
Nice post, keep it going and putting out the original and helpful content, and you should be rewarded! Good luck!

Steemit has an etiquette. Please take time to read this information @erikmagner upvoting your own comment is not cool unless it contains valuable information. Your comment just looks spammy. Which will actually damage your reputation. Reputation on steemit is super important.

"Advice For Comments:
Leave a comment worthy of a reply
Don't just comment 'great post' or 'upvoted' one or two word comments show a lack of effort and could make people think you didn't even read the post
Do not spam the same comment on every post you encounter - this will likely get flagged
Try and provide feedback or insight
Generally try not to be offensive or rude - hate speech can also result in flags
Don't paste irrelevant links into comments
Don't ask for vote swapping
Same goes for following
Don't ask people to visit your page in someone else's post"

From full article

Very insightful post Mr. @molometer, I'am aware too that Steemit is not just a social site, but it is also an investment site, and I agree with you that one should do research and try to experiment things here to be profitable. I once use bid bots too but I just stopped it, for the one I bid never return back the value, in short I lost in investing. I'm kinda hibernating from bid bots now, but who knows, as you recommend/suggesting it, I might try it in the future again but I need to select the best bid bots that will help me profitable here. Very nice post, it hit me when you said that it so disheartening experience when you compare the amount of your quality post versus to those who just post pictures at all and they get a hefty or nice value for their post. Thanks for sharing this. By the way nice photos too ;)

I've been on steemit since June 2017 and just worked posting rich content virtually every day and getting virtually nothing for my efforts. I began to see there is more to this system than just a website and that these bots actually could be useful.

It's only since @yabapmatt put this great tool together that it started to make any sense. Prior to this you had to rely on random luck that your post would get any upvotes at all.

It turns a lot of people off steemit when they hear these mad stories of some people earning $1,000's for one post? Which has happened here, and yet they come and slave away everyday and make absolutely zero.

We have to take control of our own destiny and if that means using these bots for a while until you build up a sizable following that can sustain your efforts. Then it is the sensible thing to do. That is why they are here.

Thank you for reading and for your thoughtful comments. You need to study the bots and see how they work before spending any money on them. They can make a loss also if you are not careful.

You really makes sense Mr. @molometer, I love the way you think and the radical way of how you control the destiny. Thanks a lot for the advice.

Thank you @puroypoi I hope it helps. It also helps if you spell my username correctly lol

Lol Sorry for that. I will correct it. ;)

Thanks for that buddy.

As a nos-so-minnow blogger I somehow started to rely on just upvotes from random people. And stopped using bots, but the payouts declined significanly. Actually it is in a sense better to use bots if you are a minnow.

That is why they are there @ontheverge since the new tool arrived things have got a lot simpler.

In the past you had to follow a bot controlled by a whale and there were so many rules and what not and they were making a fortune from them.

Now you can see exactly who runs the bot and if you agree with what they are doing you can use that bot knowing that you are actually helping the minnows on the platform and yourself. Study them well though before you commit. Find out who is behind them and what they are doing for steemit.

Wow thanks for this information you gave us @molometer it was really helpful to us minnow who is just starting here on steemit. I never know that having a big steempower is like having a super power because it can change your post value.. thanks for this because i was really frustrated because my article hasn't earn a single cent.. looking forward tl your next post . :')

It's like many things is life. You only get out what you put in. In order to reap the rewards you must sow good rich and interesting content and then use a bot if needed. Not just as a matter of course.

Your content must be of some value otherwise those same whales will downvote your work even if you have used a bot. @mrsexappeal

Not everyone can just post a photo and hope to earn anything.

Your right sir! Im very thankful to you for giving me tips on how to be successful on steemit. I hope someday whales can see me.. i just need to put quality post. :')

Just be real and share your thoughts about where you are. No one knows what 'quality posts' means. It's all subjective. You are doing the right thing by finding what works and what doesn't.

Wow indeed.. your words really motivates me to push forward sir. Thankyou for your kindness for minnows like us hehehehe. I cant wait to read your next article sir. :')

Good to know! I've only tip toed around with bots. I may need to do some research! Thanks for this!

My pleasure Melinda, time is the most valuable thing we have.
I intend to use mine wisely.
Hoping that a miracle will happen is fruitless. Get stuck into the mechanics of this and you'll see the results.
I'm here to make money. A lot of people may try to deny it but that is why they are here too.
A little more honesty about our motivations is refreshing don't you think?

I just want to make enough so that I can continue doing my Shadow Contest! I'm hoping that eventually it will pay for itself, but it sure isn't yet!

That's a good idea Melinda. I first used the bots to support my signage challenge. It broke even most of the time otherwise I could have never have made all those payouts. It was never profitable but a lot of fun and it was nice to spread the money around with the rise in the values of steem and sbd.
I've seen the shadow contest and will give it a go too.
Use a bot to fund the contest but just do your research first.
Go for the bigger bots as they seem to work best most of the time. Postpromoter etc

I'll keep an eye on them! I need to build up my SBD first.

Thanks so much for this informative post @molometer! I'm trying to be a sponge on here but there is so much to soak in.

Glad to be of service. There is much to learn here and time is precious.

Such great advice and so cool you meet so many of thes people at Steemfast

Cheers my friend

Thanks Jay, it was great to meet so many interesting people in one place.
They have designed this platform for all of us to make it a success.
We just have to figure it out. It's an elaborate game with all the usual players and pitfalls. Almost like a real life dungeons and dragons deal.
Some people are just quicker at figuring that out than others? lol

That is so true I see some that have worked out the game and play it so well and good luck to them

But I decided early on, I am not going to be focused on return on investment in such a degree that I only upvote posts within a certain time window or rely on auto voters for every upvote, Maybe I am old school but for most of my upvotes i like to do it at my own bidding and just when I see the post wether it is a minute old or a day

I am enjoying the interaction on here and will just let any earnings come as they may and not let them be my driving force

I can see your point. It can be an uphill struggle if you have no support like 90% of the people who post great content and get little reward or recognition.
This is primarily a business that just happens to have a website called steemit amongst many others.

How people interact is an important feature but not the driving force. Finding good content (whatever that is) is the job.

Curating and comments all make money for the curators and people that leave comments.

If people are kind enough and take the time to comment then it follows that we should try to reward them as much as we can by using these bots systems.

Remember also that 25% of the rewards go to curators and some of that goes to the bots too.

This is the business model we are in and it works. When you know about it. It is an investment platform that needs your active management to secure your investments.

I upvote every sensible comment. Many do not?

I need to adjust the way I do somethings myself I know and upvotes on comments is something I haven’t been doing and need to


Every time we don't upvote peoples comments is a lost opportunity to give them some rewards. It costs us nothing to upvote. That was one of the key points in the steemit white paper. To make voting painless and costless.

Yes indeed a very good point I use my upvoting power up on people’s post and need to balance that down a bit to enable my to upvote comments

Sometimes the comments on a post can make more than the post itself. Strange but true. I'm sure you may have seen that happen?

I shall have to investigate some of this. See what's happening so to speak :)

Welcome to the rabbit hole Westley. Dig deep and you will find your way through.

It should prove interesting :)

Thank you molometer for making a transfer to me for an upvote of 12.82% on this post!

Half of your bid goes to @budgets which funds growth projects for Steem like our top 25 posts on Steem!

The other half helps holders of Steem power earn about 60% APR on a delegation to me!

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