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in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)


The word Empath is one of those words that has crept up in the world as a hot term used today amongst those that believe they are Awake and they use such terms as "Love and Light," after every sentence. There are many who proclaim to have certain abilities and maybe that is to fit in with those who truly have this ability. I have promised to write something on my experience as an Empath or Empathic (I will use both words interchangeably.) So here it is.

(The Butterfly is the Symbol of an Empath.)

Empath - Basics

The general and very basic definition of empathy is one who has the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. The difference is that with an Empathic person, we tend to absorb the feelings or physical symptoms of others. If we do not understand that we have this ability it can be very confusing because we feel we are going through something and it is really the person who just walked into the room, a family member, a co-worker, etc.

Empath - Symptoms

It is very easy to become overwhelmed, feel overly stressed with emotion, suffer panic attacks, depression, chronic fatigue, overeating followed by weight gain, sex and drug binges to "feel good." Another serious symptom is that many medications will not work on an Empath. Physicians tend to misdiagnose us with serious mental disorders and prescribe mind altering prescriptions that do not help us.

If you are an Empath the first step is to acknowledge and accept who you are, here are the traits of an Empath:

  • Empaths are highly sensitive and are naturally giving, spiritually open, and good listeners. Empaths have heart. Through thick and thin, they are there for you, and nurturers. But they can easily have their feelings hurt. Empaths are often told that they are overly sensitive and need to toughen up.

(Bees are Guides for Empaths.)

  • Empaths absorb emotions and are highly attuned to other moods. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme. They take on negativity such as anger or anxiety which is exhausting. If they are around peace and love, their bodies flourish.

  • Many empaths are introverted and can get overwhelmed in crowds, this amplifies their empathy. They tend to be prefer one-on-one contact or small groups. Even if an empath is more extroverted they prefer limiting the time spent in crowds or at a party.

  • Empaths are highly intuitive and experience the world through their intuition. It is important for them to develop their intuition and listen to their gut feelings. This will help empaths find positive relationships and avoid energy vampires.

  • Empaths need alone time since they are responders, being around people can drain an empath so they periodically need time to recharge their batteries. Even a brief escape prevents emotional overload.

  • Empaths can become overwhelmed in intimate relationships and too much togetherness can be difficult, so they may avoid intimate relationships. Deep down they are afraid of being engulfed and losing their identity. For empaths to be at ease in a relationship it may be beneficial to not have the traditional relationship.

  • Empaths are targets for energy vampires and are an easy mark. A vamp whose fear or rage can sap the energy and peace of mind of an Empath. Vampires do more than suck the physical energy out of an Empath and there are dangerous ones such as narcissists , which can make an Empath believe they are unworthy and unlovable.

  • Empaths become replenished in nature and this is a necessity for a healthy mind and spirit. The natural world nourishes and restores an Empath and it helps to release burdens when taking refuge in the presence of green wild things, the ocean or other bodies of water.

  • Empaths have highly tuned senses and the nerves can get frayed by noise, smells, or excessive talking.

  • Empaths have huge hearts but sometimes give too much and try to relieve the pain of others. It is natural to want to reach out to those hurting and ease their pain. But empaths don’t stop there. Instead, they take it on. Suddenly they’re the one feeling drained or upset when they felt fine before.

After reading these traits, take a moment, breathe, and assess your soul. Your soul will answer you if you ask, "is this my life path?" The main focus is to not allow anyone to tell you who you are, and if you are not an Empath not to allow anyone to tell you that you are an Empath. Do not follow the crowd on this because a true Empath can see bullshit within an inch anything you touch, whether it is a through physical contact, electronic communication, etc. For a true Empath the knowing and understanding is as easy and natural as drinking water.

If you have determined you are an Empath, I will continue this discussion in a future blog. So any comments and or positive suggestions are welcome. Peace.

Camera: iPhone 6+
Photographer: @eaglespirit
Date: 2015
Location: New York



Yes!!! My life story is this. Lol. Ppl think being an empath is all warm and goooey! Tis not!

Mah Sistah @limabeing, it's amazing how many people I have been drawn to are responding to me on this blog. Yes, totally agree it is not warm and gooey .. it's quite difficult and a hard thing to deal with everyday. I blocked most of who I was my entire life and just thought I was an outcast or weirdo. I felt too much and was miserable. Thank goodness I never went to a doctor because I would have been misdiagnosed as many are today. The more stories I hear about how hard it is for many, my heart breaks. I am thankful I am at a point where I can share my experience and bring this to a blogging platform. I'm not one to go out and try to make money or have a business to make money for these abilities. Just not me. The interesting point is that being an Empath is just the beginning of the abilities. Once the door is open, there is so much more to explore. Thank you for sharing and I am very happy to know you are mah Sis!! I look forward to seeing your comments on my next post, and if you have suggestions, please feel free to contribute. xx

You describe my daughter - she is also a healer. I see my tasks as to teach her protection and regeneration, without extinguishing her natural gifts.

Upvoted by @AAKOM, a new forum for esoteric and exoteric sciences - request signup here.

