My STEEM Vision.

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Source: pixabay.

English version

Inspired by @justineh's "My Steem Vision" I reflected my own point of view concerning the chances and the future of our blockchain, and also about the weak points that needed to be worked on in order to achieve these goals.

The unique feature of the STEEM among other crypto currencies is its community!

In my eyes, the unique characteristic of the STEEM blockchain, compared to other crypto currencies, is that it represents the fundament of a social network, a community based on it. This combination of blockchain technology and social media is so far unparalleled, whereby the original thought, to offer authors, artists, musicians, scientists, creative thinking freethinkers, ... an uncensorable platform with the additional possibility to get financial rewards for good content, in my opinion wrongly got more and more watered down and upstaged.

I agree that the performance of the fast, feeless transactions enabling and, due to its 'proof of brain' mechanism, compared to the Bitcoin, resource saving STEEM blockchain should be repeatedly emphasized and appreciated.

I agree that technological progress à la MIRA and the development of great DApps like for example Steem Monsters, NextColony or Wherein are of the utmost importance and will hopefully be driven forward at an ever-increasing pace.

It is crucial to win new members and offer them a great user experience in order to let the STEEM network grow.

These manifold possibilities, all based on the STEEM blockchain, are fascinating and hold a huge potential. Decisive for the success of STEEM, however, in my opinion, in the end will be its
ability not only to attract new users, but also to retain them permanently.
Newcomers should feel comfortable here and soon consider our blockchain as their new 'virtual home'.

Even the best technology can't get us anywhere without enough people who are using it. Facebook's success is not based on technological superiority, but on the fact that this network succeeded in attracting an enormous number of users who are writing there and communicating with friends and relatives.
This means that we should also do everything we can to design the various STEEM interfaces in such a way that they appear non-deterrent for 'normal' people who have not yet come into contact with crypto currencies and who shouldn't perceive our platform as a ghost town inhabited primarily by bots, but rather as inviting, warm and attractive!
A rich pool of satisfied users would also make STEEM much more interesting for larger investors in the long run than it still is today, interesting to place advertisements read by many, to market products, to disseminate information. The value of a (social) network is measured among others by the number of its users.

Where should we start?

In order to attract (and retain) more users, work urgently needs to be done on the following issues:

  • Someone who wants to open a STEEM account should be able to do this instantly, without any delay. If, for example, I talked to someone about crypto currencies and STEEM on the train, it should be possible to create an account for him immediately and get started (regardless of whether I have enough RC or not to create an account for him).

  • I doubt that many potential new users would be willing to pay for a STEEM account. It's difficult enough to lure them away from Facebook and persuade them to try out something new ... if then I finally told them that they had to pay now, the majority would probably decline with thanks. We should ask ourselves who needs whom more urgently: We new users, or a potential newcomer us, the STEEM? If the answer to this question is clear, then it should also be clear who has to try harder ... :)

  • Someone with a newly created account should be able to take part in the community immediately. It's not just that often newcomers are neither upvoted nor receive any human comments, but they are also unable to adequately answer or upvote eventual comments due to a lack of resource credits. Delegations of resource credits to newcomers are urgently needed here!

  • Now to a very special topic, the flags. I think it's good and right that the possibility to flag (now called downvoting) exists in a decentralized social network. How else can spam or even worse, such as child pornography, be fought? I also think it makes sense in principle to be able to reduce the reward for posts that are extremely overrated from one's own point of view.
    The crux, however, is that downvotes are often set for the sole reason of pursuing other users, solely because of their dissenting opinions or even completely independent of what they write(!), and denying them permanent visibility and any rewards. This is counterproductive to say the least and makes a devastating impression on newcomers who happen to observe such 'flag wars' or even get into them! We should be aware of this.
    If it were up to me, ways and means would have to be found to contain 'flag wars' waged purely for personal motives. For example, a committee of respected users elected by the community and equipped with sufficient delegated STEEM power could be called in such cases and then decide whether the flags were justified or not.
    In my opinion the suggestion to provide each user with a certain number of free downvotes so that spam (or overvalued posts) would be flagged more frequently in the future, wouldn't really make a big difference under the current conditions. I assume that only whales flagged more often than before, while smaller accounts would still not dare to do so for fear of retaliation.

