⏺Calling out everyone who ignores their audience!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I know I am taking a risk by saying this. Many of the examples of the people who are doing this are whales here on Steemit. I understand that. I just need to get this out there right now.

I believe if something is on your mind, you need to speak it. I am not just going to hide in a little closet about my thoughts! So let me just get to the point. I honestly do not feel it is right for people to be ignoring those who are engaging in their content.
I cannot stand it when I take the time to write a 200 word in-detail comment on someone's post, only to realize that the person thinks it's fine not to reply.. I don't care who you are, I am telling you don't think it's cool.

Now, do not get me wrong, I'm not trying to make any enemies here. That is absolutely the last thing I want! However, I am not going to suck-up to anyone who thinks they are cooler than any other human being because of monetary things. I can understand how ego can play a role when a person has a dominant feeling of power, but honestly, get over yourself. It's just money. It can be earned by anyone!

On Steemit, I see many Minnows trying to attract the Whales by acting extra nice in their comments sections. Acting like complete gold-diggers! I suppose you can expect that if you have a valuable account LOL!

To all you Gold-Diggers.. STOP!

What I find completely wrong is when these people think it's alright to disregard the genuine viewers and engagers. Believe it or not, by doing this you are just degrading the quality of your following. People will just be coming to you for the money you have, and the real, genuine people will eventually just stop trying. I am one of those people.

I have now made a decision that I am not going to reward this disrespect of being ignored. From now on, if I see anyone (I don't care who it is or how much Steem Power they have), I will disregard any respect I would've shown to them previously, if they are not even taking the small effort of a few seconds to reply to the real fans.

Again, it's just my opinion, but I believe if you are not engaging with your audience, then you are only building terrible rapport.

I want everyone reading this to take a stand for themselves. Whether you are the one trying to catch these people's attention, in which case you need to rather follow your own path, or if you are someone who is rudely ignoring their audience, maybe consider treating those people better.

I have decided that whoever the user is, if they don't have the decency to respond to their audience, then they don't deserve my comment. I don't care how valuable they think they are.

I can understand for the people on a place like YouTube where eventually they got to like their first 1 million subscribers, that the comments section would be unbearably engaged to be able to respond to everyone, but those YouTubers were engaging with all their fans way before they got to that point.
The people here on Steemit must please not develop 'big man syndrome' and think they are bigger than they really are! Some of the biggest accounts on this platform are only 10,000 followers about.. So I'm sorry, but absolutely none of you have an excuse.

I would like to commend @Sweetsssj and @Meesterboom for leading by strong example and doing exactly this. @Sweetsssj is a fantastic example of someone getting the most engagement in her comments section on this platform so far (500+ comments on each post), and yet she responds to almost all of them! @Meesterboom has made over 15,000 comments/engagements to his audience so far. True example of responding to build rapport!

Again, I don't mean to be rude to any of the people on this platform doing this. It is completely your choice how you manage your audience. I was simply stating my opinion, and the actions I am taking.


More than how much this post can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, it would be awesome of you to resteem this, and share it with others!

I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve.

I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned! Talk soon guys.

Today is my 30th day on Steemit. Let's go!

My previous post: ⏺My first 30 days on Steemit! Over 3000+ posts!

My main Instagram account is currently at 36.3K+ Followers.

You can join my success team by following my content and vision here: @ENAZWAHSDARB (642+ Amazing Followers Strong)

ending logo steemit.png


Congrats on all the success man! I completely agree with what you're saying here. People get a little taste of success and they completely forget where they came from. They act like they're better than everyone else because why, they have a few more followers? If they really want to keep growing, they'll engage with all of their followers and maintain a loyal following, versus only maintaining the "leeches" who want money. That will get old really fast. This holds true to real life as well. Whenever you become rich, don't forget about all of your friends and family who stuck by you. They were the reason that helped get you there. So always stay humble, give back to others, and never forget where you came from. We all have to start somewhere! Thanks for sharing :)

Awesome comment brother. It's true! People do forget many times where they come from..

For me, I already feel like I'm a billionaire (in my head).. So I am trying to get rid of any monetary emotions and not let me wealth influence the way I treat others.

Thanks for stopping by. It's good to see you! Talk soon.

You Received an UpVote from @worldclassplayer. To Learn More, See DetailsHere

What's up brother, are you on Steemit Chat? I have something I'd like to discuss with you.

hey dude, missed seeing your message earlier - I'm heading to bed now - Shoot me an email: [email protected]

All good brother, talk soon.

Don't lose heart. Maybe you left them at a loss for words. Lol. No, but seriously, it happens to me as well. Think the comment is clever and I took the time but oh well. I don't expect much from whales as I expect them to be pretty busy so I understand that but not so much for the little guys like us. We gotta stick together.

Agreed brother! Good point, at least we all have common interests :)

On the contrary, however, it's not like any 'Whale' has less time than neither you, nor me.. Lol, we all have 24 hours in a day! :D

Thanks for stopping by. I know this one was a little more of a serious post, but if you haven't yet, I encourage you to go take a good read on some of the others :) Talk soon.

