Proof of Brain and the nature of content on Steem

in #steem6 years ago

Image taken from Pixabay

On Steem, we are content creators, and the posts that are usually valued the most are posts that "contribute" to the community. How do you contribute to a community?

Usually, by helping, working toward a common goal. And what is the common goal? Ahem, making Steem great? Making this a blockchain full of useful articles? And what's a useful article, then? Maybe guides, pictures documenting things, debates.

It's a bit too altruistic to try to always behave in a "useful" manner. We are bound to be met with people who say that this is a social network, that everyone has the right (and should be encouraged) to post whatever they want on their blog. I've gotten such comments and see their merit.

But then why is it that we can speak of good posts vs. shit posts? Many services that offer support to users remove the availability for DLive, Steepshot and other such services that encourage low effort.

Are we then promoting effort? Steem's system is usually called Proof of Brain, but it is in the end marketed as a social network. Does every tweet on Twitter or status on Facebook have to be something useful or made with effort? No, but maybe Steem is a different kind of social network.

Let's define our parameters

And what definition of usefulness or effort do we use anyway? Sometimes I'm having a bad day and I find it useful to watch a funny gif that brightens the following few hours for me. Sometimes I spend 20 minutes writing a 1000-word post, or I spend a few days rummaging through my brain to pick a proper title for a post that I've already written; which carried more effort, those 7 words on the title or the 1000-word post that I wrote while waiting for the water to boil?

What is usefulness anyway? "Able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways", says Mr Google. Able to be used. Can stories be used? To entertain, perhaps. But then every entertaining post would be useful too. Gifs, memes, zapples, witty jokes. All of these are shunned by the vast majority of the people who judge Steem by its quality and not its participation rate. Some say that only useful posts should get high rewards.

And that's alright, everybody has their opinion. As someone who writes long-ish articles and goes for a specific aesthetic view and has high-quality standards, I am upset when I see low-effort content getting higher rewards than me. It's simple: perhaps it's a feeling born from envy, a common human trait that in many cases drives people to strive for success.

And what is effort then? "A vigorous or determined attempt", says Mr Google again. Perhaps effort relies on "good faith" or "good spirit". It's something that people honestly believe is the proper use of time and space.

Everyone is free

All in all, in the end, everyone will post whatever they want regardless of all the judgements that we make. I can't say that things "should" be one way or another because I'm not an expert in what drives blog-based social networks forward into popularity and success.

What if posting gifs like crazy drove us to popularity? Maybe people would complain when gifs and silly pictures start to take over the front page with $1200 or more in rewards.

But why would we complain about that? What is it that we care about? Why are we so troubled by lack of effort and usefulness and talk so much about "quality"?

Why is low-effort litter?

Are silly pictures "trash"? Is it like littering? The only explanation I find is that we're looking out to keep our streets clean, and we do the same with Steem. But why would we consider silly pictures to be litter? What is wrong with silly pictures, memes, zapples and gifs?

I recently watched a conversation where someone said "we don't post memes in our main accounts; nobody likes to soil their accounts with that kind of stuff". Low effort and usefulness is seen as "bad" on the blockchain, but I still cannot find a conclusive definition that would tell me what exactly it is that people want.

What do you consider "good" content? Should Steem only have this "good" content? Should we drive the rest of the content away?

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@cryptosharon - Quality and 'usefulness' are in the eye/ear of the beholder I guess.

I can tell you what kind of posts I prefer though -

Written well enough to be coherent and understandable; formatted to be easy on the eyes; contains either information, a question, humor, a message, an opinion, or a new creation; has images relevant to the contents; is not palagarized.

What is bad content? Something like an image of a potato plagarized from Google, with text saying, "This is a potato. Potatoes are healthy. Eat more potatoes. Please upvote and follow me".

Anyway, I've posted some 'low effort' stuff in the past, trying to do better now.

One problem I do see though, is that on Steemit, it is not always easy to find the kind of posts you are looking for. Maybe a better search function, and better filtering for posts? Not sure.

Thanks for bringing up the topic.

I recently asked the same thing because I encountered a troll account that was so proud the he is a pro blogger and that all these recent people joining from 3rd world countries and poor nations.

I have made a post but would like to point you to the comment by Terry.

El tema del que hablas es dificil de tratar, porque cada quien puede definir la "calidad" de un post de forma distinta.

Las fotografias pueden considerarse para algunos publicaciones de poca calidad pero para otros es una forma de arte, los memes pueden ser mal evaluados y al mismo tiempo ser tan buenos.

Lo veo yo mismo con mis post, hace poco publique fotos de paisaje urbano de Queretaro que me gustaban y al parecer fueron bien evaluados ya que tuve de ganancia la modica cantidad de 16 dolares. Sin embargo hace 3 dias hice una publicación sobre la plataforma de Creativecoin, haciendo una reseña sobre su buen o mal funcionamiento, hablando su alcance, lo que le falla, me esmere en ese tema pero... no ha alcanzado una ganancia para todo el esfuerzo que le heche.

¿Que estamos definiendo como calidad?¿Como ve la calidad cada uno?¿Vale la pena esforzarse tanto por un articulo cuando un meme puede tener mas repercusion?

Y no me voy solo a esos temas, ¿Acaso escribir un articulo en ingles tiene mas calidad que uno en español? o merece ganar mas solo por ser otro idioma.

Para ser sincero este articulo me abre mas preguntas que respuestas, pues me has dado mucho a que pensar

I got around 50 followers on the same second!!! So many spammers!


All of them have about 15 thousand follows.


What the hell is this?

From 1025 to 1074 in one instant.

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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I was summoned by @cryptosharon. I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...

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Earning $1200 dollars on a meme is like a shot to the heart. People spend hours and maybe days making an article that they like and even if they do it out pure passion they think they deserve at least a bit of credit for that post.

Talking about steemit posts, if that is true then doesn’t the system favours those who make Steem related posts than those who don’t and doesn’t that make this system unfair as it is partial to those post who make Steem great.

Steemit loves talking about itself.

That and crypto.

The introduction of Communities should help to segment readers and content.

Community defined value. But you know my cynical side will tell me that actually the real value is in engagement and that there are plenty of advertising minded people that will pay for that. That's how it's always been. The more engagement on the platform the better, and if the platform gives a way for people to pay for access then that's how it will go.

It was never about quality. But you know, quality and engagement are correlated too.

I mean, quality is in the mind of the reader.

One form of content doesn't necessarily ruin or change the other.

Steemit might need better search and filter features so that way those that come here for solid blogs only see solid blogs, and those that come for the memes only see the memes.

I think the blockchain is big enough for everyone.

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