  • Finally, a point that is probably not easy to realize: in my opinion, the community would most likely flourish if as many users as possible (especially those with a lot of STEEM power) would distribute their votes to as many different recipients as possible, preferably after a manual review and evaluation of their articles. In contrast to this, it is currently most attractive to either upvote oneself, do 'circle jerking' or to use bidbots (which, in the first place, serve their creators to gain wealth, but do nothing to increase the visibility of particularly good content - completely independent of quality it only matters who is willing and able to pay).
    By the way, to my mind, this kind of voting behaviour, which is geared towards short-term profit, only apparently leads to a higher return on investment: although more STEEM is acquired, the STEEM price is reduced by lowering the attractiveness of the network for the majority of users and thus also potential investors. I would like to forego earning even one more STEEM if I knew that this would raise the STEEM price to 20 euros in the long run ... :-)

What are your ideas?

What are your ideas to make voting for as many different accounts as possible (instead of just oneself and 'best friends') more attractive? Apart from that, how could the interest of new users in our platform be aroused and kept alive?
I will not deprive you of my earlier considerations, which certainly do not represent the 'answer to everything':
a) The implementation of 'diminishing returns',
b) a modified reward curve (there is a certain tragedy in the fact that both protagonists of this article, @dan and @ned, have left our STEEM community in the meantime).

What everyone can do in any case is to take a little time every now and then, to read and possibly upvote articles manually, even by previously unknown authors, instead of restricting himself completely to autovoting. In order to give more weight to one's own votes, everyone should think about not delegating his complete STEEM power to self-serving bidbots. And also commenting should not be left primarily to bots, because only by interhuman communication real community is able to prosper!



Most people who are saying "Steemit is fine" have over 20% self-vote (funny coincidence). When you come with mathematical facts or the user-statistics, they already start to argue. And feel offended.

proof of brain works only with a democratic structure when it's integrated into a plutocracy and the plutocrats are able to use/abuse the mechanism than its proof of egoism.

Value the customer aka the user and the platform will explode. Ignore the customer and the platform will die.

Well written post with a lot of great ideas. My first thought is how much I love being on Steemit, and the fact it has lost a lot of 'steam' in the 2 1/2 years plus I've been on here. As you've said, there is a huge drop off in commenting, and activity. I've never been a huge player on here, usually averaging 25-50 votes (unless very lucky to be curied, thank you very much @curie), and 7-15 original comments a post, but have had a large number of people I consider good friends on here, that are now gone. Kind of sad, even though I've never met them in person. This has always been the best part of Steemit for me, the interpersonal interaction. Though it's always nice to see the large vote, the interaction and appreciation for work you've put forth is worth SO much more to me. Particularly in light of writing. Some things take a day or two to create. It's nice to feel appreciated for your 'work', disguised as fun.

Though people call some of the voting 'circle jerk', I think it is a natural state of life, and Steemit, that you support people you know. Though a bit tit for tat, I suppose, it is still a reality. I have friends that put out a post a day, and frankly, it's hard to read it all. Do more than a post a day, it becomes amazingly hard. Add in looking for new folks, it gets tougher.

I think in the case of people I've known that have left, I believe most are due to the time sink, than the money/votes as incentive to leave. Though I certainly could be wrong. Steemit has quite a bit of overhead, if you are writing anything of substance on a regular basis. I've always manually curated, commented and voted, which takes time. Add that to a lot of photography and often writing longer pieces, which was the intent of the site in the beginning as I understand it, and it can be very hard to keep up. Since losing many of my original 'peeps', I've tried to find more people on here, and have met some. I enjoy original material, not memes and pasting's from elsewhere, and one photo/ 1 to 2 line discussions, so that adds some challenge to the mix. I also love humor, and that can be hard to find at times.

