¡Alright! again. Let's see the HF21 with new EYES!!

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Ok, following with the subject of my previous post. It occurs to me to launch publicly today a new proposal. Specially addressed to all those chaps in the ecosystem who call themselves "CURATORS" and also to all those passive Steem investors & Steemians with high SP who have already told us (the authors) that everything will be fine & better once the HF21 goes into effect this next week on August the 27th.

¿Fine? ok, here's the deal:

¿Are you ready?

But before going ahead. Please, "click here" first and spend a few minutes reading this post I wrote two years ago on the matter, to not have to make this post today way too long for your taste. Thank You!! :)


As many of you already know. Bundled with the HF21 also comes the SPS and specifically the EIP. And are precisely toward these last two 'acronyms' to which this proposal today is specifically directed.

I won't go in much detail describing these. Since I know you must have read a lot about these two 'features' way before. So, suffice to say that you can always click on any link along this post where you see the word EIP to learn much more.

Therefore from now on, I'm gonna focus expressly & exclusively on the "Economic Improvement Proposal" and its possible effects in relation to the hopeful and optimistic "Improving Content Discovery" motto sold to us (the sheared content creators) by their wealthy proponents & main stakeholders who actually are propelling this initiative.

Let's start...

¡First Round!

It's no secret for anyone, that basically Stinc, the opulent whales, the top 20 witnesses, the wealthier SP stakeholders, the richest curation trails/guilds and a diverse cornucopia of the biggest medium size sea mammals around the steem blockchain like Orcas & Dolphins on the rise. Besides a good variety of many sorts of affluent steem Devs and lotta 'passive' investors. Most of them with high SP, evidently are supporting and much more than obviously advocate in favor of the many changes and statements proposed within the HF21+SPS+EIP, its approval and definitive establishment.

And regarding the postulates indicated and suggested by the EIP. Most of these same big sea mammals also believe that the benefits and values of "content discovery, organic curation & honest voting" will be rescued again on behalf of the majority of authors & content creators one more time. Fifty-Fifty. 50/50 the formula ¿right?

Some abjured facts:

The TLDR version of the EIP changes is:

  • Moving from a linear rewards curve to a convergent linear rewards curve.
  • Increasing the percentage of rewards that are distributed to curators.
  • Create a separate “downvote pool.”

Common Community Perceptions:

  • More power for whales.
  • More money for whales.
  • Less money for authors.
  • More downvote abuse.

1. Current high-level stakeholders are unable or unwilling to support a broad range of content.
2. There's zero appetite for broadening stake distribution.

1.- The Economic Improvement Proposal is a rather controversial set of changes to the STEEM blockchain that seem to be primarily aimed at incentifying passive stakeholders to use their stake for discriminate curation rather than self upvotes or running/delegating-to bid bots.

2.- Potential EIP repercussions:

  1. Killing social interaction.
  2. Hindering onboarding and driving away smaller fishes.
  3. A flourishing bid-bot economy.
  4. Passive stake holders selling.
  5. Escalating flag wars.
  6. Bad behavior shifting up-curve.
  7. Traders losing faith.

¡Second Round!

In other words...

The funding for the SPS proposals is coming only from content creators, who currently share ~10% of rewards now. ~90% of the benefits of any SPS proposals are then delivered to non-creators - who didn't pay anything to fund them under this proposal.

Numerically speaking, changing the split from 75/25 to 50/50 is a 33% reduction to the author portion and if one factors in the budget redirection to SPS, it is a bit more, but still less than 50%.

To be more specific 75% of 75% is 56% of total inflation going to authors now (ignoring reverse auction, which increases this a bit). 50% of 65% is 32.5% (again ignoring reverse auction). So the net reduction is 42%.

This ignores changes in the economy and behavior and significantly overstates what authors are receiving now. Rewards from votes that the author pays for don't count.

However a 10% cut + 25% more for curation + 2e13 = around 2.19 times more sp required for a vote worth around 1sp to an author. In other words my vote is now worth ~ 46%

The underlying EIP philosophy is basically scary because there are no guarantees whatsoever it can come close as a solution in view to the current state of things.

In order to attract new investments/investors and onboarding new users. Retain current stakeholders and active users. Effectively stop the progressive collapse of the value of our steem stake and token. Stop the steady decline of our steem blockchain project in the general cryptocurrency rankings (10th position a year ago to 82th today). Etc...

Regardless -- it's neither here nor there right now as a solution, and we don't anticipate it to be anywhere anytime soon, as it seems like a simple exercise in convincing large stakeholders to release a portion of the already large advantage they have over rewarding themselves.

¡Third Round!

«-My Today's Proposal-»

So, ¿What about Resteems?

In my opinion, the most important curation tool isn't being rewarded yet. I have no doubt ReSteems are actually the forgotten & neglected 'Holy Grail' of true Curation in any Social Network.

Then, around those 'mining' lines. Why not exert a true PoB blockchain through ReSteems? Why not creating a hash of a block of transactions that cannot be easily forged or automatized? ReSteems are not and has not been 'automatized' yet as far as I know. At least not as easily automatized as upvotes, downvotes, comments and other shenanigans.

Well, what I really do know so far. Is the fact that after HF21 authors & content creators will forcibly have a high cut on its potential earnings doing what they've been doing until now and what they do the best.

