
Haha! I try to be, I've found certain works find me at the right time, I started by reading about neuroscience after my first pscilocybin experience and have gone to ancient civilizations, new thought books, magic, hermetics, then non-duality for a long time, still kind of read those as reminders, and lately the three you listed.

Life tends to bring us what we need! I mentioned the book of mastery in your post, guess you know about it ;)

I'm totally fascinated by our experience of the world and life, after seeing the world so long in one way and then having an experience that basically proved I didn't know much of anything it had a powerful effect! Do you have a post about your backstory, I always see you posting great posts so maybe I should dig into your post catalog. Steemit seems to bury some great content

Mmmm... bits and pieces of “my story” might be scattered in a number of posts, however I’d say these two (five, as the first is a four-part series) would be most relevant to the topic at hand:

Down The Sacred Geometry Rabbit Hole: From The Architecture Of Creation To The Evolution Of Quantum AI... PART ONE

How Ayahuasca Changed My Life (And Gave Me The Balls To Do The Craziest, Most Courageous, Romantic Thing Of My Life)...

I'll come back to this, very intriqued by the ayahuasca one, I was down in Peru a few Years back for Huachuma and Vlica ceremonies, really want to do an Ayahuasca ceremony

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