Using Steem to Advertise Products and Services... What Is Your Opinion?

in #steem6 years ago

It seems like a lucrative way to spend your SBD.

Right now, it costs 3-500 SBD ($1000 or less) to get on the front page of trending.
Of that $1000, you will probably get $800 or more back in rewards.

So... we can call it $200 to get on the front page of trending.

Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 9.19.20 AM.png

These posts are getting hundreds of likes and a lot of engagement. If we average it out at 200 likes per post, and say there are 5 views for every like, (yes I know my math is very scientific) you are getting 1000 views on your ad for $200, or 20 cents per pair of eyeballs.

Now the real fun begins when you start to factor in your conversion rates.

Yet, done properly, this seems like it would be a lucrative form of advertising. I don't see any reason why it would impact the Steem community in a negative way. You would simply have external companies paying to promote their content, adding more cash to the Steem ecosystem.

What do you all think about this?

Promoted content has been here for a while and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. How would you respond if the trending page was full of paid advertisements instead of paid content?
How can we allow for paid advertising on steem without it impacting organic content_.png

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I want to know what you all think!


Yes very good idea through this we can grow our steemit community.

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