On other hand, what disposable authors & content creators only have from big whales, heavy stakeholders and the wealthy owners of capital, money, moolah, do$h and influence on the steem blockchain are mere promises.

Yeah! simple promises that from now on they will behave well. Behaving well as they should have behaved well all the time before, thus far, in first place. Not only from now on when they begin to see their investments at risk and danger for having always been trying to maximize their precious ROI no matter how and through minimum work and less effort possible.


1. Current high-level stakeholders are unable or unwilling to support a broad range of content.
2. There's zero appetite for broadening stake distribution.

¿How to solve the problem of people upvoting only their friends simply because they are friends? Good content will never organically reach the top visibility on this platform unless they figure out a way to completely get rid of self voting, circle jerking and voting rings. source

Therefore, what I wanna see next is where the heck after the entry into force of HF21, all these "Improving Content Discovery" and "Organic Curation & Honest Voting" wishful thinking is gonna end up.
¿Isn't it @trafalgar, @kevinwong & Co.?

Oh yeah! of course that I'm going to sit now peacefully on my rocking chair waiting for your more coherent replies to prove me wrong. We are talking here about 'human behavior' after all. ¿What else? ¿Right?


Yeah, Scrooge McDucks! Put your time and 'organic' efforts where your 'humanely' mouth is. Go out there clicking on the NEW tab more often and start right away your "Improving Content Discovery" hunting season. Just prove to the little fishes on this pond how strong is your will to initiate a true campaign of "Content discovery, Organic curation & Honest voting"

But yeah!! never forget actually ReSteem all the valuable pearls of content you can find on that deep diving of sea fishing & hunting. A lot more eyes than you can imagine also want to see, read, consume and digest what you've found. We all here are hungry for good content. You know?

And then, on behalf of transparency and good will. I bet there is no better way to visibly create a hash of a block of transactions that cannot be easily forged or automatized to actually prove to everybody that you are indeed doing what you told us that you were going to do with anything different than with a good ol' ReSteem.


Yeah! ReSteem more!! ¡That's all YO!

P.S. For all those nerds out there more on the geeky side of the fence who find this post too superficial and boring to consume and digest. Just telling them that they can always take off all their boredom immediately by simply clicking here and here and here and finally here if they like to bite, chew and crunch crispier math the most. };)


Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



I do not like the 50/50 system as an author. I hope some tribes will leave things as they are. so now I see the point in developing in such tribes as creativecoin, and the steemit will simply be an addition ...

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your comment @gulia.peito. :)

Yep, the current existence of tribes has been an excellent chance to test beforehand the basic dynamic of the 50/50 algorithm and its effects in human behavior without much automatisms or voting bots so far.

I suspect it's still too early to really evaluate its goodness or benefits or if these have been for the better or for the worse humanly speaking. We will still have to wait a fair long time to be able to make a fairly correct judgment on it. Especially, when the tribes are still very young, they have their very own and different economy scope and with only a very small fraction of the general population that exists and currently lives within the mothership of steemit.com.

Hi, I can agree with almost everything stated here. But now is too late for giving resteem function more value...maybe in the next HF?

Thank you very much for your opinion & ReSteem @seckorama. :)

You are also an early adopter of this platform and one of the few who still is active here producing content, 'curating' it and 'sharing' it as we all can read on the description of your profile. Therefore, it is logical to think you've already seen many things before to know better. And for the same reason, it is very well appreciated your gesture ReSteeming this post.

However, I can witness you haven't been too fond or willing to taste the true benefits and the invigorating nectar of a good ol' ReSteem yet. Therefore, I'm gonna invite you to make click on that green text above and after reading what I wrote there two years ago. Then, I will wait until you come back here again to tell me if you still believe that "now is too late for giving resteem function more value" };)

Well, unless you are only referring to "monetary" value. In which case, it is not that it will require a Hard Fork, but merely a very Soft Fork would be enough. :)


I'm not sure if I can express my thoughts correct...I mean I just want to blog something here, nothing special just part of my activities...and for me looks that this platform (Steem infrastructure) go somewhere else with the wish to become some kind of hatchery for dapps and movements/communities...

Yep! your perception about the current goals and north of this platform, which we call Steem infrastructure, is indeed the general perception of everyone else who invest their attention, focus, time, efforts, work, money, blood, sweat & tears trying to make the wishful dream a reality.

But obviously, not everything is yet decentralized at all, so that the majority have some remote influence on the destiny to which each one individually wishes to reach. There is a minimum consensus on the top among privileged minorities with deep pockets who are still in front of the helm. And while we remain on board with them in command, I'm afraid we'll only have two alternatives. Or we continue mopping the ship's deck as we have been doing so far or we throw ourselves overboard and start to swim to get somewhere else without the sharks eating us. };)

well, I decide to stay here for some more time... btw...just bought 1000Steem.....

Wise move mate!! In all truth, HF21 or not, there is no where else online to go yet to earn at least a few digital tokens in rewards mopping the ship's deck of a potential cruise vessel which eventually could be yours in the future. :)

maybe Bittubers could be interesting for you and their airtime model for earning tubes? check my profile there https://bittubers.com/profile/seckorama

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