Proof of Staying (PoSt) and the all important QoP

in #steem6 years ago

Over what feels like many, many years here, one thing has become painfully obvious, those that say they are going to power up, don't. I is like all the people that said, "If Steem ever goes near 1 dollar again I am going to buy in..." I guess they are waiting to get the real bottom. Anyway, everyone can do what they want with their lives and their stakes.

This includes a few large accounts that I know of who are quite picky with who they consistently support. I have heard it from several now over my time here that they are looking for people who have proven their commitment in some way which generally means, powering up a decent percentage of their earnings.

Long-haul and pulling power

There are two main reasons for their view on this which is firstly, those who power up tend to have a longer term view of the platform as powering up earnings is investing into the platform that which could otherwise be taken out. It is the equivalent of buying Steem on the market place as essentially, it isn't selling it. Secondly, for those who are well-staked and interested in the growth of the platform, a powered up and active account has the chance to help carry some of the curation weight and add value to other users also as Steem Power is the torque in the system.

This is more important than ever before as finally, some people have realized how bare the middle classes of the platform are and how bad that is for distribution and support of wider content groups. Essentially, for the platform to find a balance so many people can be supported, a great deal more needs to be padding the central ranges of the SP holders. Currently, the platform looks like an apple core with nearly all Steem at the top, nearly all accounts at the bottom and not much in the middle. A much healthier system would have literally thousands more accounts in the middle reaches of say, 5000-50000 SP.

So now, larger accounts are seemingly becoming more aware of just who they are supporting as they are also looking to protect their own investments. When it comes to investing and business transactions, track-record is something that is looked for, word of mouth is another as they give some assurance to trust.

Track record

When it comes to track record, there are a few things that one could look at as indicators.

  • Powering up as it shows a willingness to lock some liquids up into the system for at least 13 weeks. That isn't long but it is something at least.

  • Blog feed and what is contains. Original content delivered consistently, not a crazy amount of resteems and of course, some kind of decent quality to go along with it.

  • Comments section is also important as it shows the willingness to comment well and engage other users. If there is a lot of thanks, nice post, I like it a lot good sir in there, it doesn't indicate understanding.

Word of Mouth

This is something that no one seems to really talk about here but in the world of small business (which this kind of is) word of mouth is an essential component to not only getting new customers but, retaining current. If someone can't recommend your business to their peers, the relationship isn't strong enough. This can be seen through resteems but, that isn't the whole story.

When it comes to some of the most important posts, it is through direct word of mouth shared through chats and discord groups which means there is no real way to track it. This is something that would actually help decent accounts grow a lot if influential accounts from time to time dropped a link or two of the users they believe in to their own peer group and say "Keep an eye out on this one from time to time".

What this does is not only raises awareness of a potentially previously unseen account but, then if found interesting a follow can be given and perhaps a little more reward will sometimes come their way. Word of mouth is a very powerful tool and those with influence and a strong circle of peers could help the ones they want to support a great deal. This could even potentially extend to some of the delegated projects who aren't using all of their SP each day.

Proof of Staying (PoSt)

There have been far too many words spoken about commitment and far too little action on the matter. Everyone has their path to travel of course and everyone's stake is their own to use as they see fit but, that works on many levels. It is time that more of those who are actually really thinking long and hold significant stake, start using it to develop the the accounts on the platform who are doing the same.

Handouts aren't the answer, consistency is, just like the consistency of content or engagement that someone provides. If those who are consistent performers are consistently rewarded (and monitored to stay on track and not let entitlement consume them), they will become rolemodels and onboarding mechanisms for the future as well as, major distribution points that can support a wide range of content and smaller accounts.

There are many ways to increase the value of the platform here but in the long-term, it still will require some decently staked people who are made of Steem. What I mean by this is those who have come onto the platform and have proven that coming from nothing is possible across a wide range of content types. Those who can show the possible trajectories and potential methods and demonstrate that being a part of the community is not only personally rewarding but, monetarily rewarding too.


This isn't about free-ride tracts to success, it is about a working history that acts like a CV for investors to say, "This is a person I want to hire to represent my stake on this platform", because that is what it really is. Every upvote is an endorsement of not only the content, but also the content creator and, the creator is much more important than any one piece they create. The reason is that it is the creator who commits, the creator who supports, the creator who is going to continue to buy-in and the creator who is going to work tirelessly if needs be that will take this platform to the next level.

