The decisions have been made, and the next scenario is about to present itself.


In the last round, the teams had to choose whether or not to kill and eat a snake. The species of the snake was not given, and no one was told whether or not it was venomous. The other issue was that if the team chose to kill and eat the snake, the snake would bite one of them.

As it turns out, the snake was a non-venomous Northern Water Snake. Here is what the teams decided.

Option 1:


@natator88 & @whatageek

  • @natator88 was bitten and now has a wound.
  • Team REPSTYLE will now need to eat before the end of Day 3 (gameplay). &

  • was bitten and now has a wound.
  • THE KIWIS will now need to eat before the end of Day 3 (gameplay).

@clayboyn & @bilbop

  • @clayboyn was bitten and now has a wound.
  • THE FORCE will now need to eat before the end of Day 3 (gameplay).

@herpetologyguy & @ellepdub

  • @herpetologyguy was bitten and now has a wound.
  • Team ZOOKEEPER will now need to eat before the end of Day 3 (gameplay).

Thus far unnamed

@countryinspired & @ikilledcobain

  • @countryinspired was bitten and now has a wound.
  • This team will now need to eat before the end of Day 3 (gameplay).

@lukmarcus & @kambrysia

  • @lukmarcus was bitten and now has a wound.
  • Team SZUMNI will now need to eat before the end of Day 3 (gameplay).

Option 2:


@verbal-d & @happyharmonymay

  • Team SOULMATE will need to eat before the end of Day 2 (gameplay).

@daveks & @cognoscere

  • FOO(D) FIGHTERS will need to eat before the end of Day 2 (gameplay).

@rahul.stan & @iamsgr

  • THE HURRICANE will need to eat before the end of Day 2 (gameplay).

@nextgen622 & @snooway

  • Team EMMANUEL will need to eat before the end of Day 2 (gameplay).

Thus far unnamed


  • This team will need to eat before the end of Day 2 (gameplay).
  • Another player can join this team. Contact @nepd if interested.

Thus far unnamed


  • This team will need to eat before the end of Day 2 (gameplay).
  • Another player can join this team. Contact @eirik if interested.

Thus far unnamed


  • This team will need to eat before the end of Day 2 (gameplay).
  • Another player can join this team. Contact @fingersik if interested.


As your team looks ahead, you believe that there is a clearing across the pond. This could mean a former town or village is nearby. Thick briers and thorn bushes surround the pond on both sides. You could walk around the pond, but you might get a little tore up. You also notice a log lying across the pond, and some vines hanging nearby. The pond itself doesn’t look too deep.

Your team decides to head towards the clearing in an attempt to find more food, but you must choose how to get to the other side. Choose one option below, and let me know which team member is going to lead the way. Please reply within the next 24 hours.


  • OPTION 1 – Try to Go Around Through the Briers and Thorn Bushes.
  • OPTION 2 – Try To Cross on the Log
  • OPTION 3 – Try to Swing Across on the Vines
  • OPTION 4 – Try to Wade Across the Pond


I’ll be growing this prize pool as the game continues. Once the total liquid prize payouts increase beyond what the current pool is, I’ll be designating a larger portion towards the prize pool each round. With the current 7 day payout period, it’ll be harder to calculate, but I’ll just keep adding to it each round, and eventually it should be growing at a greater rate of speed. Who knows how much STEEM this contest will eventually pay out?!?!

The current prize pool is 215 STEEM.


I will post the next round at least 24 hours after the previous. This will give each team at least 24 hours to make their next choice. I’ll mention every team member in each post and use the #steem-apocalypse tag for every post to help make it harder for you to miss them.


If a team does not reply within the 24 hours and does not give me their next answer, I was going to have that team be disqualified and counted as "starved to death in the wilderness." Since choosing an option after the results are given isn't really fair, I can't let teams do that. However, I don't want to disqualify people based on technicalities.

Therefore, I'll be using a coin or some dice in those cases. If it is a two option round, I'll flip a coin for the team. If a team member needs to be chosen, I'll flip a coin. If there are more options, I'll roll a die until a valid option number is rolled. I have done that today with the team made up of @ikilledcobain and @countryinspired. (The rolls came up to kill and eat today - Sorry @countryinspired, you got bit!) I hope that you understand, but I didn't want to keep everyone else waiting or disqualify your team. Thanks!

When I run into situations where I am ready to post the next round and not all the teams have replied, I'll be using this method.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



The character tried going through torn bushes without equipment once so no thanks... bare log isn´t that useful for crossing small distance...If he even considers using a log for crossing the pond, and since he´s no Tarzan, vines won´t do it too. He has to wade across. The water seem questionable, but no one was bitten previous event so infection shouldn’t happen. My character had to be really dominant so far + his sense of locality is non-existent, so he sends his companion first and blindly follows. While wading across, he thinks about how nice it would be to have a functioning companion, who would be able to express his opinions about group´s decisions. Thus said, who wants to join “our” team? Let me know here!

I'm loving the solo game play so far! Keep it up and hopefully you'll find a PIC soon!

Just gotta stay alive long enough to get a friend!

I feel like that's good life advice, @papa-pepper!

Wow, I'm so deep it even went over my head!

Good insight!

Someone will jump in eventually. I'll keep increasing the prize pool to encourage others to join in, just stay alive until then!

How can you send your companion first if you did not find one yet :) Maybe you will find one in the tavern nearby. We will see!

