Steem Coming Down Is Good (lets do an experiment to see) - Easy Experiment

in #steem6 years ago


Steem Price Has Dropped, Lets See How Good It Is Together

This is a simple way to prove my point that Steem price dropping is good (see my recent article). Here's what I'm asking you to do. Its easy, I promise!

#1 Tell us how many SP you have right now

#2 Tell us how long you have been on the platform

#3 We will check together in 30 days to see if your rate of accumulation went up

You can easily find that info by going to (Note: you type in your username)

acct snapshot.JPG

That's It... I Think You Will Be Surprised In 30 Days ;)

Let's Find Out Together!

(photo source)


Hi Dave, this is only true if you use your SBD to buy more Steem and SBD doesn't fall at the same rate (or faster) than Steem, other wise there is no gain in rate of accumulation. SBD is currently falling at the same rate as STEEM, actually a little faster. For anyone trying to earn a wage here - this decline is horrible. My income is down 96% from the Christmas peak :|

My numbers are:

  • 25.4 SP
  • 77 days

I'm excited about this experiment! :)

I'm excited too @chinitacharmer... I think you will see your rate of growth get much faster now that steem has gone down... we will see, I'm excited too :D

Let's hope for the best sir @davemccoy! 😃

indeed @chinitacharmer! I have a hunch we're going to be happy!

I will be more than happy to be your Sugar red fish hahaha char!! Miss you!

Hahaha! I gladly accept the offer sir @maverickinvictus! 😂 Miss you more! 😁

Hey Dave, this might be interesting. I have a feature on @dorabot that keeps track of your earnings. Currently, the graph is not 100% accurate as the price of SBD is deviating so much from its peg. I will try to update that shortly. So the green line below, the "Total STEEM" earnings are off.

that is very cool... it pictures exactly what I am hoping to show over the next 30 days. With the price of steem down that line should continue to grow at an ever increasing rate! Awesome that you can do this! Lets figure out how to make this usable to everyone! Especially right now while people are feeling a bit down!

It is available to everyone in Minnowsupport’s discord server, PALnet.
Run the command ?rew or ?rewhist and @dorabot will guide you. 😉
When I fixed the conversion issue I will advertise it. I was also thinking to have Dora listen to the command via a comment, in the same way as for the ?winner command.
Wish I had more time... 😜

The winner is: danielsaori!!!

I looked at all the comments and it’s super cool what you are doing Dave. I will try to prioritize this fix and have it ready asap.

And that @danielsaori guy wanted you to have this newbie nickel too ;)

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!

Awesome 😎, both of you!

Can I ask you to find our numbers for us @davemccoy? Pretty please? You know I hate to do any kind of work.

haha... sure... here it is @beeyou (305 SP and 74 days)

beeyou makes me look like a slacker hahha

Look at your numbers! How is that being a slacker. I want to put my hands over my eyes when I see that VP. I can't get past the 40-50% line.

@beeyou I think it’s time to stop voting for a while. Get that percentage up. Instead of vote, leave your charming comments.
Your vote will have a lot more value if you can stop clicking that upvote arrow for a day or two. Plus you’ll earn more curating. I know it is hard. I’ve been there. But most of ‘our’ people appreciate a comment way more than only an
Upvote. If you want to upvote, summon someone else to upvote it for you, so you can get that number up... ;0)

I know, but it's soooo hard. I was able to get it back up to 80% when I went MIA for a day and half, then shot it back down to 40% again within hours. Only way to stop upvoting is to stay away and I know everyone would miss me. ;)

I can take a couple of votes, although I’m still recovering from handing out Newbie Nickles. And believe me, a comment or a resteem is just as valuable to many people. You would help people more with VP of 80-100 than you do with a VP of 50.

That's completely true. Of course, I can only speak for myself but I do appreciate a genuine comment much more than an upvote. Both are great or course.
It is a 2 side cutting knife. If they only would get comments, they will feel appreciated but they could stop posting content because it does not pay off. But if they only would get upvotes, they will really believe that this is a quick rich scheme.
That's why the introduceyourself post can be a poisoned gift. If they do it correctly they will have a first post, which delivers them some money. They really get motivated, but their next posts will have probably a pay-out close to 0, which crushes their motivation.

