
hey, I haven't noticed it, but I'm also not sure if I would have, before seeing your post. The witness-unvoting sounds very strange. Do you mind to share more details?
I had a look into your witness vote history in the blockchain, and there is no case where you voted for the same witness twice (e.g. after potentially getting unvoted). I'm not sure if you want your voting behavior to be summarized here, so I'm leaving out details.

The problem with not being able to vote 100% seems to be related to condenser and was fixed a couple of hours ago:
Not sure when the changes go live, though....

Do you mind to share more details?
I had a look into your witness vote history in the blockchain, and there is no case where you voted for the same witness twice

The witness in question is @krnel, and I voted for him months ago. I appreciate your looking into this, but will admit that there is zero record that I have voted for him before the other day makes me question what else may disappear from the records of the chain.

Being ignorant as I am of how this works, is there anyway you can think of an explain to someone with little knowledge how this would be possible? I have always heard that records in the blockchains were unchangeable.

Edited to add: I know I have referenced it earlier posts directly with Krnel, but here is a post from close to 3 months ago where I mention to another how to vote for him because he was not in the top 50, and I mention here that I vote for him.

As you say, from the blockchain data there is no indication that you voted for krnel before, and the blockchain is designed in a way that it keeps all previous records. Do you remember seeing your vote on steemd or any interface other than back then? If votes really got lost, or appear like they never happened, that would be a very serious issue! The only thing I could image is that maybe the steemit API node had issues back then and it seemed like you did the witness vote, but it didn't actually make it to the blockchain.

Do you remember seeing your vote on steemd or any interface other than back then?

I hate that I have to answer this no, which leaves room for multiple possibilities I am guessing from your asking. It never occurred to me to check an independent site as from appearances it did appear to take. I can however say with certainty that people do disappear as followers and from my follow list with their being no record that I was unfollowed or that I unfollowed on Steemd. Which would still indicate that somehow things are getting lost. Others have noticed this glitch with the follows as some of the comments and the one link I shared show. I am thinking for those with large followings this might never be noticed, or they just assumed that it was done intentionally.

At this point I feel that we have went as far as we can with the data that we have in. I feel good that you are now aware that this might be an issue and perhaps will watch for it in your own dealings here. I looked up your blog and you seem really smart at blockchains and pulling data from the chain itself.

I see that you are a mod for Utopian. I do not understand it (nor the other interfaces), but was curious. Are you a witness for the blockchain? If so, I wish to vote for you. Your coming here, looking into this for answers is exactly what a witness should do, and I thank you for reaching out.

I hate that I have to answer this no, which leaves room for multiple possibilities I am guessing from your asking

There is a chance that some witness votes or follow operations never really made it to the blockchain due to interface issues, and it's not a problem with the blockchain itself. While the result is equally inconvenient for users, the this option wouldn't question the integrity of the chain. I will certainly keep an eye on the topic.
Thanks, but I don't run a witness. Seeing your votes, we at least seem to have a similar understanding of witnesses who care ;)

Are you using esteem or any variant? Just curious.

I think ned made himself god? Just use that @.. idk the dynamics of top of steemit is hard to follow. Looks like neds wallet is sending steem to a shell account? I'm not sure what to make of it.

I have noticed this glitch too. Has happened though once or twice.

No variants, just using the Steemit interface.

I have seen a lot of accusations lately regarding shell accounts, but have been trying not to get involved in the speculation.

I have noticed this glitch too. Has happened though once or twice.

This really concerns me as what else can be changed, such as what one has in their wallet? I am really hoping someone who knows more about this can explain why this would be impossible. According to my understanding this should be impossible for there to be votes taken away and followers unfollowed without there being records of it happening. I thought the blockchain meant it was a record forever.

There is always block header roll backs, orphaned blocks, etc. In regards to blockchain backend. I'm with you, hoping to hear a better answer.

I am looking into it here:

If you have any new reports, please let me know.

Hi Tim, thanks for weighing in. A quick question for you since you are here. I have had a mixup regarding my owner key since yesterday. My understanding has evolved since I initially posted this:

I changed my password yesterday, and evidently I must have been using my owner key all this time thinking it was an active key as when I tried to change my password today it demanded my owner key. I sent in an account recovery request giving them the oldest password I had, but since sending that ticket in i realize it has to be one of two passwords I have on an USB. My questions are this:

About how long does it typically take for them to reach out to me in email?

When they do, now that I know the password I sent them is wrong, can I reply back with the two passwords that I am sure one of them is the correct one?