Hi there @aakom, thank you for sharing your personal experience. Is your daughter young in age? I started healing at around the age of six. Most of my abilities just came natural without a lot of guidance and I just did things because they were innate. So, are you a healer too since you are teaching her about protection, regeneration and not to extinguish? Although, can anyone extinguish a gift? I know that although I was unaware for many years of who I was, there was nothing that could stop what was inside and for a bit I blocked but it all comes out whether we want it to at times. Yes, we must acknowledge and accept our path for full ability but we are who we are, no? I look forward to hearing more of your story. Blessings. xx

Perhaps "extinguish" was the wrong word; perhaps "hidden" is better. Although I suspect there are many who feel uneasy but haven't figured out that they have hidden something for many years.
It has always come naturally to her, yet only when she feels like it; she complains that it can be draining. She seems to enjoy healing animals as they are less demanding!

I do not want to ask a lot of questions, since you seem to not want to answer some of my questions. So I will leave that where it lies. Thank you for sharing your experience, although to me it is cryptic and I cannot see the full picture. If she is older and already healing why would you need to teach her protection and clearing? That is always the firs step to healing. If you are already a teacher, than why would she be drained? Happy New Year!

She's still young: only 9 yo. So still practising what she can and can't do.
Other people can be draining of energy - I help recharge her when needed.
My own skills are different, although I have had interesting experiences as a healer. Am not sure what to call it tho! Was at a distance of maybe 2 metres from the other person, meditating on their energy and locating "dark" areas that needed healing, then projecting the energy. The other guy freaked out trembling, so I maybe over did it! A friend of mine who ran the group session was amazed, but I've never made use of it since.

Awww so sweet! How lucky is she to have you as a parent!! Yes that is energy work. What morality do you use? No you did not overdo, that is a common reaction. Not always the case but that happens. Did you become drained from that experience? Do you ground, center and protect?

What do you mean by morality?

My own experience was probably some 20 years ago - haven't tried again. No, I was fine, no fatigue. That particular session was done within a Buddhist context, more accurately Dzogchen, but was not presented as an official teaching. I think was an experiment to see if anybody in the room had healing skills! But we meditated as preparation and in closing. Interesting to recall it all now :-)

Oh shoot typo lol
Modality. Stupid autocorrect on my phone. Wow that experience sounds beautiful. I’ve worked with the Dao Six stars House. It’s lovely.

Years ago, when I first learned about the personality of the Empath, it explained so much to me that I hadn't been able to get anyone else to understand or resonate to in the same way I did. It explained why relative strangers would open up and confide in me, secrets they had trouble telling anyone else. I was constantly hearing You're so easy to talk to. I never said these things to anyone before in my life.

It explained why being alone for extended periods of time was so necessary for me. It explained my extraordinary need for privacy. It explained why I couldn't stand "small talk" or parties or crowds. It explained why just going out shopping could be exhausting (when some people find that therapeutic.) It explained why being forced to be around "too many people" for too long was "just a huge opportunity to feel bad." It explained my strong and immediate reactions to meeting someone (sometimes just hearing their name was enough.) Facebook gave me the creeps the moment I heard the name ... and I cannot stand being in places like the casinos in Reno or Las Vegas.

It explained why I was (and still am) often so despairing at the state of the world and appalled at how brutally people treat other human beings, animals and other lives. Sometimes I don't even want to be part of the human race. And because I believe in reincarnation I am disturbed by the idea of having to return to this ever again ... and deal with it all over. There are times I actively wish I were tougher. (I tell @catweasel all the time ... "I need to be a whole lot meaner.")

It explained why the wrong environment ... bad colors, bad "atmosphere," unpleasant odors, lots of noise, even "jittery music" (like some classical pieces and composers ... Bach, for example) are sometimes just impossible to take. It sets my teeth on edge and makes me really irritable. It explained why I consider my pets my best friends ... "because they've treated me far better than most people I know."

It explained why "hurt feelings" over small things can stay with me for weeks! I agonize over them ... and replay them in my head until even I am totally fed up with myself. I have asked myself, "Why do the bad things hurt so much worse than the good things feel good?" It is truly not easy being one of us. Thank you so much for your splendid and detailed article that shows a mirror of myself -- and others I have known. It was honestly comforting to read it all again. (And BTW, the "love and light" crowd often make me want to hurl.)

This excellent post was included in our new curation effort The Magnificent Seven -- a collaborative work by @enchantedspirit and @catweasel. You have received a 100% upvote from each of us to show our appreciation for your post. To see your creation showcased here ... and the fine company you keep ... please visit this link.

The Magnificent Seven

We appreciate your support both for our work on this project and for the other creators of exceptional content who make it all possible. (Follow @catweasel to catch our future Magnificent Seven posts. He's really not as annoying as you might think. <--- He always makes me say that.)

First, I would like to say WOW. Second, I would like to say WOW again @enchantedspirit. I had to wait almost 24 hours to respond because I was a little intimidated by this huge comment. If this is the kind of comments you all are talking about, then My goodness I have a lot to do!
Now, to responding to your most amazing and wonderful comment. It is amazing how we have the gift to be able to just have someone open to us like a can of worms. I say worms because most of the time it's like a confession of sorts. It took me a long time not to have a look of horror every time this happened to me, ever since I was a kid. That is how I know you are the real deal. People like to say they are an Empath, but it isn't until I hear the same exact experiences do I know someone is my true kin in this life.

