My thoughts about our potential. Steemit edition.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Being a replacement is not as good as innovating.


   bitcoin was supposed to be the Fiat killer, promoted throughout years for the ultimate anarchist currency, and the hope of our society to get rid of greed imprinted on money. Unreasonable expectations really none of them are solid reasons for speculation or investment, the majority of people will not cop with those ideals and they will not going to flow into crypto to kill fiat or whatever.

   People are not interested into politics, I guess you all have that figured out by now, don't you? People will only get interested into crypto for 2 reasons. One is that it will makes them rich and the other is that it will make their lives easier and give them a solution to use money with safety online. They don't care about greed corruption and manipulation that is imprinted at fiat from central control and manipulation. They are oblivious of the term "negative interest rates" on their savings account, They actually don't give a flying fuck about that. They luck of economic educations and that term is not going to make them hate at the banks more than they do now or they did in the past, not until all their moneys are vapor.

   For any crypto to become a mass adopted technology must be a tech they don't care or be actively aware, it must give them solutions for problems they didn't knew that existed. It must be something that is trending but there is not a probability for financial risks on their part and even if there was that should not stop them because "hey John is using it, so it must be ok?". For a crypto to succeed and become the center of global attention should be presented as a risk free global trend that generates wealth. And that is my fifty cents on the matter. Steem does check all this things out. It does have the potential to be used as the underlay layer that will empower the monetary wealth distribution at every social outlet out there.

   For this to be a thing we would need to be able to link our social outlets with our Steem id's that way we should be able to use our Steem power to vote for everything wherever is posted and give value to everyone that has a Steem id linked with the rest of his social media outlets. That if possible and I think it should be can change the way peoples perception of social media. For that to be achieved we will need the tools to make it happen and I am not a specialist or a developer on stuff of the likes.

   This is not science fiction I believe that it can happen but needs a ton of know how and time to develop something of the likes. You will probably need to come with some kind of agreement with third parties about it. The rest of the social media outlets should not see Steemit as a competitor for the year that comes rather as a powerful tool to widen their global influence at the attention economy of social media. Either way steemit will be in the center of that game at the foreseeable future. We just have to take advantage of our position at this moment and keep the network effect that will snowball us at the top social media outlets of the world. We deserve to be on the top 10 media of the world.  
 Not just the top 10 cryptocurrencies of the world. That is not a high goal enough for steemit, even though most of us would be ok with just that it allows competition to take the leap out of our hands we should not allow that. We must keep our lead and evolve to something bigger.

Closing this

We don't have to replace money so we have no competition at crypto. We are just a real world need for underlying reform of how social media works and the solution for most of the social media problems. The luck of giving a solid financial motivation to both their customers and their employees. And that is how we will change everything thought was possible before us.

   Attention economies will rule the world, we have a great advantage but we are a bit to busy making money to notice right now. Put some percentage of the reward pool towards active promotion and advertisement as well as development and hackathons. Let them know we are here to stay and we are being paid to be sovereign citizens. Get rid of the beta logo and open the doors for the masses to come and put us on the test.

Best regards

Follow me at:

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Well, you have some interesting thoughts here. Not being a very tech person, I'm not sure what can be (easily) accomplished in that regard, but worth thinking about because where there is a will, there is a way.

As to putting "some percentage of the reward pool towards active promotion and advertisement", I do not think that s the way to go.

Instead, just think of this:
if each person who joins steemit would pledge to help two friends to join and then guide them through doing their first post and teach them a little about how it all works - then how quickly would this social revolution spread?

Me and @rouketas had both in the past (and probably will do so in the future) use own funds to promote steemit here in Greece.

As for your last paragraph the snowball effect is real, And it is the biggest part for me not having enough time to paint. But I am really enjoying helping people out and guide them around steemit and the how to's of it. I know at some point I will get the time I need to be more productive for my blog and generate more attention but at the moment I am so socked in to share what I got from steemit with the rest of my local community.

Recently we helped a man to save his house. With your votes what seems to be a lost cause became an ez pz task for some fellow steemians (a greek couple that lives at northern Greece), There isn't much more I could wish for right now of a beta platform.

People like you deserve praise and appreciation. You are putting your money where your mouth is and you are helping thousand of people all over the globe.

I am not a tech genius either but I do believe that where there is a will there is a way too. We will find our way and our place on the global social chart eventually.

@skapaneas you are a good human. Really :)

Thank you bro. You are exceptional too.
Glad you are on our team!

I have carefully read @skapaneas post and I have found out many interesting ideas included.
Steemit is after-all a (still new) social media platform and since most of the greater social media networks can be integrated, why not steemit too?

For instance at the moment a user can connect their twitter account with facebook, and anything posted in one of them, is simultaneously posted in the second. Instagram can be intergrated with a variety of platforms and there are applications such as iftt that can connect multiple channels at once.
Even though I do not agree with delegating SP for doing it, it is a thought that can be examined and with some technical help, it can be determined what are the possibilities and/or enhancements!

On the other hand (complementary to the above thought and not excluding it), I also like the idea of @onceuponatime and I believe that everyone of us has tried to do it to some extent.