Any insight you can shed would be great. I hate the thought of having to buy a new account and slowly power down and send my Steem to the new account.

They typically approve 'valid' stolen account recovery requests within 1-2 business days. If you don't get an email back by then, then it means the request was not valid. (In order to be valid it needs to have an owner key that was used within the last 30 days, and the email associated with the account.)

Do not under any circumstances email your key to anyone. If you used the wrong one, you would want to re-submit a new request via the form on

Ok, thank you. I am pretty positive I sent in the wrong key as I have changed my password more than once and did again yesterday. I will send in another request with one of the two I think it may be. I am using the email I opened the account with.

Ok, just wanted to let you know what I have found out so far. I went to resubmit with what I am almost positive was my owners key until I changed it yesterday. It replied back that they were already working on it, which I assume means they did not get my new password key I sent them. I will update you in a couple of days if I haven't heard anything back and go to resubmit with the new password key I think is it. Or if they did get the information from my resubmission. Thanks again.

Let me know if it is not done in a couple of business days

Wanted to let you know that I woke up to the account recovery email. They sent it to me overnight. Can't get any quicker than that.

Thank you for the interest you took, especially seeing that we didn't really know one another and that I hadn't voted for you as witness since I didn't know you. I voted for you now, as your actions regarding this and our initial encounter due to the glitches shows me you are good for the platform. Thank you for caring, I don't get that feeling about many of the witnesses I know of.

Cool, thank you :) Glad to help.

Come to think of it, I did have a vote for a witness disappear once. I can't remember all of the circumstances surrounding it, but I chalked it up to the vote just not taking and revoted.

I've never had an issue to date with unfollowing anyone that I didn't intend to unfollow. I have noticed that there will be folks that follow me multiple times because GINAbot will ding me when it happens. I'll also have folks unfollow, but a lot of those I don't know or recognize anyway.

I have to say I echo your concern. There should be a record somewhere of everything being done and undone. Which means something that's happening somewhere is affecting your actions. I hope we hear from others about how to fix it, though. It seems weird that it would be isolated to you. That doesn't make any sense, unless the node you connect to, or something like that, has been having some issues lately. But that would mean everyone else connecting would notice something.

For what it's worth, I've resteemed your post in hopes someone in my followers list is reading and can either tell us what's going on, or confirm they've had similar things happening to them.

It would be really nice if the Steemit folks would say something, or someone specifically in charge of glitches. It doesn't seem like it should only be you having the seemingly unrelated problems.

It bothers me that apparently there is no record of it. I am guessing most do not check, but I have seen a few people now saying they have seen the same behavior, either with followers and in one case a witness. One of the replies to this post says the blockchain says I have not voted for the same witness twice, which does mean it was erased that the witness I revoted before posting this for all intents and purposes is somehow not recorded as having my original vote. I really wish someone in some official capacity would address this.

In my case, with the witness I voted for and later it was gone, I think something was going on with Steemit that day. I haven't gone to look, but it's almost like it just didn't take. Like the command didn't get from the Steemit witness vote page to the blockchain, but got lost in between or never was sent.

Okay, so you're starting hear some things. Well, that's not better, obviously, but it make more sense. Definitely not confidence building when things like this start happening. Especially, as you said, when how do you know if transactions to the wallet won't be affected too? You can always revote for witnesses and refollow those that were unfollowed, but can you go and claim rewards that didn't make it through, or can you get missing amounts of SP, STEEM or SBD returned, if you even notice they're gone?

The wallet page has been glitchy enough on it's own. It doesn't need any help.

I hope someone responds, too. It's getting a little less likely at this stage, but maybe they'll make a general announcement.

I did get someone who is smart enough (and kind enough) to look at my actions on the blockchain and according to them I have never voted twice for the same witness, which means the record of my voting for him before is non existent now. I spent about 25 minutes scrolling through my previous posts and found one from almost 3 months ago instructing someone how to vote for this witness and mention there that I voted for him. I also know there is at least one other post before that where I told this witness I had voted for him but not going to waste anymore time looking into this. Either there will be an explanation or there wont. It does make me question the idea that once on the blockchain it becomes immortal though. The thing about seeing something and not having proof for others is you never need that bar set for yourself, as you know what happened.

The owls are not what they seem.

Well, hoping we get some owl experts down here to explain what is up with them.