There is a lot of talk about quality and it is of utmost importance now more than ever but, it is misdirected to the content on the platform. Quality is important to this community,QUALITY of PERSON.

A community is made of people all acting as they see fit but, those who are working together and acting in the best interest of the community at the same time should be the ones who are getting the support to continually do so. This is the chance to redirect the system and bring humans back into the value equation but, it does take active people willing to support other active people. It is an in for the long-haul move but in time, it will pay off for all users, those currently staked and those yet to arrive.

[ a Steem original ]


I have many thoughts on your post, but to be brief I’ll focus on just a couple.

One, an unexpected result of reading this post was that I realized for the first time that I finally have a successful blog! I’ve tried at so many, so many times, from Blogger to WP to Medium and more. And though feedback I’ve received has all been very appreciative, it’s also been quite scarce. Meaning very few people finding me the first time or making the effort to regularly check back.

For the first time I’m doing a blog on a platform that gives readers an incentive to keep reading and even comment. This translates in people finding it perfectly doable to check back daily for new content from writers they appreciate. And then there are those wonderful two way connections, where two people really like reading each other. Magic!

Which brings me to two, I have only ever powered up, plus invested my own money in the platform. And this is because I have long recognized the value to me of what I just described, even if I hadn’t yet classified the experience in my mind. So yes, I am definitely invested in the platform’s long term health. I see big things for this place. I’ll do what I can to make sure it’s still here for those who come after me, who will get to find their audience and find their writing community for the first time here too.

One, an unexpected result of reading this post was that I realized for the first time that I finally have a successful blog!

Congrats :)

And though feedback I’ve received has all been very appreciative, it’s also been quite scarce. Meaning very few people finding me the first time or making the effort to regularly check back.

I tried wordpress (still have for my business), medium and ideapod and, much the same result as you.

I see big things for this place. I’ll do what I can to make sure it’s still here for those who come after me, who will get to find their audience and find their writing community for the first time here too.

This is a big part of the success here too. Some members of the community only focus on the negative which of course has a lot of value but, content producers need support in the positive also. It is good to be well rounded in the approach. I love the negatives but try to remember that feedback on a good post should happen also.

I agree that there's an incentive on Steemit for readers to keep reading, and that means more of an opportunity to develop a readership. One of the good things about the platform.

I fucking dumped everything at a higher price than what it is currently.

I could now buy back in at cheaper if I wanted to.

Sometimes selling is the right move.

However, that’s not the reason I dumped.

I dumped because it’s painfully obvious I’ll never be accepted as one of the golden boys, so why bother. You know?

What’s in it for me to stay powered up?

I could buy STEEM with all of my BTC and throw some additional fiat in there, but I’d still not be invited into the Good Brothers club.

Despite the fact that I’ve said the same stuff that’s now popular to say.

When I said it, it was unpopular and toxic.

Fuck all of you.

(Not you, nothing against you.)

Sometimes selling is the right move.

Indeed it is and I wish that I had sold some too but, how many are actually buying back? very few.

I dumped because it’s painfully obvious I’ll never be accepted as one of the golden boys, so why bother. You know?

Not many ever will, I don't see myself being in there so, I do what I can. Sometimes people support well, sometimes not but having some stake allows me to support others too and since I think that is a big part of the community, if I ever was part of some club, I'd hope it is on my content and willingness to be a part of other people's lives here.

What’s in it for me to stay powered up?

I think that i have been able to help some people here in their real lives in some way. I don't care much for the clubs but that is something that I can at least say here. Without stake, I could really only offer moral support. Of course, this is one thing that is in it for me. For you, I can't say.

Fuck all of you.

I could actually do with a good rogering ;)

I think that i have been able to help some people here in their real lives in some way.

¡Yes mate! for your knowledge and everyone else knowledge out there too.

I am a faithful living sample of what @tarazkp suspects and affirms through this comment. Thanks to his generous & continuous support I've been able to overcome desperate and difficult situations multiple times.

