Would You Beg on the Street for Attention or Money? Or Say the Same Thing Every Time to Each Passerby?

in #steem-help7 years ago

While it's always been a bit of an issue when we get an influx of new users the current trend in follow begging, link spamming and complete disreguard for common courtesy is starting to be noise I can't ignore.

A large percentile of new users seem to be picking up bad habits from users here on our STEEM network which ultimately ends up harming their success and making them look like common street beggars or fools.

So as a friendly reminder to users both new and old...

It is NOT Acceptable to:

  • Post unsolicited links to your posts on peoples comments
  • Ask people to upvote or follow you
  • Comment repetitive sentences or spam canned replies

I don't care who you are, where you are from or what's acceptable where you live.. If you make a habit of constantly doing any of the actions listed above not only will you attract unwanted attention to yourself but you run the risk of having your account reputation lowered, your post payouts damaged and as a final measure account knocked below the visibility threshold, meaning that people here will no longer be able to view your posts or comments by default. Essentially making your account nulled.

It IS Acceptable To:

  • Comment something relative to the post and slip in a link

Many folks think it's fine to post their links on others articles, rudely ask for upvotes and follows (Money and attention) and bloat the STEEM blogchain with spammy replies in hopes of votes. As a word of warning I will be cracking down on this sort of lowly behavior with only one polite warning given. Ask yourself.. Would you stop a stranger on the street and ask him for money and to pay attention to you?

Don't be a beggar, if you put effort into your posts people will notice eventually. It's a far better way to be successful on here than wasting your time spamming, begging and ultimately sinking your own success through being lazy and thinking you can be exploitative..

There are users who are dedicated to watching for these sorts of behaviors and correcting them. Never sell yourself short and remember that it's far better to work hard and earn little than to be lazy or sly and get your account reputation damaged. Don't be that guy or lady...

@KLYE for Witness

How ironic that the content of your post was 100% ignored by the first person to comment @khunpoom who hit you up with a canned response and then asked you to follow him. Typical.

Right? This trend of stupidity ends starting with this post. It's up to us as a community to fight against these lazy beggar types. -_-

Perhaps it was a comment bot? I hate those too!

Yep! It twas. Almost got that account smashed to the invisible zone now. Feel free to go flag his spam posts... It's 1 to 5 canned responses with the usernames of the author as a variable..

I'm really nervous about flagging people. I did it once on a post about masturbating in woods. I'm not a prude, and I'm a full blooded male but I just thought it was inappropriate without the NSFW tag which it did not have at the time.

The individual went cosmic on me so I'm concerned about getting payback flagged now. :-(

LOL, how could I not laugh at this input, that is funny

... and I know your name is Dick too LOL

for real ? ? post on masturbating in the woods ? steemit is ful of unknow potential...

You're encouraging me to talk about the depths of depravity I've swum, aren't you? ;-) lol

The most ironic post of this kind I've seen was under a post about how annoying comment bots are. The person replied to the obvious bot comment calling it out and the bot answered "What a great point, @..., let's follow each other!".

Some guy has been doing the same, like many of them here Klye...... I talked to him first and checked his profile like always....

Then he started the hate speech and some threats about I would be dead if I was near him.

He understands english but just does not get it.

lol you can follow my ass hole
you should write back

^ Link sharing done somewhat right! (They pertain to the topic at hand)

Legit link sharing there Rok!

I'm just going to grab this link and reply it to some of the comment spammers that visited my blog today...

Feel free to share it lovely..! Was hoping that maybe with my followers could get the message out there that what's been going on in regards to link spamming and follow begging is completely rubbish!

It is. I've written about it in the past aswell and even now, I warn everyone at the bottom of every post that I will flag those kind of comments. It doesn't help much, because I usually still get one or two. Many people write about this, but the spammers don't read, so it's basically lost on them.

I did think about this a while ago that, while on vacation in a cheaper (for me) and poorer (for them) country, people do tend to advertise verbally more. Like people outside of the restaurant, trying to talk you into visiting their restaurant. Some in a very obvious way (Like a guy on the market shouting their offers), others just ask you where you're from and start talking a bit in your country's language, or saying they've been there, trying to get you to like them.

I'm guessing it's mostly people from those kind of countries who spam these kind of comments, but I'm not sure if they know that what they're doing is so wrong. Though after getting told ten times and getting flagged a couple of times... I'm not buying it anymore.

I’ve written some blogs about it myself. I have tried a few ways to educate and promote actual engagement as a better way to go about it; instead of, spamming.

I have also spent a fair bit of time going around and trying to communicate with people doing the spamming. The best I ever got out of people if they ever reply back was “I’m not spamming,” and “ok I understand now” and then they still kept on spamming anyways.

Sometimes it’s just a bot. A few of the times someone is by hand going around and copy/pasting over and over and over. Either way the sad reality is most of the time unless someone with some power behind their flag hits them a few times they don’t care one bit.

I'm just glade nothing showed up when I check the tag hehe.

I was once forced to be class president despite my very strong efforts to not be. The people want what the people want...

The people want LiteCoin LOL.

I had to do another update here today, it has basically doubled in value in about 48 hours or so and same w their volume and market cap LOL


You can still be President but I am making Litecoin your Veep

good LC can do all the heavy lifting!

I agree with you that the spammers don't read, they are all lost in their own world : Spamoverse to notice that it's crazy to ask people to upvote you :) I usually ignore them, got no steem power :), even if I do, I think I'll still ignore them so I don't go on a flag war with anybody. I guess if everyone ignores them, it'll reset their spamming mentality.

The biggest problem I see with that is that not everyone ignores them and they might occasionally upvote each other. The flag we give them hopefully balance that out a bit.

Yeah, the flag actually does bring in that balance. I think with time the spam would reduce as more and more people recognise them when they see it.

Good idea... I like that approach. I'll take your lead too.

Good list of what is not acceptable and what is. Welcome to steemit!

Tottaly agree. This kind of behaviour (I mean begging for upvotes) is bad for steemit and it wont work as well.
Much better is give something from you, your thoughts, constructive response. It works much better. And it's win-win for all :)
Thanks @klye for posting about it. This bots or bot like behaviour irritate me as well.

gud write..!!

Agreed with your points .
Short but informative post @klye !

@klye speaks!

It is proper frustrating to find after a few hours of posting a blog, the only comments you have are repetitive bot like responses and comments that clearly show that your content hasn't even been read.

Soon i shall start slapping more flags around, but like begging in the street i just feel a bit bad and embarrassed to do so. I guess as my frustration rises, so my shyness will reduce and the flags will increase.

Down with the spammers!

Soo true...

They came after money, but they all they get is reputation loss. Smart bots will learn something, stupid bots will die :)

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