This has never happened to me that I am aware of. Someone just told me that you just unfollowed them and was wondering why
I hope you get the answer. I am wondering how myself

At a minimum I would change my keys

Someone just told me that you just unfollowed them and was wondering why

It is possible, as I do a purge of my follow list every couple of weeks. I like to keep my feed manageable and it could be due to a number of reasons. I find it hard to keep up being on the low end of the voting power scale, despite renting delegation to give me more votes/higher voting power. For example, in the last week, I have cast 140 votes that were not dust votes. At times still driving myself down in the 70% area. Despite renting 2/3rds of my voting power this is still a problem for me. I still do not get to upvote many of the posts in my feed that do interest me.

So I do regular purges mostly for that reason as I weigh out what content holds more value for me. I lean more towards philosophy, law, conspiracy etc so those who post in these areas are far more likely to gather my votes/make the cut than those who are blogging about things that aren't usually interesting to me. Nothing personal against those people and if I had unlimited voting power I would not need to make these distinctions.

Sometimes it might be with the way someone conducts themselves, changing their behavior in some way I am not a fan of. I do not pass judgement in the sense it keeps me up at night or that I want to challenge someone personally, I will quietly withdraw my support and move on. I am pretty big on freedom, especially how one handles their blog/their stake. The closest I have come to saying something openly on behavior on the site was this post here.

At a minimum I would change my keys

I am guessing that this is not it, as I have never seen behavior to indicate a hack of my computer or that this account has been compromised. No emptying of the wallet etc, just stuff like followers being lost with no record of their unfollow, and this more recent case where one of the 5 witnesses I vote for was suddenly not getting my vote. Not the type of thing a hack would typically consist of. When I first discovered this, I kept it to myself thinking perhaps it was my imagination, but I now know of four other people this has happened to with the follow list. The changing keys is still a good idea though, and something I did just a week or so ago.

Thanks for commenting.

@practicalthought I was the one that mentioned to @wolfhart that I noticed you had unfollowed me. If it was intentional let me know what I did as I'm always open to constructive criticism.

I have also noticed those 1 cent or less votes and that is kind of annoying that people are doing this. Not sure why people think that giving next to no voting weight is the way to go. I still try to target 3 cents as I know that will payout, but sometimes after my VP is to low that percentage turns into .02

Anyways had 3 people all unfollow in a matter of a day while I was out of town and it kind of surprised me. If you prefer to chat on discord or other place just let me know. I'm pretty flexible as to where you can reach me.

If it was intentional let me know what I did as I'm always open to constructive criticism.

I'm sorry that my actions left you wondering if you had done something wrong. You are one of the more honorable people i have encountered here on Steemit, and can't imagine you doing something wrong by my standards honestly. Having said that, I did unfollow you and will explain why.

I began following you originally because of your Pay It Forward initiative. But as time has dragged on, my participation dwindled quickly for a few reasons. Despite this, votes permitting, I still try to upvote some of the participants and their entries. But now you are transitioning over to the PIFC account, so I have that one on my follow list. Other than the PIFC, you blog very little, prone to resteeming others posts. I would estimate 3/4ths of your posts are wither the contest or resteeming others posts who I do not follow.

Again, please don't feel it is anything you have done wrong. You are following your passions, as I am. I am trying to keep my feed manageable, and as I said elsewhere I still run out of votes to quick before getting to the many posts in my feed as well as responses to my own posts.

Perfect and no problem. You will find that my personal blogging will increase now once I don't need to worry that I am alienating those who are following me for the contest. My fear has been for sometime that I will overwhelm those who support the contest with my personal posts.

There are a number of steemit related topics that I want to cover, more featuring of projects that are happening around steemit, and plenty of more personal opinion type posts. This is what you can expect to be coming from me after my weeks posts aren't built around the contest.

But either way no problem on this. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't part of the list of ones that got deleted for no reason.

This is what you can expect to be coming from me after my weeks posts aren't built around the contest.

Awesome. Looking forward to seeing more posts on your thoughts and on who you are (the things that matter, your opinions etc).

There are only a hand full of people who can give larger votes at the current price of Steem. as it goes up so will the voting power vaule. Currently I give mostly 0.01 votes. dustsweeper can round it out or get it above the dust.
I am in no position to make judgment calls on content but more to the people who are long term thinkers so that is where my vote goes. My small vote will not make that much of a difference on their reward of larger fish but makes a big difference to the redfish and minnows

We all have to find what works for each and every one of us. It is a tricky thing to do with many ins and outs. I am still everyday trying different things in order to accomplish this. Maybe well will figure it out. I am looking forward to reading your guide when it is completed. It is a noble task and one that needs to be done. Best of luck to you in this endeavor.

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