True. I see introduceme posts that make $10 or even more... That creates high hopes.. but most of the time nothing will follow.
I’ve been here for 6 months and I got 1 post that got higher than that with only organic votes - lol

There was a time that I didn't get any upvotes nor comments and it was demotivating.

Now sometimes I get some votes and no comments and it kinda feels bad especially when you worked on it

I agree with this totally! I think it is a poisened gift sometimes too.. Well stated @fullcoverbetting!

I understand... and good job on the newbie nickels... I think I covered you but if I'm missing something, jlmk.. Until then here's your own newbie nickel.. This one courtesy of @danielsaori! I like to mix it up :D

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!

That's exactly what @davemccoy said to me @simplymike. It really is great advice!! We all go on about the importance of commenting then worry way too much when we can't upvote. It's less important for sure. It's a tough lesson I'm still learning by the way :)

You are the queen of comments, @lynncoyle - for now ;0P
I can’t imagine you bringing more value with your upvotes than you do with your comments - even if you would have 50k SP

Will try to be a comment master for the next couple days and let my VP build up again. :)

Do you know about @gentlebot and @things-2? They are comment bots that will pop around and upvote your comment If you have yet to upvote it and the algorithm thinks it is worth an upvote. They have stopped by my comments 3 times with nice upvotes!

Can’t be that hard, since your a master commenter already... ;0)

@simplymike is right -- Take a two day break and only comment! It's a fun change (though not easy!) Then use you can use a slidey bar there! Which means more votes! Wish i would have gotten into using that UI sooner!

Hi @beeyou! Lol, it's such a fun (and challenging) challenge to just comment and not upvote! I say to yourself -- i am enough! My comment is enough. But, using ...... really helps to have the slidy bar!! Good Luck 💜💙💛💚

Hi @yogajill. I was told by another friend to go to the batcave, and I so tried, but it had internet there! The temptation was too much, and I shelled out several small upvotes. But no more! Not for a couple days. Let's see how that goes. ;)

You can do it I can upvote in your place and you leave a wonderful comment instead!

Aww, thanks @maverickinvictus. I will take a break. You enjoy your upvoting and engagement time with others. It's always fun when I run into you outside our group here.

Mav that is an awesome idea and very cool thing to say! :)

Just call my name or actually Ginabot will call and I'll drop the upVote! And leave a comment too!

Great idea!! Summon me I will be a sugar red fish haha

I agree I keep my VP at least 75% each day to give it more value

lol, sugar red fish! Beware, all the little fishes might start coming around to the sugar red one.

I would be more than happy to be a Sugar Red Fish to someone haha

Hehe sweet Mave. I should put that as your role when I get around to writing the weekly buzz for our initiative.

A sugar red fish... lol

lol... funny Mav

I would be more than happy to be a Sugar Red Fish to someone haha

you are so so right @simplymike! I am glad you are spreading this message its something I want to tell everyone too! We need to be smart and help each other so we all grow faster together!

I just got a few lucky delegation here and there :) But I want to get stronger as well so I keep stackin Steem from time to time.

Curation rewards as well. Not good enough to get me at the curation league of excellence but good enough for the engagement excellence round :)

I was and often am in the same VP mess @beeyou, but I took Dave's advice and stopped upvoting for two days and it was back. I went a little crazy yesterday so I'm down to 62 right now, but before that I managed to keep it hovering around 80 for days.

I feel your's just so hard not to click that little upvote button!!

I'm at 60% now @lynncoyle1. That's from being away for the most part of the day. Will try my best to get it up. Key word, try. Stop going a little crazy! I know, I do too. click, click, keeps on going and going....

daammn @beeyou is really making me look like a slacker too! I'm so old my Age is measure in Moons hahaha 16 Moons 271 SP - In my defense I barely used this site for the first 6-8 months LOL still not an excuse though

Hahahha moons but we know you'll grow so fast now.

Slacker?!!! Have you seen all the incredible posts you write daily/weekly? I can't do that. I'm the one that is slacking here. Truly. You are amazing @amariespeaks. I mean it with the sincerest compliment.

