Finding Motivation When There Is None

in #art6 years ago (edited)

My life is a continuous evolution.

Every day I wake up with new thoughts and ideas.

This has led to me having many wonderful adventures but one thing that has been missing is stability.


With this continuous birthing of new ideas and projects I consistently find myself in what I like to call "no-mans land". You've started a new project but it hasn't really solidified yet. You have an idea of what you are trying to accomplish but by no means do you have a step by step plan leading you to the finish.

I've found myself in this position more times than I can count. It can be overwhelming to have an idea burning inside you but to have no idea how to bring it to fruition. Here are some of the things I do when I need a bit of a boost.

Define Your Worst Case Scenarion

When we are hesitating instead of acting it is often due to fear. When you define your worst case scenario you take an abstract fear and turn it into a concrete known. Are you ok with this outcome? If yes, continue. If not, reconsider your options.

Know Your Why

What motivates you to wake up in the morning? What reasons do you have to keep pushing when things get tough. Without a why, the how and the what will become increasingly difficult.

Stay Supported

Even the strongest of us all will break down without help. Whether it is family or friends or both, having a strong support group is key to any kind of sustained success. It should be give and take, not just one or the other. Stay humble, ask for help when you need it.

Check Out Some Of My Other Posts Here


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