Do you know of any autoscheduler services that I can look into so that I can start writing posts in advance and just schedule them for the week next time I have to go out of town? I have another trip coming up next month, so I definitely want to be prepared next time.

Also, that last line motivated me to go check your profile looks like our accounts were activated at around the same time, and we have the same rep...but WOW you are almost at 1000 followers and I'm still over here proud about my ~250 after a month of being active. :O You're absolutely right, I can do much better than I am right now. Wow. Seeing your profile was a reality check haha

It is all a matter of the will, your reasons & your goals. We can talk about that in the Steemchat right now. Tell me if you want to and then we can talk.

Regarding the autoscheduling, watch this silly video:

Inspiring and motivating! I can advice Kelly Mcgonigal’s book called Willpower, it has tips to accomplish goals and improve willpower

Will check it out. Thank you comrade.

Straight up best Steemit motivational guide! Excellent work @valorforfreedom!

Personally I'm okay with posting whenever I have ideas. But I will use this motivational tool soon, plenty of things I want to do that haven't got around to doing!

Personally, you are okay with that, but followers who like your blog aren't. Followers care about consistent posting, if you ain't doing that nobody will take you serious.

I think it depends. Personally as a follower I would prefer less posts of higher quality, if it came to that choice. More because if I am following a lot of people, I will have to choose how to split my attention, and will likely skip posts that don't catch my attention. Which reminds me, I think I need to do some follower cleaning since there are a few I'm noticing that I keep skipping over.

However, I do see the value in a consistent update schedule for a blogger. I'm not sure yet if I want to commit to that.

Whoever says he can or he can't, he is both right. -Henry Ford.

Posting 1 post a day takes 30-60 minutes (when you post quality like I do).

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