As for the ideas you put forth...I'm not that savvy in the ins and outs of the system, so can't add much more beyond your discussion. Such as sign-up time and getting your value up in more of a hurry to be a 'player' on here. By which I mean, able to vote/comment on people with at least SOME worth. I think that is different than when I started. That would be very frustrating indeed. Once these are solved, or at least aided, I DO think that would help a lot. And I agree, the interaction part of the system is key. I wish more new people would comment on my posts, as a 'flag' that they are out there. A post only stays visible for a SHORT time. As stated, when creating, you only have so much time in life to do all these things. Early on, people came into a post and 'introduced' themselves, and you went out and read their stuff. If you liked it, you added them to your reading list, voted for them, commented back, etc. I seldom see new faces on here this way anymore. I think this is key to growing the site. As you say in the end, good old PERSONAL INTERACTION. They don't know you exist, if you don't get out there. Maybe that is more difficult now. But it seems almost non-existent.

I like the allocation of resource credits idea. It would be VERY frustrating to not be able to partake as you want on the site. I think that is very different than when I started. But it is hard to allocate Steem to other projects/people, when you are trying to maximize it to give the best 'return' to other Steemitians. Such as voting and voting on comments as well. Which I try to do.

I also do not like vote buying. I think that harms the site. I don't look at the trending page, as it has nothing to do with quality that I like to see on a regular basis. I think it hurts the Steemit site when new people come in, if that is what they see. But, as I understand it, Steemit is supposed to be self regulating, so maybe that is what many people want. I don't flag anyone either. I just ignore things I disagree with, except maybe those "can't have's" on here. Like child pornography, etc. As you say, there is huge dis-incentive to go down the flagging road. On many planes.

Well, you really opened a can of angleworms from this end on this post. But I guess the bottom line for me, is that interaction piece. Once the sign-on process and allocation is improved, and people can be more of a player early on-that is a key thing. That and if you can financially afford it, stay in the site and keep your Steem as high as you can. That way you are a true contributor and can give max votes and do the most for other people. I always seem to dip to 40-65% in my voting, and have to stagger voting. I guess that's just the way of the world. I'd love a 40 foot deep swimming pool FULL of endless votes.

Thanks for putting out some interesting facts and ideas. And letting me go on and on and on here. As if that's something new and different ( : Cheers

Thanks for your extensive comment. :)

Concerning the part with the 'circle voting', of course I think it's alright to upvote the articles of one's friends. However, at the same time I think one should try so seek, read and upvote great posts from unknown users as well (if time allows), because it's good for the growth of the platform as a whole and can also be very nice and interesting to meet new people and learn new things.

By the way, I personally could never write one post per day (or even more) ... If I did that the quality of my articles would suffer a lot.

That is a key part of growth, I agree. Going out beyond your 'group' is very necessary, and usually very interesting for a change of interest and view. I used to do it a lot more, and really should get back to it. A new challenge has been tossed down. Thanks for that.

I do get a bit verbose now and then, sorry about that. But usually it's about things of passion. And I do love being on Steemit, and it's become a big part of my life. Commenting is one of the most enjoyable parts of the site. And as for posting, I agree, it really is more about quality than quantity. And quality takes much more effort and time. Keeps the site more interesting as well. (Busy often reminds me me of this..."this article is 4700 words, and will take 23 minutes to read". Yikes! Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do. Even if no one may read it.... (I :
Thanks for the food for thought, and have a good night, unless it's daylight there.

Hi ya @ddschteinn,

Lovely comment here on @jaki01's bring so much good clean fun to Steemit.....thank you!

Good thing you enjoy commenting for that is how bleujay came across your work.

All the best to you.


Thank you, that is a nice thought. It was a Looong comment, but it kind of brought out the thoughts about that subject. I do love it here on Steemit. That's for sure. And commenting is, I think, my favorite part of it all. I'm glad bleujay discovered me as well, and vice versa in return. It really is the best way to meet new folks, and I wish more of the newbies would try it. Otherwise, so easy to get lost in the fray. Thanks again, and have a nice day. Unless it is night there. I get lost in the whereabouts of everyone on this site. One of the fun parts, knowing folks from all over the world. Cheers

Greetings @jaki01,

What a splendid analysis. You make some great points......thank you for a well thought out analysis and the inclusion of solutions.

