Steemit Jumped 100 Positions on Alexa Rank in Just 4 Days - This Is How You Can Help It Become a Top-100 Site

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Four days ago I posted this image on my "Steem Broke 4 $ - This Is Why You Should Show Some Fucking Trust To The Platform And Fucking HODL" post:

In that post I explained how is destined to be one of the most successful websites and STEEM one of the most widely used cryptos by people around the globe. I guess I was right since in just four days, jumped about 100 positions in US rankings, which is one of the most important markets:

As you can see it went from spot 876 to 779 in just 4 days! As for global rank, it jumped another 90 spots, from 1893 to 1809! This means is seriously getting more and more recognition and if it continues to do so it won't be long before it reaches top 100 # status. 

I think this is something that eventually will happen by the end of 2018, possibly much, much sooner. But in the meantime here is a short list of easy...

Things You Can Do To Help Steemit Become a Top-100 Site (And Eventually a Top-10 Website)

The simplest and probably most effective thing to do is just tell your friends about it. Nothing, and I mean nothing beats old fashioned word of mouth marketing. Here's a comment @onceuponatime left on this thread by @skapaneas:

 Instead, just think of this:

if each person who joins steemit would pledge to help two friends to join and then guide them through doing their first post and teach them a little about how it all works - then how quickly would this social revolution spread? 

Can't agree more. After all, that's how facebook and google and so many other sites largely became the beasts they are today! And the same seems to be true for steemit's success up to now!

So telling your friends is probably the easiest and most effective thing you can do. I highly suggest to also read that post of mine I linked in the introduction (here's a link again!) to bump up your arguments and have an easier life convincing them!

The second thing you can do is also easy. I bet many of you are using other social media sites, like twitter, facebook and reddit. Use them as trojan hourses and share your posts (and posts from other people you think are good, like the one you are reading now :P) and bring new people to the platform. This has a double benefit actually! First, new readers come directly from your links. But indirectly, you also increase the "value" of the linked posts (and STEEMIT's in general) in the eyes of google and other search engines, and over time these posts will appear in higher positions over google when relevant keywords are searched, bringing EVEN MORE people in the long term. This is actually a dumbed-down version of how search engine optimization (SEO) works and I was actually thinking to make some posts in the future with simple link building tips everyone can do to increase the reach of their posts. Is that something you would like to see? Let me know in the comments!


Steemit jumped from being top 876 # to 779 # most popular site in the U.S. market in just 4 days, and will soon probably be a top-100 site. Bring your friends today and enjoy the benefits of being an early-adopter while there is still time!   

Soon... (credit)


Love it! Steemit is gaining some great traction!!! I've got 4 friends on Steemit so far, hopeful to get at least 4 more! Everyone I get to join loves it!

I love it also. I earn lots of good friend when i joined to steemit. Merry Christmas

This is something great and wonderful news I could see this morning and thank you @trumpman and I am sure we will take it even higher.

Have a great day.

Yeah that's great and inspirational for newcomers like me, and we all should put every possible effort to take it to moon. Let me tell you a fact that every individual effort will ultimately become the community effort and the result will also be the result on individual.

It's called word of mouth...not mouth to mouth hahahaha, google image search mouth to mouth.

I will Be happy to mouth to mouth all my friends.

Mouth to mouth to number to the top 100!

Hahahhahahahahhahahhah, sorry for that. I should have paid more attention to my english lessons :P Fixed and thanks :D

I feel happy reading this

I feel happy reading this comment :D Merry Christmas!

Great post, nice motivation @trumpman!

I agree that we will see a very high increase in users, site ranking and so on ...
Check out these stats about its visits! (19M in November alone)


An check out the sources. Search is pretty good with more than 50% but some of the other sources have a great potential for increase!


This can be both a personal and a team effort, I am thinking about some things and I might have some specific suggestions very soon..

Hope to see you all in the moon in 2018!

These graphs look great :D See ya in the moon and merry Christmas!

Plus something I have just seen and thrilled me!

One of the blog posts I shared in twitter was liked and shared by the Trouble Notes themselves!


And to continue with this .. @thetroublenotes are now in steemit! Yeah!


are they a big deal ? That account is new and they have resteemed you! They probably registered thanks to you!

Well, they are new, talented and promising in my opinion.
Yes, they signed up after my post here about them :)
They have a 106K following in facebook and 8.8K following in youtube.
I have seen that they started uploading in dtube too!
What I find important is that they are giving steemit a chance :)
And more people might follow this example :)
(I made a rhyme!! )

It has been more than 6 months for me in this platform, and when I started it felt like it's not my cup of tea but as I go on experiencing more and more I found the journey a little easy and smooth and in December I got the surprise when SBD croesses above 10 usd. I am sure we will steemit in top 10.

Thank you @trumpman

steem on...and stay blissful...

I hope that such a power STEEMIT and STEEM for a long year.

I will try to search of a summer post I had about some nice stats I noted then. If we make it to the top 500 sites at USA it is game over. We will already be inside the rocket. It then will be a matter of days-months to get the first 100 spots.

Thanks for the mention man. I appreciate it.

Edit: Historic growth

That is a huge percentage for 7 months.
We will trend at USA by May this year.

Well done all.

With this chance I am searching for Deligations at @greek-trail if any of you dirty old whales are interesting to bail us out (we are growing fast too and we are just so few dolphins) even the smallest ammount would be of big help) please reach me at or at my blog.

Thank you all.

Merry Christmas! my friend! Steem to the moon :D

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