Dtube ... A Whole New World

in #dtube6 years ago

One of the things that I love most about Steem is that it is an INCREDIBLE motivator for creating content.

When I was just getting started, even though I was making pennies per post, I was writing SO much more than I ever had before.

It's simple. When you incentivize behavior, people will do more of it!

I get to develop skills, create content that benefits people, AND I get paid to do it!


One of the things that excites me most about Steemit, and the current world that we live in, is that there are sooo many ways that people can do the things they love and get paid for doing them.

That brings me to @dtube.

Some of you may know that I started a cooking show. It's called @cryptokitchen. (really great stuff btw /endplug)

I had thought of doing this for a while ... but never got around to doing it. I was browsing Dtube and saw what people were making and decided to give it a shot.

So far I've made 3 videos and my most recent video has been graced by the @dtube god's themselves! Currently the reward is siting at over $40 STU!!

OMG! This is wild!

For SOOOOO long I've wanted ways that I can support myself remotely, doing things that I love, not having to slave away for some ugly corporation damaging my body and soul.

Steem was a stepping stone, and I will continue creating content for this platform (I love to write and am really humbled by the support that I have received here, I want to continue to create uplifting and educational content for you all),
BUT, I am definitely going to start creating more videos!

I have so many ideas for videos that I want to create.

So much wonderful content and so much fun to be had while making them.

There are a couple things I want to address.

Primarily so that I can process these feelings, but I would LOVE to create an open discussion about these thoughts.

So you're just making videos for the money??

No. Not actually the case. In a previous life I traded BTC for my living. In that experience I learned that I can't do things just for the money. I will burn out, get depressed, and generally turn into a cave troll.


I actually really like cooking, and have uncovered a long lost passion for creating videos.

I took a broadcasting class in High School and really enjoyed it.

I have been having a lot of fun making these videos and will stop if they are no longer fun.

Seems like I am trying to convince myself as well ... maybe I am.

When I first saw the vote from @dtube I went through a solid moment of "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy" ...
BUT, the fact of the matter is that I AM WORTHY, I created a good video, and am going to keep making better and better content and empowering the "I don't know how to boil water" Steemians to make tasty meals.

You wouldn't even do it if it weren't for the money

This one may actually be true.

I don't think there is anything wrong with this! We are biologically wired to go after rewards. Our dopamine system is there... JUST FOR THIS.

I view this as a HUGE positive.

Before Steem I was not writing regularly,

hadn't viewed writing as a skill that I could develop and use to my benefit, and didn't have any plans to change that.

Steem has empowered and motivated me to be a better writer.

Dtube is now doing the same for @metama as a videographer.

These are new skills that I can take with me for the REST OF MY LIFE! and, I get to have fun while supporting myself.

It sounds like a win-win to me.


I wanted to create this post to hopefully motivate you all (my readers) to take a shot and make a video of your own!

Maybe it's not a video, but some other form of content.

We are so lucky to be a part of this platform where we can share ANY of our unique talents and get paid to do so.

I want to see what you all have to share.

If this inspires you to create something, drop a link in the comments and I will #upvote and #resteem.

Much Love!


Check Out Some Of My Other Posts Here


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Thanks @metama
This inspires me a lot
And about @cryptokitchen
I am just hearing about it
Definately following to know what it's about 😍💞
Keep steeming @metama

Ya you DEFINITELY need to turn some of those how to posts into videos :) lmk if you want some tips. I'm doing everything on Imovie right now

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