Of course the price of Steem has a lot to do with how much activity is percolating within Steemit.....if the price went up tomorrow.....even 50 percent the rise in activity would be we have seen that pattern a few times.

We would all like to see the retainment rate go up......however in truth....there are those that if the account is not bringing in funds they are not going to stay no matter how great the community and perhaps cannot stay.

@kingscrown conducted an interview that you may find worthwhile listening to here. In short the founder of Kucoin shared his thoughts regarding what he thought Steemit needed to do. It sounded like incentives to do some of the things you are mentioning in your post........needed to come from the top. Perhaps in the same manner SteemHunt rewards hunters.

Thank you for the opportunity to think on these things.

Wishing you and your good lady and steem-queen all the best from bleujay!


NB Some additional personal thoughts.

Steemit's model in my opinion is based on a free enterprise system. Those who desire to build something are encouraged to do so.

With regard to your facebook is hard to see how many would make a change until they feel compromised in some way.....besides all their friends must come with them in order to have the same user experience. I think we are comparing apples to oranges. Steemit.....quality content versus Facebook.....not so much.

Thanks a lot for your extensive comment and ...

Wishing you and your good lady and steem-queen all the best from bleujay!

... the good wishes. I wish you the same! :)

Thanks for the English version @jaki01! It was fast :) You mentioned a number of very interesting points here.

"Decisive for the success of STEEM, however, in my opinion, in the end will be its ability not only to attract new users, but also to retain them permanently. Newcomers should feel comfortable here and soon consider our blockchain as their new 'virtual home'." - I totally agree with this part, it will be crucial in my opinion too.

I think manual curation is somewhat underrated on our blockchain. I remember how happy I was in my early days and weeks here when a random unkown person stopped by my post and left a comment by which I could see he or she really read it.

I use autovoting too but probably still do most of my curation manually, it is always better to read the post or watch the video before you upvote it of course. I am also thinking about launching a weekly series where people would be able to nominate good but undervalued posts they have come across recently. I would check and upvote the best nominations.

It was fast :)

I already started translating before you wrote your last comment ... :)

I think manual curation is somewhat underrated on our blockchain.

You can see it already here: quite some upvotes but only very few people read and comment what I wrote.

I will show you an article I wrote about a year ago, and then just compare yourself how times have changed since these days, for example concerning the pure number of comments. Just check here.

Wow! 239 comments... the post didn´t even want to upload due to all those comments :D Well, I have not received that many comments myself but I remember that my posts often had dozens of comments below them and it was when I was a tiny minnow with a very small followers base. The general activity on our blockchain has dropped drastically over the time but I am sure it just reflects the price of Steem so it will (hopefully) go up again. I think many people don´t realize they can make just as much Steem (or actually even more because the reward pool is distributed among less people) when the price is low.

Great article! You have excellent vision on STEEM.

I absolutely agree with you in every points. Ah! You are my Steemian idol, I always admire you. ;)

For me, I always read and upvote articles manually and I never use autovoting or self-serving bidbots.

It’s really true that “only by interhuman communication real community is able to prosper!” Well said!

Although I’m not a crypto fan, I consider STEEM as the best social platform and believe that STEEM will go to the Moon very soon. ;))

Very potential steem. But at the same time, Steem became unattractive because of the difficult initial access. Limited RC, making it difficult for new users to interact. Even though this crucial period of time for the first month for new users is not difficult with the use of various features.
Sad thing, new users can't even make or edit posts because of limited SP.

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree, some things should be improved as soon as possible!

all points are on point 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree with everything above, it’s particularly important to maintain the community interaction on posts, commenting on them providing appreciation on the time taken to create the content.

It is one of those situations where everyone needs to help themselves and work toward the greater good, there are many challenges ahead but also so much potential as well.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes, indeed! And in my eyes the term 'investor' should not only include people who invested money, but also the ones who invested a lot of time to write articles, to comment, to communicate, to curate, to convince non-steemians to join the platform, ...

Steem has a major advantage of community and that's the only thing that will lead it forward in many fronts

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