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RE: "What you seek, you already are."

in #spirituality7 years ago

Thank you for the mention!
Yes, especially with Matt, since listening to his teachings has become my daily practice, I have to stop audios and videos very often, because there are 1-2 sentences, that changes my view of things - instant recognition - everything clicking inside and nothing is the same afterwards.
One funny thing happened 2 days ago. Matt released a new video and it hit me in full force and shattered me into pieces - I may write about it later - it really was more intense than anything else I have ever experienced. Not in a nice way though - it really hurt.
I told a friend about this experience and she told me, that this video is the same as another audio, I had shared with her previously. I just wondered, what she was talking about, and told her, that she doesn't need to listen to the words, but to the energy behind them and obviously the video is really totally different than the audio. I wondered, how she could miss this?
So yesterday, I opened the audio, that she compared to the video, to find out if there were really similarities in them.
You know what? This audio was literally the same as the video! It was no similar, but exact the same - and I had listened to this audio for at least 5 times and didn't even realize, that is was the same as the video! 😀
So even the exact same teaching in another form and at a different time can have such a different impact on you life! This is beyond amazing! 😀
There is so much more to discover and now I know for sure, that listening to the same audios again and again totally makes sense - different time, different energy, different match, different insights.
By the way, I guess you would also like Moojis newest CD "The Invitation" - it's available at his website - it leads deeper into the exploration of your true nature. A nice meditation, that is worth to do from time to time. Blessings! ❤️


That is a great illustration of how we need to be ready to receive certain lessons or to receive them in a specific way. Awesome story!

So even the exact same teaching in another form and at a different time can have such a different impact on you life! This is beyond amazing!

I totally agree with this, there were things that I've listened to multiple times that never really clicked, then I come back a month or two or more later, maybe even forgot I listened to it, but this time around it makes much more sense! Some videos will completely change their meaning as I go, kind of crazy how much wisdom is packed into their words, almost like there are multiple meanings depending on where you are in understanding things.

Thanks for the great comment! I just saw he released that, I might check it out!

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