People like to share useful knowledge, are happy to review online and rate/criticize products, services (or even people)

I am not sure of 'pledging' though. In order to 'educate' someone, you need to have sufficient knowledge. Otherwise you might have a reverse effect.

People who can do it (educate other people), do it anyways and many of them (even without knowing it) have helped many newbies (including me).

It always comes down to us in the end..

Ν' αγαπάς την ευθύνη. Να λες: Εγώ, εγώ μονάχος μου έχω χρέος να σώσω τη γης. Αν δε σωθεί, εγώ φταίω.
Ν. Καζαντζάκης

I guess part of the pledge would be to acquire the knowledge you need to spread it to others:

Bitcoin to Hashgraph: The Crypto Revolution (Hidden Secrets of Money Episode 8)

You are right, I should have thought it over more...

I have brought exactly 2 people on steemit and helped them make good money.:D too bad they haven't succeeded in bringing any. :( But they are strong believers in the platform and HODL which is positive :D

Congratulations! Your job isn't done until you have encouraged each of those two people to do the same. Violence and threats aren't acceptable (unfortunately lol). You have to motivate!

They try to do the same but for some reason most people are hesitant to join steemit. I think because it's small and there isn't the "herd" effect yet. In a few years they will be one of those "oww I wish I had got into steemit five years ago I would a rich MOFO by now" guys

Hey guys, it is nice to read you and learn more every time.

If I may post a couple of questions, I would like to ask you what type of people you inform about steemit?

Are they the "amateur or professional blogging" kind of people?

Are they the ones you see that they participate in the social media, so this would make a rewarding alternative?

Or does it not actually matter? You just inform people about it and it is up to them?

I have been thinking gathering some more information and writing about it (when I will have my own blog) and till then I am also talking to a few people I know that they could manage.

What is more important, I think, is to make people believe in the idea. In the future. In the opportunity and the innovation that steemit represent. An easy step in the (otherwise hidden) cryptoworld also.

The Greek-Trail for starters is a great initiative, but to be honest with you it would be nice if there was some more information for newbies. It felt nice to be among Greeks when I got here, but I had to search for every tiny bit of information I needed. Maybe, just maybe (thinking out loud), figure out a marketing plan about promoting steemit in Greece and beyond, and use any means possible (such as social media, email marketing etc..?)

These are some thoughts, maybe even stupid which I will not censor :) Thank you if you have managed to read till the very end.

We are on the process of that we at @greek-trail had a lot of discussions on that matter. We luck the funding for a big scale advertisement project at the moment. We are figuring things out as we go I know its important for people to have the means to get the information they need on time. But that takes patience. We are mostly trying to prepare the ground for the newcomers that will come by great numbers in the near future with dolphins. At this point I say we are still accomulating steem power Hopefully we will be ready on time.

I hope that would suffice. feel free to reach out to us at our facebook group Steemit Greece.

Thank you for replying.

I will be more than happy if I can assist in this.

You can do many things without paying for advertisement (or at least not yet)

I am into digital, so I could provide info about some alternate (additional) means for promotion and at no extra cost.

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attention economies have been ruling the world for a while, the fact that we can remove the middleman and go straight to source and get paid for that time is huge. hear hear! let's go steemit! :)

You are on point man. People with sharp minds will see the possibilities right through it. We just need the snowball effect to reach out to them.

Thanks for stopping by @teamhumble.

yep yep. people used to say there must be another way. this is it.

enough to inspire his clothes....

I am glad you liked my t-shirt. Kudos at @roukets for his amazing sense of fashion!

Your writing is very funny, I love your opinion

I bet you didn't read a single line dude! But thank you.

I just joined Steemit like yesterday and I see where you're coming from. When anyone joins this platform, unless they're really really famous, they essentially have to start over. I know you want other social media companies to not be scared of it and partner up, but how can they not? Steemit can affect people's lives directly, twitter and facebook cannot. Either Steemit gains in popularity and goes mainstream, or these big companies create their own similar platform. Who knows?

By the time it will take them to set up a competitor we will be already lightyears ahead of any competition. I don't feel threat from mainstream social media platforms. By they time they feel our breath at their necks we will be already passing the finish line.

Great work friend .... @skapaneas

Upvoted, followed, and resteemed -- thanks! I will take advantage of this service at some point, thanks for making it. (Although another 200 or so and I won't qualify, which is also pretty neat! :) )

I like that your "welcome bot" welcomed yourself on this post. :)

wtf dude? I will flag that shit from now on.

soryy thanks you

@skapaneas It's a very good plan my friend. I was talking about it with @rouketas the other day over a cup of coffee and I found these ideas very interesting. Go for it!

Thanks for the support guys!

Well I have not really had faith in Bitcoin if not, I could have been a rich fucker.
Nevertheless many do not not it for the benefit of themselves and like they say, trading is for the strong and not the weak.

Lovely write here, this is awesome

Yes but that is a totally different topic, that I am not really addressing to it... Thanks for commenting.

Hello, great work, i liked your post and reward it with upvote.

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