I'm new to Steemit, but thought I'd share my thoughts in case it helps. :) I'm an online journalist and some of my stories get a lot of views but, to be honest, I'm not always great with responding to comments. When that happens, there are typically 2 reasons. Either: 1.) I'm super busy & something blew up & it's just impossible to keep up. Or 2.) Sometimes commenters are mean (especially when I report on politics, ha.) :) I know that an online publication compared to Steemit is a bit apples-to-oranges, but just thought I'd share my perspective in case it helps. Meanwhile, your post has influenced ME to pay more attention to comments that people leave, so thank you. :)

Hey @KittenLaw. Welcome to Steemit, by the way! How long have you been here?

Thanks for your insight. To be honest, I expected people on the other side of the story to attempt to justify themselves, which is only natural.

I believe if you want to make something work, you have to go all in. So, again, it's not that I really want to judge anyone not being able to respond.. But to be it is essential to build that relationship and to show that respect. No matter what it takes. Rather stay up an extra hour 1am-2am and do it, because that's doing whatever we can.

In terms of rude comments, yeah that's understandable. I think this would be particularly tougher on a lady, than on a guy. That's why I am also trying to promote a open-thought, happy environment here. I don't want any arguments.. But if I ever come across a negative comment, I will always try and respond positively first, then if they proceed to retaliate in negativity, I will simply stop.

Thanks for your comment! Let me know if my replies are too long. I am thinking they are.. But that's just my opinion. Do you think I should make them shorter?

I think your replies are just fine! :-) It's good for discussion! And thanks for the welcome. In my short time here at Steemit, it really does seem like everyone's so much nicer. This site really is great about promoting free discussion and debate.

You're absolutely right -- taking the extra time to respond and build relationships is essential. It's easy to forget, though, and I'm glad your article reminded me about that!

I checked out your profile. I see you don't post.. Why is that? You could do awesomely here!

No particular reason, I just haven't jumped in yet with posts. But thank you for the encouragement! I'll definitely start posting on here soon. :-)

That sounds good :) I will support you because you are following my content. You are apart of my success team, so let's do this.

Talk soon.

That's awesome to hear :) I definitely agree with that. Steemit really has a great vibe to it. It's amazing.

I have started comment giveaways on my blog posts now. I will send multiple $ boosts to great comments/engagements/acts of kindness on my content.

Talk soon.

Does gratuitous violence get construed as engagements on your posts? {grin}

What thesaurus do you use?? That vocab though lol.

Thesaurus? Thats for wimps... synonyms the like...

Too cool for school :D Get it.. Because we're discussing learning new words xD (Then he realizes his joke was lame..)

You can't be faulted, brother. Such is the game. The capitalist mentality is at play on steemit. However, there is time and chance for every man on planet Earth. Time has a way of turning the table. We shall continue, no retreat, no surrender.

Thanks for your motivating comment brother! Awesome stuff.

You're right. Whether the users have the money or not, majority (Minnow or Whale) do have a capitalist mentality.

I strongly believe that we are all only human. No one person is 'better' than another. No one person has 'more potential' than another. We all have the same opportunity here on earth. The difference lies between what we decide to do about our situations.

Good to see you again man. Talk again soon.

Cheers for the shout out dude! It is important to engage definitely. Iam still giggling at the lambo gold digger video hehe

Only a pleasure my dude! I only speak truth!

Haha yeah I thought I'd throw that in to add some spice lol! Thought it was funny too :D

I think some comments beckon for responses and others don't (Nice post). Having seen your comments, though, I'm surprised that somebody wouldn't respond. I guess that everyone plays the game differently. I think I would feel the same as you if I left what I thought was a really engaging comment and it didn't get any reply at all. Especially, if that happened over and over again. Eventually, I'd just move on. Other people probably would too.

Hey @boxcarblue. Thanks for stopping by!

The way I see it, even if the comment is as lazy as 'nice post', I still appreciate it, because they didn't have to make it. They still made the decision to engage on the post. Plus, I have noticed that when I do respond (I just leave a quick reply), about 10% of the time they would actually reply a way better comment.

I'm glad you noticed my comments! Yeah, I'm not really fazed too much.. I know I'm doing my part by contributing to their content, if they are rude, it's their own problem. It happens so often! I would say, even with my comments, I only get maybe 20% reply-rate.. It's terrible.

I have started comment-giveaways on my blog posts now. I will send multiple $ boosts to great comments/engagements/acts of kindness on my content. Starting from my latest post. You can check it out :) Just trying to give back!

Talk soon.

Sounds good. You've definitely jumped into this head on and seem to have a vision. I think it's great!

Thanks a bunch for that. It's cool that you are so observant. You bring-up in topic what most people won't. It's great!

Here's that post about the giveaway, and the extension post of this exact one.

@enazwahsdarb that is the exact truth, but it is almost a norm here. Some of them just post for the upvotes and never engage in responses. Some sorth of "here for the money way of life" but I can't complain, can't change it either.
How have you been b?

Glad you agree brother! Yeah many people are coming with that 'money-mindset', making posts only to upvote themselves.. Which is fine. I don't judge anyone that is here for a money investment.. But this is further than the money, and plain difference between being rude, with ego, and just being a decent person.

You know what I mean..

I'm always fantastic thanks my dude! How are you doing?

You are a badass!! Followed! :)

Thanks for stopping by my friend. I'm on Steemit Chat if you ever want to ask me/discuss anything ;)

Talk later.

I agree it is so annoying to try and genuinely interact with people on their posts and comment a long, thought out message only to get no response. Frustrating.

Exactly :) That's why I am putting this out there.. We need to make a stand for this. That's also why I have decided to just move on.

Thanks for your comment. Nice to see you here :) Talk soon.

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