Steemit, the great trip, the best place you can find on the net.

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Hello dear readers!

A few days ago rummaging through this wonderful ecosystem called steemit, I came across a couple of posts that caught my attention, these articles made me think a lot about my experience in steemit and inspired me to write these short letters.


The first article is from my friend @gandhibaba, this guy was inspired to write this topic: Top Five Reasons Why STEEM Now Constitutes About 70% of My Crypto Portfolio second is someone who recently followed our friend @mindtrap who thought of this genius: Why Steem is the perfect place to be. Still have doubts?, with readings like that who are not inspired to write.

Thinking about this I was reflecting on the exciting trip that this platform represents, pure adrenaline is what steemit gives you, no matter from the point of view you see it, I guarantee you will like this trip.

Let's not abandon steemit!

Wooo now I think about the times I tried to leave the platform, frustrated by bad results, naturally caused by my lack of experience writing and not having found even the right group of people on this platform, I got up thanks to the support of some important people readjust the vision and today I have a lot of fun doing this, every written paragraph, every comment I receive and answer is oxygen, fuel, a mixture of emotions that drive me to keep writing, looking for inspiration in the family, on the web, technology, psychology reading tirelessly Valuable publications of all topics.

Leaving steemit is not an option, it would be to fall into depression, despite its problems with the price we all here hope that the price will recover ... Or not? You keep writing and as a hound looking for inspiration to make the publication that catapults you, that a whale finds me! .. we think, this one will be recognized and valued! All these things go through our minds and make us addicted to telling our stories, editorials, news waiting for others to be interested in what we write after a couple of days we see the results of the publication, we make the necessary adjustments and we ram again in search of glory ...

A place to not be alone.

The most exciting and instructive experience I find in people, if you are not a sociable being then you will need lots of money to succeed here. Woo it is exciting to read a comment where they praise your work, it is also good to answer those who question you or ask tricky questions hahaha, once you learn to have fun here, you are prepared for everything, for the friendly, for the bad, for the cautious that They take care if you are a scammer or an alien who wants to take your wallet and move it home.

There are those who know them all and one more, those who treat you with respect or those who give a damn what you think, all that gives you an additional emotional burden, knowing how you will respond to a comment, you do not know who the hell is and how he will react but you always try to be as friendly as possible, there are people of all nationalities, cultures, professions or trades all with something in common, PASSIONATED BY CRYPTOPRAPHY, but there are the good ones, the best ones and this was the group that I found that I interact with today, kind people, willing to support your work and committed to this platform.



In conclusion, steemit is the best place I found on the Internet, in all my long trip I never found a place where I would like to stay and this became my favorite place in the entire world of networks, I am here and I do not want to go, here I found good relationships, learning invaluable learning, rewards for my work, fun, ability to help others etc, etc, etc.

Now you tell me. Would you like to stay on steemit? o Why do you want to leave steemit?. Things are going to get better and you won't find what you have here, I invite you to stay, what's more, bring your friends here and form a great community, let's make this platform an even better place to establish lasting relationships.

Thank you and do not try to leave, we are watching you.

PROJECT #HOPE An Initiative to give hope!

@crypto.piotr, @cyberspacegod, @achim03, @lanzjoseg, @fucho80, @neavvy, @juanmolina, @jadams2k18, @machnbirdsparo, @honarparvar, @guruvaj, @alokkumar121, @edgarare1, @flash07, @djennyfloro @gandhibaba, @reverseacid, @yonnathang, @mariusfebruary.

Proyecto Esperanza.jpg


My dear @Fucho80,

You probably witnessed me getting to a point of almost quitting steemit, or maybe not =X but as I stated before and will say it again, until a drastic change occurs that makes my mind and attitude change, I'm here for the long run, for the community, for the amazing potential that somewhat is already 'popping out', the technology, humanity..

I don't think I'm the most sociable being, still, some of the best friendships lately started here, a lot of amazing people helped, sometimes with the most simple words, yet, honest, real, not the fakery that can be witnessed all over the internet, and "irl" most of the time..

