"What you seek, you already are."

in #spirituality6 years ago

So, after reading some of @atmosblack's posts about Matt Kahn's teachings I realized I had one of Matt's books unread in my kindle library - Beginning Your Love Revolution. I read through the first few pages and found one quote I really like:


Photo by Colin Rex on Unsplash

Looking within is not a matter of becoming more aware, but rather of learning how to be open and accepting of how aware you already are.

This line kind of opened things for me, or at least confirmed what I had been practicing. I used to try and try to look rather than just see. I feel like seeing is the passive term for looking, looking almost implies a search, once we give up the search we get to see. No judgement, no jumping to conclusions, we just see what there is, see where we might be trying to become aware instead of letting ourselves open to that awareness that has always been hear.

The natural man to me is the unburdened one. Like how animals and plants in the wild grow and move and blossom. They aren't concerned with the judgements of other animals or plants or people. They are just living naturally, unconcerned with how they live, just spontaneously growing and moving about, and through, and as this reality.

We can learn so much from nature because we have become unnatural in our thinking process, not allowing thought to work in the moment because we are preoccupied with thinking about how we will do everything.

It also lines up really well with the quotes that go along with my title for this post by Deepak Chopra, as well as what many other teachers have written or spoken:

All that you seek is already within you - Ram Dass

So we just have to notice it, step back from trying to find anything and just notice. The mind keeps asking how, the only how is to notice or observe, to find the parts of mind that are running in circles and to let them relax to see what's there being distorted.

Actually, being what you are is the simplest. What is diificult is to stop being what you are not. - Mooji

So what does Mooji mean by simple? To me he means effortless action, the kind where you aren't really trying, where you don't try to control the mind or the world because the real stuff is already here. We just get in our own way. That's the difficulty, it's us blocking out the view of reality by trying to domineer it. By passing it through our labels, judgements, ideas, and beliefs.

I love reading works by spiritual teachers because any single line or paragraph can contain so much value. I thought I'd give my perspective on the line and the other included quotes, but I'd love to hear yours as well. I'm still learning and figuring things out in my own life, and sometimes seeing another's perspective can spur more growth.

Hope you enjoyed,



Thank you for the mention!
Yes, especially with Matt, since listening to his teachings has become my daily practice, I have to stop audios and videos very often, because there are 1-2 sentences, that changes my view of things - instant recognition - everything clicking inside and nothing is the same afterwards.
One funny thing happened 2 days ago. Matt released a new video and it hit me in full force and shattered me into pieces - I may write about it later - it really was more intense than anything else I have ever experienced. Not in a nice way though - it really hurt.
I told a friend about this experience and she told me, that this video is the same as another audio, I had shared with her previously. I just wondered, what she was talking about, and told her, that she doesn't need to listen to the words, but to the energy behind them and obviously the video is really totally different than the audio. I wondered, how she could miss this?
So yesterday, I opened the audio, that she compared to the video, to find out if there were really similarities in them.
You know what? This audio was literally the same as the video! It was no similar, but exact the same - and I had listened to this audio for at least 5 times and didn't even realize, that is was the same as the video! 😀
So even the exact same teaching in another form and at a different time can have such a different impact on you life! This is beyond amazing! 😀
There is so much more to discover and now I know for sure, that listening to the same audios again and again totally makes sense - different time, different energy, different match, different insights.
By the way, I guess you would also like Moojis newest CD "The Invitation" - it's available at his website - it leads deeper into the exploration of your true nature. A nice meditation, that is worth to do from time to time. Blessings! ❤️

That is a great illustration of how we need to be ready to receive certain lessons or to receive them in a specific way. Awesome story!

So even the exact same teaching in another form and at a different time can have such a different impact on you life! This is beyond amazing!

I totally agree with this, there were things that I've listened to multiple times that never really clicked, then I come back a month or two or more later, maybe even forgot I listened to it, but this time around it makes much more sense! Some videos will completely change their meaning as I go, kind of crazy how much wisdom is packed into their words, almost like there are multiple meanings depending on where you are in understanding things.

Thanks for the great comment! I just saw he released that, I might check it out!

shite mun...

the book on mastery... Gene Keys... now Matt Kahn...

you're on your game. 😎

Haha! I try to be, I've found certain works find me at the right time, I started by reading about neuroscience after my first pscilocybin experience and have gone to ancient civilizations, new thought books, magic, hermetics, then non-duality for a long time, still kind of read those as reminders, and lately the three you listed.

Life tends to bring us what we need! I mentioned the book of mastery in your post, guess you know about it ;)

I'm totally fascinated by our experience of the world and life, after seeing the world so long in one way and then having an experience that basically proved I didn't know much of anything it had a powerful effect! Do you have a post about your backstory, I always see you posting great posts so maybe I should dig into your post catalog. Steemit seems to bury some great content

Mmmm... bits and pieces of “my story” might be scattered in a number of posts, however I’d say these two (five, as the first is a four-part series) would be most relevant to the topic at hand:

Down The Sacred Geometry Rabbit Hole: From The Architecture Of Creation To The Evolution Of Quantum AI... PART ONE

How Ayahuasca Changed My Life (And Gave Me The Balls To Do The Craziest, Most Courageous, Romantic Thing Of My Life)...

I'll come back to this, very intriqued by the ayahuasca one, I was down in Peru a few Years back for Huachuma and Vlica ceremonies, really want to do an Ayahuasca ceremony

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