Thank you @tarazkp!! I feel the duty to thank you this publicly once more. :)

The idea that Steemit needs more middle class users and that it is a stronger middle class who can support the minnows and new-comers, has really started to grow on me. I've been lucky to find support from for example @tcpolymath, who included me into his Mesopotamians @m-sargon group, a group of users he wants to help support into dolphinhood. Means a lot to me, and makes me more aware of my own responsibility towards newcomers and what I can do to lend them a helping hand.

I've commented on one of your posts earlier, telling I tend to want to contribute more, but sometimes get confused on how to. Today I went ahead and got started on a first contest try-out. I do really believe a stronger middle class will make Steemit a healthier community, and I aim to be a part of making it happen! :)

Means a lot to me, and makes me more aware of my own responsibility towards newcomers and what I can do to lend them a helping hand.


While times like these are hard it’s the perfect opportunity for people to fill in the gaps of those leaving or being inactive. Quality of Person right now is easy to stand out and be seen. I’ve taken a few massive steps as of late. Right now it's my opportunity to show who I am and what I can do without getting too lost in the clutter of things. The amount of stuff that gets done off the blockchain is interesting to say the least.

I can only hope a stronger middle class can be earned or acquired. Sadly so many are powering down every cent they earn they will be in the same place they are right now a year from now. While I understand at some point the amount of time spent on things either has to help balance the cost or you have to move onto something else. You still have to leave something even more so when we are rather low on price. Otherwise it’s hard to say you are building for the future if you are acting very short term.

Right now it's my opportunity to show who I am and what I can do without getting too lost in the clutter of things.

Absolutely. perfect tie to adjust and make inroads as those who aren't, don't deserve it.

The amount of stuff that gets done off the blockchain is interesting to say the least.

The system isn't 'complete' so a lot is necessary off chain. it probably is a good thing for the most part and will give room to new projects to build on.

While I understand at some point the amount of time spent on things either has to help balance the cost or you have to move onto something else. Y

I feel this too well at the moment. Not a great time in the real world but, it is never going to be a great time if I can't ever invest into the future. This is a big opportunity here.

Otherwise it’s hard to say you are building for the future if you are acting very short term.

Some find it very easy to say...

While times like these are hard it’s the perfect opportunity for people to fill in the gaps of those leaving or being inactive. Quality of Person right now is easy to stand out and be seen.


I love the proof of staying concept. It is something I have been thinking about also.

We've all taken a paycut, we don't know when it will end. I want to support those I know are here day in and day out! Also, who engage with other users and posts. I'm so glad you mentioned it.

There are too many scared of commitment here in so many ways and it is because they won't commit that their fears will be realised. it is a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Scared to commit to a community that may fail so, now there is a community that is more likely to fail. People need to 'man-up' (so to speak as "person-up" sounds stupid) and make some decisions.

I have heard it from several now over my time here that they are looking for people who have proven their commitment in some way which generally means, powering up a decent percentage of their earnings.

Funny, they haven't been knocking down my door. I'm tempted to believe they mean this just as much as the people who say they want to power up.

it still will require some decently staked people who are made of Steem. What I mean by this is those who have come onto the platform and have proven that coming from nothing is possible across a wide range of content types.

Could I rephrase this as "free-to-play success stories" or is that not quite what you're going for? I think we could definitely use more of those, especially from people who weren't here very very early.

Funny, they haven't been knocking down my door. I'm tempted to believe they mean this just as much as the people who say they want to power up.

Some likely have touched upon you from time to time but, there aren't many out there and there are many who need support...

I think we could definitely use more of those, especially from people who weren't here very very early.

Define 'very very' :P

6 months earlier and i think i would have had a chance for orca or large dolphin... i think the pay-to-play aren't going to be so successful in the longrun either. They aren't going to be able to maintain it.

I like the "QUALITY of PERSON" comment you made on a couple of posts. That is not the most important, it is the only thing that matters on an account. I did not give that might thought until I read it in another of your posts.

Anyone can hit the lottery but how many are not bankrupt after 5 years or so. Investing in an account/person like that is a waste of time.
Its hard to weed out the wheat from the shaft. But when done can be rewarding.

There is a lot of people who don't understand what long term means in the world, not investing for the future. Everything takes time and resources that most aren't willing to give now.