I think the question have been answered, for now and hopefully for quite a long time, I'm staying ;)

No matter how messed up I might be.. ..for as long as my attention and dedication can be useful to someone around, I'll do my best..

And until next time, have a great time, continue to write awesome posts like this, wish You all the best my friend!!


Hello @cyberspacegod, thanks for bringing your opinion.

I think the question have been answered, for now and hopefully for quite a long time, I'm staying;)
No matter how messed up I might be .. ..for as long as my attention and dedication can be useful to someone around, I'll do my best ..

That's the brother attitude, that's what I mean, this platform marked us and if something really bad doesn't happen, we'll be here for a long time, this catches you.

And until next time, have a great time, continue to write awesome posts like this, wish You all the best my friend !!

Thank you friend, it is a great honor for me to receive those words from you.

Take care!

Thank You for Your kind words!! I'm no one special and should be the one honoured, You take time to make the posts, answer everyone.. So.. Muchas gracias!!

You too, take care ;)

Sure friend!

I started last year when I was 17 and my computer science teacher got me into it

I started last year when I was 17 and my computer science teacher got me into it

Hello @teenagecrypto, how good for your teacher that helped you to enter an environment like this, you must take full advantage of the relationships you can create, the nice people you can meet on this platform, develop Your habit of reading and writing.

Blessings to you!

In my case. My beginning in web entrepreneurship was with steemit, before doing a couple of things but nothing formal.

So I was lucky enough to get to the ideal place in the first place, I arrived with low prices, so I didn't feel bad about the prices.

On the other hand, I guess I was recognized in no time. This is because I found prominent users of the platform in a very short time.

Now I invest several hours a day, the results in personal satisfaction are high, hoping that the chain of blocks will be good with respect to my monetary rewards.

Hello my dear @yonnathang.

So I was lucky enough to get to the ideal place in the first place,

Good thing you will arrive and find fast support, that is very good, but anyway steemit ends up catching you.

Have a place to share, to meet people who share the vision or who does not, but share theirs and make you grow. That is what this network has been for me so far and I hope to continue creating content and meeting people for quite some time.

Greetings and good wishes :)

Hello @pedrobrito2004.

Have a place to share, to meet people who share the vision or who does not, but share theirs and make you grow.

Yes, I think that all this is represented by steemit, a place where you share with nice people, who share your same interests or understand what you love and support you in that.

I like this environment, meeting people like you is a blessing to me.

Hi @fucho80
I'm not leaving here, I'm staying here, as the song says.

Many times I have said Steemit changed my life and that of my family, for the better, so as you stay you can be sure that you will always have my support.

Hi @lanzjoseg.

Many times I have said Steemit changed my life and that of my family, for the better, so as you stay you can be sure that you will always have my support.

It is good to know that there are people with this way of thinking about this platform, because what you affirm is what is happening with me, steemit is changing my life.

@fucho80, Sometimes reflections of others inspire us to reflect and then we look back into the past and present to see what journey we've travelled and how this journey changed our vision. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

@fucho80, Sometimes reflections of others inspire us to reflect and then we look back into the past and present to see what journey we've traveled and how this journey changed our vision. Stay blessed.

Very wise words dear @chireerocks, thanks for your words a wonderful reflection

Welcome and thank you so much.

Posted using Partiko Android

Steemit is a great place, I agree. One day there might be a "better place", but right now I must say, I like the way it is.

One day there might be a "better place", but right now I must say, I like the way it is.

For now I think that steemit is the best platform of this type, at least the one I know, if one day something better comes, it will be welcome, but what if steemit improves? We can make a difference!

Hey man @fucho80
i believe you are interested in blockchain writings and i have seen a couple of your posts. I am impressed with them and i was thinking if we can work on some mutual benefits to get some great contents out there. Feel free to dm me on telegram @hexaney and let's discuss!

Thanks for posting from the interface 🦁

It's nothing friends, thank you for the support!

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