Redfish Power UP League and Wall of Fame Week - #52

in #steem5 years ago

Welcome to the Redfish Power UP League and Wall of Fame. Its week 51 & 52.   Next week we will be 1 year old and I think we will do a celebration post.

 This week we have 7 new graduate. and 7 new redfish. There are now 159 redfish growing with us and tracking their road to minnowhood and also 97 graduates. I wish each and every one of you success in growing your account on Steem. The aim of this challenge is to grow your own SP to 500. To learn more about this initiative please do have a read of the introduction post  .  

A big shout out and thank you to @richatvns for this amazing artwork - feel free to add it to your posts and promote the redfish league

Do you want to join?

You can join, or leave at any stage, all you have to do is leave a comment below and let me know that you want in or out.   

Support Each Other

This league gives you the perfect opportunity to visit the accounts you would not normally visit.  Take a look at the league and visit the profiles of one account above you and one account below and let's show each other a little support.

I would like to very much thank @sparkesy43 for doing this the last while.  It's really encouraging to see you use this league to support other like minded people.  We are all trying to grow our accounts, let's support each other.

Redfish Power UP League

Every Wednesday I will be connecting to the SteemSQL database managed by @arcange and gathering details on the Owned SP for each person in the league.The current weekly owned SP will be compared to the SP held when the person joined the league and the average weekly % SP growth will be calculated. The person with the highest % weekly SP growth will be on top of the league. When a person reaches owned SP of 500, they will be removed from the league and added to the Wall of Fame.   


 accounts with no growth or powerdowns this week are not included in the list above

A shout out a welcome to all of the new people this week @weedeck93 @grannabis @mr72bussi  @wesphilbin @hgn66  @steemadi @wwwiebe. Welcome to the league.  Do check out the accounts above and below you in the league, visit their blogs and show each other support.      


Well done @adenijiadeshina being first in the league with a massive power up of 147.792 sp since the last league post.  This puts you first in the league.  You will be sent an SBI unit. nice!

@qwerrie  you are so close in second place I just have to send you a prize too 135.129SP power up, nice work.  

Congratulations also to  @eveningart  @wakeupkitty  @skramatters  @wesphilbin  @paradigm42  @ajorundon  @angelro  @chwaqas as you were all in the top 10 this week with fantastic growth.

Spot Prizes

Lucky number 5 @skramatters you will be sent 1 SBI unit. 

Lucky number 15 @jadams2k18 you will be sent 1 SBI unit.  Congratulations!

Lucky number 20 @lammbock  you will be sent 1 @SBI unit.

Wall of Fame  

We have a whopping 7 new entrant on the wall of fame this week. @dragonblades @vibesforlife @tryskele   @oppongk @justatouchfey @johnstone.  Nice work to all of you.


Shout out to   @adenijiadeshina  @eveningart  @skramatters  @ajorundon  @sparkesy43  @maquemali  @yanyanbebe  @peekbit  @lauchmelder  @miguelvargas  @buckaroo . You are all on the home stretch.  Won't be long now before you are minnows.  Keep going everyone.              

Minnow Power Up League

I am delighted to tell you @steemcommunity account is now taking names for the Minnow Power Up league.  If you have SP of 500+ we would love you to join.  You can read the introduction post here   


This weeks league is sponsored by me.  All prizes have been sent

Looking to join a steem Community?

Check out our directory of steem communities or you can search the steem community directory and find a community to suite you.Don't see your community listed?  Submit your community to the steem community directory now 


Wow! A big move for me. Last time I was in 30th position and this time am in 19th.

Congratulations to @wesphilbin for making the first 10 despite joining this week.

A big shout out to @adenijiadeshina for hitting the first spot.

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Thanks man. Thumb up

nice work, well done you, thats a massive jump :-)


Thank you my friend... appreciate the shout out!! Congratulations to you as well... good to see you outside of the @steemterminal :)


I appreciate the shout out, as well as the acceptance! As I interact with all the new Steemians, that land at the @steemterminal, it's clear to me that we continue to grow in leaps and bounds. I will admit... most of my time is indeed focused on "other's", but DO try to elevate myself up... to amplify everyone's awesome!! I have recently started what I call the #thoughtfuldailypost initiative... and conversely, continue to help spread the word of prominent Steemians that are involved in the @steembasicincome initiative, as an SBI writer...