It use to be where you had to wait a week for mail 2-3 weeks for a package. now package are 2-3 days and mail is instant. Even sending a signed document.
The culture seems to be developing where everything is expected now because that is the way things are.
No thought is given to one's retirement because we can wait and take care of it at the time of retirement. Everything is instant no long term thinking or planning required.

The mentality has seeped into everything.

For those who truly intend to HODL, powering up is a natural as breathing. I haven't really known anyone here ( I am just 6 months old) who has never powered down and only powered.

I have done that but it doesn't really count because I have only 130 SP. Even if I continue to power up or next five years, it'll be at my own expense because nobody here is going to give a shit and to be fair why should they. So nobody is going to be my angel and delegate me thousands of SP just because I have been a good steemian.

There is no incentive to power up except the fact that you choose to do so because you see a future here. Till then its a tough little battlefield and only for those who are willing to fight.

For what it's worth I've been doing experiments for a while and it looks to me like 120 SP is a real inflection point in effectiveness and growth here. It's when curation rewards start to be worth something, when your vote starts getting noticed a little rather than blown off as dust, when you can get something for selling votes if you need to.

Yeah that's for sure @tcpolymath. I have actually started seeing some curation rewards trickle by. Although they are pretty negligible but it is kind of nice to notice them.

I'll be doing my own commenting and upvoting for a good long while here

As the account grows it acts like compounding interest. So, you will be surprised how much faster it starts to go! Also you build a following and tend to get better at producing content as well. Congratulations, you are past the hardest part. It will not get easy, but it does get easier.

There is no incentive to power up except the fact that you choose to do so because you see a future here. Till then its a tough little battlefield and only for those who are willing to fight.

It depends on how you look at it too. 130 SP is close to 2 cents a vote at these prices. 8-10 cents at the all time high. 1 dollar a day in votes in the (hopefully) near future. You could support a family in some parts of the world and help them live, I don't count that as nothing.

That's a healthier way of looking at it. My comment was maybe a little hopeless sounding but I am still pumping on all cylinders :-)

My target is to reach 500 SP by September and aim for 1000 SP by end of 2018.

I like PoSt and QoP. I have found that there are a lot of quality people here, and this place really is proof of work.

Well I can only say that I consistently power up 100% as I am here for long time to come, my 10 year plan is part of that. I do understand that some live off the platform, but I supposed that living in a country where things are so expensive that I would have to be earning three thousand dollars a month to be able to survive I can't afford not to have a full time job as well.

As for those who are living off it, it would probably be a sound economic plan to try and supplement their income with either writing a lot more and powering up at least 30% at a time minimum or looking at a part time job at least in order to invest more in what they can look at as a retirement plan for years down the line.

Just my thoughts

I have to have a full time job, Finland is expensive. I haven't used any crypto yet though anyway.

If people are living off it and not powering up any, they aren't going to live off it for long.

If people are living off it and not powering up any, they aren't going to live off it for long.

That's a very important point.

Even if the user base and nothing in its behavior changed, it would become progressively harder to earn STEEM and SBD simply because the rate at which they are minted steadily goes down making competition for the rewards stiffer. Another important thing to keep in mind is that as the fiat prices of STEEM and SBD are speculative, the platform must grow in order for the speculation to continue and for the currencies to retain or increase their value. That, too, will make earning through producing content increasingly difficult. Also, rewards for earning largely depend on being noticed and appreciated by high-SP holders. When your earning potential is in the hands of the mere whim of a few people, your position is precarious.

Steem Power is king. (It is smart to divide it across a few accounts for security reasons but that's a topic for another time.) As time progresses, I predict that if this platform delivers on its promises, amateur content producers will be gradually squeezed out from gaining rewards by professionals. Those of us who have had the opportunity to power up and have chosen to use it will increasingly become investors and earners of passive income. I'm hoping that the Steem blockchain will power thousands of applications some of which have millions or tens or even hundreds of millions of users 5-10 years from now which will support a double digit STEEM price not through speculation but steady external revenue flows from real world value produced. I will be very satisfied if my investment in time and money results tens of thousands of euros earned annually as capital gains within that time frame.

Exactly, but to get the invest and power up business into everyone's heads is another story

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