@beeyou thank you my dear <3 <3

@beeyou did you buy any or all made off the platform?

I invested in the bulk of my SP @royaleagle. Some when I started the acct and recently with the dip. No way could I have earned it with the way I’m upvoting. Most votes go to comments or newbie posts. Not the best way of earning curation rewards.

You can get good curation on comments if there are large upvotes behind you in line :)

I thought maybe you had a Steem success secret to achieve high SP earnings.

The secret is to upvote on individuals submitting for utopian and sndbox support. Those get hit with the big upvotes later. My focus isn’t there though so I don’t look but that’s how people make it to top ranks in Asher’s league for maximizing rewards. Both Dave and I have the league links on blog. Go check it out. Secret lies there. Or look at the queue for bid bots. Plenty of ways to maximize curation imo.

hahaha it's a good thing you're cute @beeyou!!

Works every time 😉

251 SP in 96 days. Excited to see what happens after 30 days :)

Love this experiment. It's a cool way to track our own growth. Although I hope we don't compare our stats to others..but maybe unavoidable... if some people would, I hope doesn't make them feel any less or better. ;)

No its not about comparing our stats to each other @wanderlass... Its about showing everyone how our rate of change will be going up! The lower steem prices are going to be fantastic... You will see ;)

ps.. good job on your numbers... I told you that you were a star!!! ;)

You are awesome at 251 SP in 96 days!! That growth is fast!


Resteemed !!.png

gentlebot likes you :)

ohh wow yeah it does! I just saw that ;-) yay!

that is very cool! I don't know who @gentlebot is but if he/she like's your resteem banner, then I think they can't bee too bad ;) .. Thanks for liking @amariespeaks gentlebot! :D

LOL I don't know either but I will take the love @gentlebot <3 thanks

wow, you are the old lady of my circle of friends... hahaha ... you look good for your age!!! :P

I saw your reply to @beeyou about your late start... I think you will find that you will have just started to hit your stride! I see big things ahead for you ;)


hahaha... you looked much young in your video before.. must've been good makeup! lol and @danielsaori is responsible for this one! ;)

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!

so 16 moons hahaha hilarious!! but no one is going to stop you now!

@maverickinvictus I love the wit of whoever wrote that code LOL I wonder if there are any more funky names to measure time as you get "older" on here ;-D

I know give that person a raise ot at least more SP!!

OMG 6000 in 94 days!!! I am 500 less than yours at double the amount of time I have been here. About 330 SP and I am interested to see how I will grow in 30 days.

You are out there engaging yourself! Nice stats Mave.

Doing what I can to help spread some love

Mav you are doing good... Plus you just needed 1) Asher's league and 2) @lynncoyle1 to push you and I'm sure that SP will be hitting 10k ;)

I'd be happy even if I hit 5k SP so I can be a sugar dolphin!!

haha... I can see all the cute minnow lining up now

Send me all the pretty ones haha!

I think they are already lining up Mav! ;)

Oh sugar red fish, I think you are doing awesome ;)

haha, you caught the sugar red fish comment Lynn? ;)

We need more sugar red fish and sugarwhales! Pick one @davemccoy.

I'm like the sweet and sour patch kids fish .. and if they made one with wasabi I would be that too :D

Spicy!! Some folks will be into that!

yes, hopefully! hahaha

hahaha I did catch it!!

I actually have a friend who met a guy on...get lol The funny thing is, they fell madly in love and have two kids now, very happy family. Still so funny to me!!! lol, why is there not a @sugarwhale? I'm sure there would be plenty of solicitation for support.

You and I have just come up with a little business to run here I think hahahah

We should snatch that username before someone else does. Be the sugarwhale to everyone!

One day baby... ;)

I just want to spread the love and encouragement as the Sugar Red Fish haha. When I reach 500 I will be a Sugar Minnow and off to being a Sugar Dolphin!