Always striving to promote positive engagement, and sharing the love!! Congratulations also, to:

Thanks again!!

what an amazing initiative, we need more people like you, I will visit the tag today and show some support. You are really rocking this place. I haven't been involved with steemterminal but I do know many of the people there and you are in with the best crowd of people. for a long time I was helping other only and forgot to 'look up' as I put it, its good to find a balance that works. Steem on and thank you for your support


Sorry for not responding sooner... trying to stay caught up lol... thank you for your kind words and support... one day at a time aye?

Thanks for the mention. I do appreciate it.

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Congratulations to everyone on the league!
I'm not sure, but shouldn't we consider the percentage of SP growth not the amount? It is obvious the higher SP can lead to higher gain... So maybe considering that % can be a little more precise... So everyone is evaluated by his/her current state. And not perfectly, but it will somehow normalize people progression. (For example, for me going from 0.1 SP to 5 takes too much work, while for a 200 SP this 5SP progression is easier).
Again thanks dear @paulag. You are doing a great job by motivating these red fishes to try more and more!
P.S: Thanks dear @wesphilbin for being a good and giving supporter for this community...

we did % at the start and changed it. When people start here with 1SP, the jump to 2 sp is 100%. It doesn't really work. However with the leagues birthday this week I am planning some changes, stay tuned

Congrats! Everyone Keep it up.

well done you, keep up the awesome work

Yes! i will @paulag thanks .

YEEAAAH!!!! i graduate

thank you @paulag for your great work.

yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, yepeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, congraulations, and we have on you on the minnow league now...the only way is up

Oh and I just saw I'm lucky #5 so much positive stuff here!

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nice.......................... congraus @skramatters

Followed, commented, upvoted, re-steemed...

@paradigm42, and @skramatters!!

thank you kind sir :-) and nice work this week!!!!

Congratulations to all and please do visit your neighbours and stay in touch with the former ones. You can only grow if they help you.

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we all rely on each other and we all have the same goal. its the people in these league you wanna be friends with :-)


Are you... following me :) So true... all in this together!!

I'm in the list, I'm number 82.
This is so great, thank you so much for this

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Congrats. You are among the first 100

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high 5, well done you, now you gotta try do better next week lol

Okay, sorry to take this long to answer.

I'm really interesting in seeing where I am this week.

And pardon me for not replying to you earlier.

I hope you have a great day today

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What a week for the league! 7 graduated! That's awesome after a dry spell, looks like there are plenty set to graduate next week or very soon, including myself I'm actually nearer to 480 now and have maybe 20 or so otw by next week.

So this has been a very good run since I joined 21 weeks ago at 132 sp.. Very cool initiative here and solid steemians..

I appreciate everyone involved and hope to continue my #humanizesteem efforts. I don't know who began that but I'm carrying the torch and want to encourage everyone to engage as that's the true key to success and the priceless alchemical crypto gold on the chain.

Okay, enough babbling from me hey @wakeupkitty we're neighbors again! Even though you destroyed me on engagement last week, so far these few days I've been involved in some intense steeming and have high hopes for a better performance and possibly a Minnow celebration party whereby I'll be motivated to spread some pal love.. Stake and votatoes folks! But, I'm keeping some liquid to reward my staunch supporters....

Stop on by and leave a comment please my posts don't bite hard, just a lil nibble...

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Great we are still neighbours 😁.

Looks like you are running out of me next week 😢.
Good thing your posts don't bite so I keep visiting you.

I wonder if other members visit their neighbours as well. I will see if I can promote some of them here or there.

If we keep the trail it has to work.
Congrats neighbors 💕

Yes indeed I'll stay in touch neighbours or not!

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7 graduations was nuts, but dont forget, I didnt do the league last week so there was a bit of a catch-up

so its you and @wakeupkitty neck to neck both here and on Ashers league, that rocks and its good to see some health comeptition

Agreed healthy competition is alive and well..

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