yanyanbebe (61)in #cn • 5 years ago說了好久....終於寫劇評! 天空城堡 - 引起韓國內外超高迴響說了好久好久好久.....從2018說到2020 我-終-於-開-始-寫-劇-評 看韓劇年資已有14年 (第一部是大長今lol) 看日劇年資也有15年 看過的劇...上百部!!!! 暫停了週末活動, 還是想要發一下文…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn-activity • 5 years agoOur WEEKEND! 我們的週末! 公告首先要謝謝參加的朋友!! 恭喜@yanhan, @annzhao, @cherryzz, @zerofive ...我會為你們各人買一份SBI喔! 然後就有一個消息要跟大家說.. 週末活動暫時要停一下了…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 55] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 54 結果公布及Week 55開始Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of "Our WEEKEND"#53 現在...讓我們來看一下上週的回覆跟抽獎結果吧…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn-activity • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 54] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 53 結果公布及Week 54開始Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of "Our WEEKEND"#53 現在...讓我們來看一下上週的回覆跟抽獎結果吧…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn-activity • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 53] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 52 結果公布及Week 53開始1st anniversary of "Our WEEKEND" 我們的週末活動..一周年了!:D 特別公告: 第53期會在下星期二(10/12)才完結 (因為我要去玩了..希望回來有心情寫遊記吧!) Hi…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn-activity • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 52] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 51 結果公布及Week 52開始1st anniversary of "Our WEEKEND" 我們的週末活動..一周年了!:D Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn-activity • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 51] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 50 結果公布及Week 51開始Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of "Our WEEKEND"#50 現在...讓我們來看一下上週的回覆跟抽獎結果吧…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 50] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 49 結果公布及Week 50開始Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of "Our WEEKEND"#49 現在...讓我們來看一下上週的回覆跟抽獎結果吧…yanyanbebe (61)in #hk • 5 years ago小區覓食 - 大坑銅鑼灣附近有一個小區..靜中帶旺 有好多好多有特色的餅店,咖啡店,餐廳! 那就是 - 大坑! 在一堆舊樓宇裡面..有著不少有名的小店 高級的餐廳跟茶餐廳也只是一街之隔! :D 前陣子..午餐時間我也去了覓食…yanyanbebe (61)in #cnweekends • 5 years ago週末活動#50 - 更新真的好久好久沒有更新帖子了 除了更新每周的週末活動...這幾個月根本就沒有好好的發文! 平靜的在維港旁的星光大道跟 @minloulou約會... 吹著海風,邊走邊聊天是久違了活動! :D…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 49] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 48 結果公布及Week 49開始Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of "Our WEEKEND"#48 現在...讓我們來看一下上週的回覆跟抽獎結果吧…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 48] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 47 結果公布及Week 48開始Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of "Our WEEKEND"#47 現在...讓我們來看一下上週的回覆跟抽獎結果吧…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 47] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 46 結果公布及Week 47開始Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of "Our WEEKEND"#46 現在...讓我們來看一下上週的回覆跟抽獎結果吧…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 46] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 45 結果公布及Week 46開始Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of "Our WEEKEND"#45 現在...讓我們來看一下上週的回覆跟抽獎結果吧…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 45] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 44 結果公布及Week 45開始Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of "Our WEEKEND"#44 現在...讓我們來看一下上週的回覆跟抽獎結果吧…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 44] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 43 結果公布及Week 44開始Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of "Our WEEKEND"#43 現在...讓我們來看一下上週的回覆跟抽獎結果吧…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 43] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 42 結果公布及Week 43開始Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of "Our WEEKEND"#42 現在...讓我們來看一下上週的回覆跟抽獎結果吧…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn • 5 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 42] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 41 結果公布及Week 42開始Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of "Our WEEKEND"#41 現在...讓我們來看一下上週的回覆跟抽獎結果吧…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn • 6 years ago[Result announcement & start of Week 41] Our WEEKEND! 我們的週末! Week 40 結果公布及Week 41開始Hi Steemians! Here we come to announce the result and replies of "Our WEEKEND"#39 現在...讓我們來看一下上週的回覆跟抽獎結果吧…yanyanbebe (61)in #cn • 6 years ago周末活動#40 - 朋友飯聚最近很多很多的朋友飯聚...因為要慶生 :) @minloulou 跟我的生日都相差不太遠..所以飯聚都安排在一起了! 又去吃了京菜-鹿鳴春..幸好是一大班人去吃~ 要不然根本就吃不完呀! 好久沒有更新...最近心情都不太好~