in #stats7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit friends,

recently i stumbled over the following categories in the Trending Topics because of a post by @steem.engine. (you reach the list via click on the feed categories 'home', 'new', 'hot', 'trending', 'promoted' -> look at the right side and click at the bottom of the tag list "Show more topics" -> now you see a table with 4 colums including the payout).




I hear many say "This is clear, that are the.." yes i think many know what's behind because of the post by @steem.engine but i didn't know that, because i was never involved with these abbreviations. Also the "kr" category has further subcategories:






Ok, if there are subcategories then it could be a very important main category. I looked into the Trending Topics

First if you add up all Trending Topics you get a total payout of

$35,226,088.70 SBD

or about $35.2 million SBD. Now if we add up all the "kr's" we get

$1,444,291.651 SBD

or about $1.44 million SBD. That's about 4.1% of the total payout. That's normal share, nothing exciting. And if i look into the category i see just (for me) unreadable posts from asia..

ok, kr could be Korea. To check this i copied a line of text from one post and put into Google Translator and voila

and also for german

I think "kr" stands today for South Korea and not for the regime in the north. The latter has massively restricted the usage by his people and it's improbable that someone other than government uses Steemit.. Even if we put South and North Korea together (similar to Germany and Turkey) the market power is tiny in comparison to huge China i look next.

kr = South Korea

source: Wikipedia

Here is a comprehensive list of the most important countrycodes where you can find all the mentioned categories.

Most posts of that categories are not readable for people outside of asia, unless you use the bit crappy translation with the Google Translator. But there are also exceptions where korean Steemians are posting in two languages (kr/eng). I'm already in contact with one Steemian @kinakomochi from Japan who gave me a link to the great pictures of Hokusai. He is writing his posts also in both (japanese/eng). From a intercultural and marketing standpoint that is great! Thank you all who sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us!

If you click on "kr" you get the feed of posts where this category was used. Here is an example post by @oldstone with leading "kr".

(올드스톤의 살며 사랑하며) 어느 토요일 오후, 친구라는 사람들

which means with Google Translator

"(Old Stone's living and loving) One Saturday afternoon,"

The other mentioned categories:

cn = China

Additionally there is also the tag "china" with a small fraction of posts, comments and payout in comparison to "cn". Many posts in "china" are in english and fully readable for me. "cn" has about 19 times more payout than "china". The China market we all know is huge and i think either most chinese people use the common tags or market penetration is currently miniscule of what is possible. In comparison to Korea the payout amount is about 50%. If that's true the tags "cn" and "china" could be soon much more important but i don't know the obstacles on the way up.

source Wikipedia

tr = Turkey

Turkey has just overtaken Germany in terms of inhabitants with about 80 millions. In terms of market power it's tiny in comparison to China.

source: Wikipedia

"Does it matter if i do not participate in these topics or tags?"

answer: "I think no!"

The market share is currently relatively low and "kr", "cn" and the other countrycodes are often used together with other much more popular categories like "life", "security", "steemit" and so on.

To round out the this post the..

Current stats (Sep 25th 2017) for Trending Topics descending Payout per (Post+Comment)

distribution of payout to categories/tags

Please note! that average payout per post don't necessarily mean that you get $50 or more if you use the categories. It's just a statistical evaluation on scarce data. The individual payout differs massively dependend on many factors. The graph and table just show average values and also use the sum of posts and comments for calculation of the average which is just a rough estimate i think. All following charts are created by author based on Trending Topics Steemit.

Interesting findings for me

  • dsound on place 239 vs. music on place 95 - DSound is in the Top250 but has to go up as brand
  • dtube on place 225, dtube- on place 243 vs. youtube on place 149 vs. movie on place 89, movies on place 87, - DTube is in the Top250 but has to go up as brand
  • kr-newbie on place 18 with about $145 - only korean category which has top payouts, next one is on place 75 kr-writing with over $60
  • anarchism on place 8, anarchy on place 17 - important topic on Steemit
  • coinkorea on place 5 is mostly english and adds up to kr and related tags

"How important these categories are for you?"

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see also my other posts



🎧 DSound TOP5 (September 22th 2017) 🎧 - LISTEN TO GREAT MUSIC TRACKS ON STEEMIT!

Exciting times ahead steemit friends!

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unmarked pictures/animation from giphy.com, pixabay.com


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