Technically I have a companion but his IQ is like -58 :D So I’m waiting for a wild "IQ booster" to appear, but before it happens when I die he doesn´t know what to do on his own, if you know what I mean:D At least I thought it´s like that but if DM @papa-pepper says I have to go first then I will do so.

I went back and if you stell need a companion I can be a part of your team.

I'll put you on TEAM UNNAMED with @eirik to fill the team!

Oh hello, is your name Erika? I had a quest from nearby people that someone jumped to the pond and did not want to go back to the city. Well, you dont have to. We can travel together!

My real name is Tatyana, but you can call me Erika if you prefer. Thank you for took the first hit at yourself, I think, together it will be easier for us to survive.

Thats for sure! Lets go.

We will go with option 2 with @snooway leading the way

Got it! Thanks for your timely response! Hopefully all goes well for you!

Not that anyone has to, but if anyone wants to create a post about their experiences in the STEEM-Apocalypse game to help create more interest for season 2 you could. If you do, feel free to use any images from the game. No pressure, I was just thinking that it could be neat way to tell your story as a participant and share your thoughts on it, Plus you could get a post payout and help others gain interest. Just a thought.

Hey, @whatageek, what do you think? Should we 1) Little Red Riding Hood it, 2) Little John (from Robin Hood), 3) pull a Tarzan, or 4) sink or swim?

(I couldn't think of something clever for option 4. My apologies.)

@wadepaterson? ... his name had "wade" in it... just trying to help!

If your partner @whatageek doesn't show up by tonight, you might have to make the move.

I was thinking the same thing, @papa-pepper. If @whatageek doesn't chime in before the deadline, I'm going to say we'll Little John it and use the log. I'll make him lead the way since that was the deal we struck last time. I'm hoping if the log gets tipsy, since he's leading the way only he'll fall off and my wound will stay dry and clean!

Sounds good, if he shows and you want to discuss and change your mind before the deadline, that's fin, but I'll put you down for the log for now! Thanks!

The log moved, do you have crocodiles in USA? we won't chance it. The vines wriggled, probability more snakes. probably quicksand under the water and I am too heavy to float.
We have our trusty machetes and will hack our way around the pond,
trevor leading if that matters.

We will choose option 4 and I will lead the way.

Got it! I hope that works out for you!

Let's hope. We are so hungry xD

I hear that there is some food over that way, if you know how to get it!

Not my first bite from a northern water snake so hopefully I'll survive ;)

@ellepdub says Team Zookeeper will pick option 1 and walk around the pond (she says to avoid getting my wound infected but I really know it's because she doesn't like the water)

Which one of you leads the way around?

We'll send @ellepdub around first since it was her idea.

Former lifeguard and swimmer here -- I'm trying my luck swimming.

Still need a partner for this game, let me know if interested!

Well if you're a music lover, there seem to be two genres open for a team mate :P Country or Alt-Rock

@bilbop what say yee wise old wizard of the woods?

The log appears the best and fastest option. If there are no gators or water moccasin in there. Might take on a few leeches, but they're edible. I'm a good swimmer . What does The Force reveal in your wizards' minds eye.

The Force tells me to follow the wise old wizard of the woods on this one. Lead the way and I shall follow with due haste.

Are you a swimmer?, we both must cross. The log is useable as a flotation device, just hang on, I'll swim with it. Unknown distance across pond or depth. If shallow walk it and drag log with us in case the middle drops off rapidly. And grab some vines, tie 'em together and tether to the log as a safety or to hang on to while pulling. The Force stays strong with us together as a team. Focused intent by two; and 'in agreement with, of and for life', multiplies the energy of the intent by itself. Ergo increasing the odds of our team surviving 100 fold. Sound Good or...?

Let us hence forth in the name of glory!

We are in agreement. If we each have a longish sharply pointed stick,at the ready, may also a plus in the unkown of the dark lagoon ;) Move slowly lest we muddy the water.

I'm going wide in my responses for several reasons. I enjoy talking story, to relate some of my survival knowledge and also other philosophical and psychological angles included. And encourage expanding, alternate survival thinking processes for those interested.

I'm just here to train under a master wizard and survive the apocalypse. The Force is strong with us.

You're bold initative at the get go, reveals the wisdom of your flowing with The Force. I am here to learn from you as well. Each holds parts of the puzzle. Remain open, watch, listen and evaluate; feel, using The Force...1, 2, you know what to do ;)

I like the way your interaction adds to the game! Keep it up!

Thank you, glad you're liking my going wide. I really appreciate the contest and am having a blast. All the while sharing some survival skills and other bits to build an entertaining story.
Meanwhile @clayboyn did a parody of which I believe yo know and gave me a boost over at:

OPTION 1 – Try to Go Around Through the Briers and Thorn Bushes.
I will lead the way

You're welcome bro, great game

excellent contest @papa-pepper.
Am i too l8 to join the contest? If its not @paniopan and myself would like join the game as a team.

Not too late to join, but all the teams have already started.

You could each join existing teams with one of the following users:

If you and @paniopan really wanted to partner up, you'd have to wait until next season, but you could each still join other teams to get some practice and maybe win some STEEM.

hi @nepd @fingersik and @eirik would any of you guys like a new team member?

When the character tried to execute what he had in mind, suddenly a mystic energetic beam hit his dim-witted comrade. His eyes were not of a retard anymore, but a glimmer of intelligence was in them. "My name is Lifanoîl. Welcome to my team! The time has come to make a name for us, since it’s not only Lifanoîl + his dim-witted servant anymore! The dwellers came to my mind. What do you think about that? Also if you have any objections against my plan see my post above."

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