Rage against the emotions

in #steem5 years ago

After almost two years here, I have seen a lot of people rage quit yet, nearly all of them come back... only to rage quit again. "This place is Bullshit! I am going to EOS, Whaleshares, Weku.." Whatever. Show some integrity at least and just go, at least for an adequate amount of time until you can learn to control your rage.

Someone with higher level of skills applied equally are going to get on average better results than those with lower, someone who is able to delay gratification is on average going to get better investment results than an instant gratifier, someone who is able to control their emotions are going to suffer less than someone who is constantly going through emotional mood swings. It is interesting to note how people want equality of result yet don't factor in variance in personality.

Consider your own strengths and weaknesses and work out if you are able to deal with uncertainty and understand your willingness to expose yourself to risk, your openness to manipulation and influence, your ability to deal with adversity, face fears, face stress and evaluate if the personal costs and potential for loss is for you. Be honest with yourself.

People seem to keep taking the approach, if people act how I want them to I will be okay. It is a poor position and if you have that expectation that people should bow down to your demands, it is going to be really painful because most likely, they will not. Not only that, your attempt to force others to kowtow (thanks @crimsonclad) will make you are target yourself and, there is always someone larger, stronger, better equipped and of course, more skilled at playing the game than yourself.

You can say, I don't play the game, I don't partake in the politics but as soon as you put your opinion into the mix and try to influence others in their behavior to come into line with what you want, you are a politician with an agenda. And as you campaign for various forms of support, you are building a political party around yourself in the hopes to create a government to get what you want, by force if you must most likely as the more support you get, the larger your ego becomes. As I said to someone last night, Large egos make large mistakes.

For nearly two years I have taken the position that Steem isn't for everyone at this time because most people are unable to deal with the uncertainty, unable to cope with the transparency, unable to keep their head when there is FUD and animosity, scam and slam all over the platform. Most people have never faced a sight such as Steem, let alone taken part in the discussions themselves as while all of this is available in the real world, most of it is hidden from view, like the mass of an iceberg under the surface of the water.

It is a bitter pill for many to swallow when they realise that they don't actually have what it takes at this time, they want to be early adopters but don't carry the skills or the emotional controls required to operate under uncertainty and keep walking into thick fog. Humans by nature are programmed to seek security, unfortunately we apply it to emotional and mental security as well, we want to protect our ideas, no matter how bad, we want to protect our ego, no matter it being an illusion. How well do you deal with your own failure, or is it always someone else's fault?

If there is one thing everyone should understand about Steem is there is the responsibility of ones own behavior and the consequences of ones actions. This is the freedom of the blockchain and if you are unwilling to accept that people are going to act in ways that are not in line with your thoughts and rage against them, that is your choice. If you are going to influence the system in fundamental ways, threaten, campaign for support and seek to become an authority, that is your choice. People use the system as they see fit and the entire ecosystem is affected by the choices we make and support as individuals.

While you might not be able to cope with the ecosystem, it doesn't mean another can't. Don't assume your skills are adequate because you feel they are and don't assume that your poor results are unfair. Perhaps you got exactly what you deserved, maybe even more.

Of course, you are free to think whatever you like but there are consequences to your actions.

[ a Steem original ]


I still look at this as a game.I haven't taken funds out and could be the reason for the way I think.People think they are smarter than what they actually are and that is their mistake.Maybe their ego gets the best of them and start to believe things they shouldn't.

I don't know, I think it's the most natural bias - thinking 'I am better than the rest' or 'Other people just graze the grass'. And saying natural... i don't know about that. Where did that evolve from?

I look at it the same way. When I first got here and just looked at how the place was founded and how witnesses "interacted" etc I couldnt treat it like a business or investment.

I would say 99 percent of what I have seen to do with crypto is complete amateur hour by people who are looking to get rich quick or think they are going to "change the world".

I chose to invest some into it because wow is this place entertaining its like an open world PVEP sandbox game where you can earn credits worth real money. Who wouldnt want to play ?

Hey SA long time no see.I see it as a game and only when I finally take something out will that change I suppose. I hate greed and self gain at the expense of others, saying that this place is loads of fun.

This was a great reminder of why I typically steer clear of not talking about things I don’t understand. The discussions going around have had interesting perspectives from all sides and my main concern is the potential it has to divide the community which has been the best asset so far. I guess I will take a step back for now and go about my weekend with the family!

Posted using Partiko iOS

It is good to gather understanding from various sides of the arguments. Enjoy your weekend :)

Talking about me?

Are you rage quitting?

Not at all. I'm considerately quiting, I was hoping you weren't putting me in the same box as those who lack integrity.

No problem with that. You have my discord any time.

That all seems quite the fair environment and one we would ideally look for the way you put it. Since I like blaming myself and trying to adapt.

I know I have a lot to learn and some of it is being really myself, some of it is being organized enough to not waste too much time on side quests... but since I wasted so much of my life already, I know there is a lot of improvement. Which does not mean enough. But one step at a time. Is that my plan?

Still feels like going without a plan and when I make a plan it feels hilarious a few months later, anyway ;)

Since I like blaming myself and trying to adapt.

Rare these days it seems.

Still feels like going without a plan and when I make a plan it feels hilarious a few months later, anyway ;)

I think any good plan is a plan that isn't set in stone as once in action, things that weren't considered in the planning phase can happen that should change the plans.

I'm curious to know what type of people this post is directed at @tarazkp.

  1. Are you referring to Ned and the Steemit team?
  2. Are you referring to the people that try to control Ned, and Steemit, and want the company to meet their demands?

I am referring to no one in particular. After two years, rage is a familiar sight to observe, often over very little of consequence.

A great post for the trolls. They never bother to create anything of value, only criticize others and never themselves. When others are enjoying this place, they choose to go through the platform sending their toxic emotions around them. Guess what... Those emotions come back to them tenfold.

Posted using Partiko Android

This post has been included in the latest edition of SOS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

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