I think becoming a Sugar Whale is a stretch unless I sell everything includeing my body! haha I don't think I will have takers for that though.

hahaha you never know unless you try @maverickinvictus!!! Right @beeyou? Back me up here...I know that Mav started it, but you certainly helped get this ball rolling ;)

Lol. Positive thinking @maverickinvictus. That’s the way you need to look at it. Climb one little notch at a time and if you catch the attention of a mamawhale one day, you will be sugarwhale status in no time! @lynncoyle1, Mave is too sweet for us to tease, not like cool beanz @davemccoy. 😎

@davemccoy you're making me sad :( 15sp and 97days .

Personally I want prices to drop more so I can actually invest a little bit.

haha... don't be sad... just think of how much you will go from here.. Its just a learning curve and you made it over the hump because you are still here! You are right about the prices dropping... I am definitely in agreement with you on that happening... cheap steem is the plan! ;)

I am doing better than I thought I would. As long as I stay dedicated, which I plan on it. Plus with the group support there the only thing that can stop me is me.

I agree... It is good to be consistent and enjoy it and then you can stay dedicated! And you are doing good @tryskele! :)

Thanks @davemccoy :) I needed the little vote of confidence.

Any time! I'm always willing to help you @tryskele! :D

Good idea Dave; I trust that you are right, as usual when it comes to this kind of thing, but here are mine anyway: 97 and 95
(We did join at nearly the exact time!!)

Really @lynncoyle1? You and Dave joined around the same time? Have you two known each since the beginning? Did you know I first met Dave on my personal account back in Dec? He was just the sweetest with answering all the newbies' questions. Of course, my avatar there is a rock, so he had no clue how I was. It was only after coming on this account and my commenting on one of his quick tips post that we started chatting. Now...why wasn't he so chatful with the rock? ;)

hahaha I guess Dave doesn't like rocks much ;)

I don't even remember how or where @davemccoy and I first met? Maybe he will, but I doubt it haha I just know that we did, and soon the newbie idea came up and the rest is history as they say!

I'm so glad I did though...and that extends to you as well ;)

I know my Steemit experience would definitely be different if I hadn’t found you guys. I may even have given up. Who knows, but I found our wonderful bunch and happy I did.

I actually told Dave that I didn’t know if I could help when he approached me (not the rock). The rules were too confined. We tweaked it though and made it more like ‘no rules’ here. That worked out great.

hahaha (not the rock)...good one! Yep, I hear you about the rules. If something is a little too rigid here, I run screaming. No need for it, in what is supposed to be our fun time here ;)

my number is 38 sp and 98 days lol😅

Sweetcha, are you still having babdwidth trouble?

not yet @simplymike like I told to @davemccoy I call 911 lol...

I didn't use steemit like I use before maybe that is why it didn't show up anymore.

I’m bust trying to figure out which people experience the bandwidth trouble, to define the minimum SP to get rid of it...

oh I see, good luck then my dear...😊

Depends on block-chain usage.

Hey @simplymike. I know @pretty.dorky and @smylie2005 experienced bandwidth issues at one point. Maybe take a look there. I had bandwidth issues when I started out too. My SP was at 30 in the beginning, but still couldn't get on in the mornings. It was only after @davemccoy delegated 50 SP to be as part of his #newbiestewards that I stopped having bandwidth issues.

we need to let our people know about #newbiestewards... I think we have a few delegators now that can use that tag ;)

Spread the words Dave. You are better at it than I am.

ok what is that all about?? #newbiestewards?? Why don't I know about this Dave? ;)

It is for when any of our #newbieresteemday people delegate to someone.. That donee becomes a #newbiesteward... I gave @beeyou and @bashadow one... But @simplymike and @doomsdaychassis have also become donors to #newbiestewards... We probably have many more, I just haven't had the time to track them down.

Yeah, @davemccoy, why don’t we know about that? ;0)

I guess my mouth isn't as big as people told me it was.. I will have to practice and get my voice even louder :P

Thanks @beeyou
Messaged both girls to ask about it

People need at least 50 SP to be able to continuously be able to comment. the number of people on at particular period is also a factor as bandwidth is given out to everyone in proportion of their SP

I know that the whole idea of newbieresteemday is about resteeming and helping people get noticed but ersteeming uses a lot of bandwidth as well.

Very good sweetcha... Lets see if that rate improves over the next 30 days ;)

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