
@rok-sivante While I am sympathetic to some underprivileged people trying to use Steemit to supplement their income, I do not think they should do so by spamming without adding any value to the platform. As you have correctly pointed out, spam comments are on the rise and are nothing more than begging. I think the follow4follow culture from other social media platforms is being brought over by these new entrants. On those platforms, there is no intellectual discsusson most of the times and interaction mostly consists of liking each others weired selfies and building huge followings through follow for follow method. For Steemit, intellectual interaction and wood quality original content is required. Both types of media platforms are poles apart. I hope new entrants realise this.

I saw a couple of initiatives for flagging spam. Sad kitten by @personz for example. I also notice some senior Steemians starting to flag spam comments. I guess this is needed to protect integrity of Steemit. I am a relative newcomer but have seen how such spam can be detrimental to good interaction. The advent of voting bots and hundreds of spam accounts being owned by people worries me. Let uḍ hope we find an effective solution very soon.

Thanks for taking the stand and bringing this issue up in your blog. Cheers. Upvoted.

It's gonna be great when a bot comments on this post.

Great post !

Guys I must say that @rok-sivante did for me a lesson ! He attentioned me ,commenting like a professional man , flagged for seeing that my level decreased in a tragic way ! And good he did ! Because I mistake ,big misteke and unprofessional .

Now I am a fair and good guy ,be yourself ,comment hundred every day but be you ,natural and original comment , be part of the work of the guy wich post are you seeing , so thank another time to rok-sivante that kicked me first ( for wake up ) , and after helped me to return on my original level ( hope @rok-sivante will see this comment and help me to return on my same level ,my work was really hard ) .

Thank you @rok-sivante , STEEMIT need people like you !

I'm so glad you said this. I was thinking the same thing but didn't want to say anything. I'm new and didn't want to rock the boat. I've never done a beggar post as you call it but was starting to think maybe I should just to fit in.

To me when you first said beggar I thought you were talking about the people around here that say their mom or uncle or kid or somebody has cancer and please send steem. But putting the copy and paste follow for follow types in that category seems fitting too.

So I will definitely not do it, you literally convinced somebody that was considering that strategy to decide not to do it lol.

I like that steemit encourages productive content and discourages spam and that you were able to reinforce that in this post. I agree 100%

We all have different tolerance levels for these types of things, personally the comments don't bother me as much as the posts... I have no rational reason. I appreciate your concern for the platform and am glad you will use your stake to handle situations that bother you.

lol, I experienced this previously, and usually i will politely reply "thanks for your comment" XD

Why express gratitude for insincere, impersonal spam?

lol, it is because I am kind of understand what is their purpose of it. Most of them are just have no idea on how to get attention for others.

I admitted the half of those people they are not writing good stuff which worth a vote so that they just do so as a short cut of getting attention. But at the same time, half of them doing pretty fair but they really have no idea on how to get others attention, and which is they own method.

And I have experienced such stage and it is really discouraging that writing things but not getting attention. I beg even you leave a comment to them "you should improve what you write first", they will be more then happy to reply you "Thank you!".

So, I try my best not to discourage people from writing the things they want, no matter it is bad or good. As after all, that is not me to decide whether it is good or not.

G'day. Good job standing up and putting the whole topic out there!
I've only been here for a couple of Months but I have had it happen to me a few times.

I replied along the lines of" Thanks, what was the part of my post you liked the best?"
Never heard back!
How does the whole "flag" thing work?

Similar to what used to be a downvote. Best reserved for where content is either HIGHLY inappropriate, fraudulent/plagerism, or spam. Knocks down the visibility of the flagged post/comment and the offender's reputation score.

It's an issue with integrity. People think that they can earn money here for anything, so they post as many meaningless comments and posts as they can possibly churn out, hoping to earn a few cents hundreds of times...

They also think that having thousands of followers is going to make them earn more money, and it probably will in the short term. Steemit will be ruined when the masses learn about it... I'm slowly coming to the realization that this ship has too many holes in it, and there aren't enough people trying to plug them...

It may be ruined IF standards aren't set and enforced before then...


Seriously tho, this shit needs to stop. I wish Steemit would implement a report button like Youtube, because when you encounter spammers on steem you only have two options: Flag them ( in which you would yourself and them) or Ignore them.

The Spammers don't tend to come to my blog anymore, they get that flag button 😂

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