
This made for excellent bed time reading! Further solidifying my curiosity about trying it. When you said 'pardon the 'woo' talk' - this struck a powerful chord with me. Dispelling this attitude is one of the aim's of my blog. It's not 'woo', it's an integral element of our biophysical operating systems we call the body, something as a species we have forgotten, or has been trampled out. I think that the 'new age' actual woo has been propagated to have the exact effect it did on you, to make people feel uneasy even mentioning it, feeling like they have to justify why they said it, and it's wrong. I've ignored that side of my self which as been wide open since i was a child. I did in my late teen's and early twenties get sucked right into it, got told i was an Indigo etc etc and shamefully i loved it. But one thing about my mind, i most often see through bull shit, it may take me a little while, but there's some wise voice deep amidst the chaos that says 'yeah but that doesn't make sense, did you think about this? And then i go 'oh yea.........that doesn't actually make any sense.

I've named my blog around it because my aim is to draw people who are that way inclined in, to plant some seed's, and to share some genuine experiences that show it's not all love and light. It's fucking harsh being so open sometimes, and we've got to be able to start talking about energy, chakras, other dimensions seriously , not clouded by waffle, because i think it's one thing that is making us sick mentally, physically and spiritually.

I really enjoyed reading this, and can totally read between the lines ;) Even had some revelations about my own relationship. On my introduction post, where you commented about 5-HTP on my comment about this 'net', a comment or so under your one i've written about my experience on 2CB and what happened with the 'net' around that, some parallels here with guidance from seemingly elsewhere and self reflections, you might find it interesting- apologies in advance if you do read it and dont ha!

I think that the 'new age' actual woo has been propagated to have the exact effect it did on you, to make people feel uneasy even mentioning it, feeling like they have to justify why they said it, and it's wrong

Lol. You definitely misinterpreted my use of the word. :-)

Rather than try explain, another breadcrumb on the trail might serve better... some of the perspectives in a recent piece on esoteric exploration & astrology perhaps clarifying my stance on such matters better than a direct address.


2cb... I’ve only done a couple times, though in a context which made it very difficult to discern the direct effect. Very curious to try again. I had some hangouts and got pretty spun out both times - intrigued on what obstacles had been hit and what might be on the other side of breaking throug them. Unfortunately, I don’t have any hookups for it, and don’t mess around with the dark web, so just gonna have to wait until the opportunity presents itself again.

apologies in advance if you do read it and don’t...

No apologies necessary! ;-)

Oh my bad! Ill take a read thanks :) It's weird isn't it, how you can read something and interpret it to suit your own personal agenda, i didn't catch that at the time i was doing it, but im glad you pointed it out. Ill be mindful not to jump to quick conclusions again.

Ah that's a shame that you don't have access to it, or maybe it's not. Maybe it's not the right one for you.

Reading this actually opened up my heart chakra tenth fold ;)
You have some amazing life stories bro...and it sounds like you've got balls.
XD Keep writing

cool. :-)

just reposted one of the pieces I wrote after doing ceremony the first time at and will have one more on the way shortly.

interested to have a listen to the Chillstep link - but says the stream is offline...?

What a beautiful story, thank you so much for sharing! It is so exciting to see more and more people open up and share their journeys with Ayahuasca since ever one is different.
Keep spreading the love! :-)

your welcome. glad it put a smile on your face. :-)

Been wanting to do this medicine myself, have an inner calling, I think it is exactly what I need. Thanks for more insight one or two thimgs i never knew about it. especially that you could do it on Vancouver Island. I am In Canada myself.

your welcome, Keith.

if she's been calling, it may only be a matter of time until the opportunity presents itself. there's quite a few medicine circles hidden around here & there, so might not be so far from you...

it's a VERY intensive experience, not to be taken lightly. make sure to put alot of prep into your intentions, and take the 1-2 weeks of preparatory measures seriously (specific diet, abstinence from alcohol, drugs, sex).

also make sure to meet whoever is leading the ceremony and make sure you are comfortable with them. ayahuasca has become something of a fad these past years and alot of people are hosting without really knowing what they're doing or holding proper respect for the medicine.

(which reminds me of a satire video on it, which I actually felt kinda strongly about due to the mockery and lack of respect of the medicine and culture behind it within the video - however, it does present some funny views and points worth considering:)

VERY borderline. don't take too seriously.

partaking in ceremony with a someone well-initiated into the culture with years of experience is undoubtedly a game-changer, though... :-)

Where you begin and end with your language says a lot. I appreciate your judicious use of words here.

(The more words I use to try describe it, the greater disservice is done to honour what actually lies there - all silent, all powerful).

The note you added above is also much appreciated, and worth repeating:

it's a VERY intensive experience, not to be taken lightly. make sure to put alot of prep into your intentions, and take the 1-2 weeks of preparatory measures seriously (specific diet, abstinence from alcohol, drugs, sex).

also make sure to meet whoever is leading the ceremony and make sure you are comfortable with them. ayahuasca has become something of a fad these past years and a lot of people are hosting without really knowing what they're doing or holding proper respect for the medicine.

I don't think I can watch that video right now, maybe I'll be in the mood to have a laugh~cry later though.

Your whole story was beautifully written, and was an inspiration to read.
I'm glad you shared it here.

My ex was real big on ayahuasca. In fact, that's what we talked about in the first few minutes of our first conversation, and we could tell that we were definitely going to be huge influences in each other's lives. It was true, but we could not stay together because I had to move. However, I was able to have a few ayahuasca experiences with a few bros later on and they were the most incredible experiences of my life.

The journey is on my friend... I was looking for the Ayahuasca article on Steemit and your one came up third:))) Is this another coincidence or what? Two of my business partners were there several times, and I have been there for the first time just last night:) No words to describe it...I was trying to put my head together for this journey for more than a year and the day for it came yesterday, with kambo being done earlier on Friday. Most of my journey after letting go the ego was quantum physics and some crazy alghoritms ...realy enjoyed it:)

Haha, niiiice. :-)

You mean you just went through ceremony yesterday?? Awesome. If you end up writing a story about it, do share - though if not, understandable. There really are no words to describe it sometimes.

Interesting you did the kambo in combo too...

Yeah...just last night:)) I am still in the dimension...actually when I took the phone for the first time after the ceremony there was a message from you and I could hardly read it:)

Lol. Flashbacks...

Take a break from the tech for a few days and allow yourself a proper integration period... :-)

I loved this, I was pondering about fear and love all day today, and then I read it here, and it got me thinking while I continued reading, until that great moment when you made the jump and ask her to marry you she said yes!

Great stuff! Good luck with everything!

lol... love how it showed up for you at the precise timing of your ponderance of fear & love... :-)

Haha In fact, in my latest post today, I added a closing thoughts part where I voiced my thoughts :) Strange synchronicity!

really great closing thoughts on that post.

(and when it comes to the realm of ayahuasca... its kinda all syncronicity. lol ;-) )

Thank you! Someday I wanna try ayahuasca, I'm really curious!

So beautiful. Thank you for sharing that.

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