I appreciate you sharing your experienced throughout life, it's amazing to me how many of us have the same types of experiences. Feelings of being outside of the crowd or maybe seen as someone who did not want to participate, but it wasn't that at all. The ability to read someone right on the spot, knowing their mind and soul is totally deep and sometimes feels like the wind is being knocked out of you. It is not an easy thing to deal with, especially as a young pre-teen and teen. That time period was the worst for me.

To touch a little bit on reincarnation, I believe as well. My next question would be, have you settled all human debt. Have you made peace, and ensured that you have completed all jobs and ties in this lifetime? This is my first time here in this realm, and it will be my last. I do not make strong ties, and I have not made serious vows that will not end at death. Have you taken the strands of obligation off of your soul as not to have to come back to this realm? I have to tell you, that I never want to return here again. This is one of the toughest places my soul has existed and it has not been pleasant. We are all being watched for how our soul lives in this realm and we are honored. Through my empathic ability this grew into so many more abilities. Have you figured out your path and are you on it? Have you completed what your soul's intent was from its origination until now? Sorry for all the questions, but this is what my reading is concluding. Hugs.

If I may also say that the "hurt feelings" is so common with us, even after grounding and centering, I still have issues sometimes, but then I know I need to balance my chakras out. We all have our methods and I have posted some ways in my next blog post on grounding and centering. These methods help with the subject of the sensitivity so much. It is definitely NOT easy being one of us.

LMAO! Regarding the love and light crowd. I feel exactly the same way. One of my very good friend's calls it the "goody goody" crowd, and I just saw someone join yesterday to Steemit. All I could do was roll my eyes. This person even used a term I have been using for years and that is we live in our shell. Our shell is our body, skin and bone. What is inside is our true inner Being, this is the one we must listen too 100 percent. That inner voice that tells us what the right thing is to do. I am so happy you connected to my post, I am always hesitant to share such intimate information and if I can connect to amazing people like you and your husband, it is all worth taking that chance.

Yay, The Magnificent Seven. Woop. Woop. ("not as annoying." LOL!! ) You two kill me. xx

I keep trying to find time to get in here and answer this ... and I haven't managed that yet. But I'm here to let you know it's still on my list. I appreciate the depth and concern reflected in your answer. I keep saying I need to be triplets. This is an example of why. Also, the world needs at least three of me. That's another reason.

Lol!!! True that!! Although this world couldn’t handle three of you!! 🤣🤣 @enchantedspirit.

I certainly couldn't.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


@enchantedspirit, did you see what CW posted? xx


I gave this to @sultnpapper, but I'm sure he'll let you use it from time to time.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Why did you give @sultnpapper a wooden spoon? Discipline? :)

You called me amazing!!! I love you.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Do you do your little comment illustrations?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Yes, I do them myself with Bitmoji.

yes... that description is 100% me

upvoted & resteemed by @edward.maesen

yay! @edward.maesen .. my brother.


I can certainly tick off a good number of those points. I also think that it really helps people learn how to deal with what they go through, once they have that confirmation that this is a tangible 'thing'.

Identify, then research, then self-empowerment. :)

Yay! Yes acknowledgment and confirmation is huge. I agree with you 100 percent. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to hearing what you have to say about Protection in my future post. Blessings. xx

Yes Yes Yes. Sometimes I go straight to napping after an intense situation is handled.

Wow, me too! At least I want to LOL

I recognise most of the traits you describe here. I'm curious about how to handle the stress that comes from deep understanding of others emotions? I often find myself trying to help people around me to feel good and to be happy. When someone is sad I'm sad too.

Hi there @kerlund, it is just a part of who we are and is normal and natural. As with everything we have to be balanced in all things. I will go into protection and how to handle this stress in my next post. I will share with you that meditation, grounding, protection, being in nature as mentioned above is huge. We have to think of our-Self first and that is difficult for some Empaths. We must stop helping immediately when we feel our soul depleting and our energy leaving us. It is the cue to disengage and go to a peaceful spot and be alone. It may sound strange to some, but as an Empath it is just what we have to do. If we like to read then read, if we want to take a walk then take a walk, if we just want to lay down and listen to music then do so. Can you share some of your favorite things to do, just for you?

I need loneliness, it helps me think and refuel.
My favorite things is being in nature. Deep in the forest or on a lonely beach. And I also love to take photos and do yoga.

Beautiful, those are the best ways for us to decompress and get to that special place within our soul. Okay so my next suggestion is this. I will next go into protection, with that it will assist in not taking on others emotions and creating a small barrier so you will not “feel” so much. Some empaths prefer to feel it all, but the ones who do a lot of public work or healing as I o, it is too
Much. I do energy work with those with death dealing illnesses so if I always took that on and never took care of myself I would either absorb the illness or take on other ailments. The human body cannot handle the stress and will weaken and possibly die. That’s just an example of what could happen if one does not protect or center oneself. To be continued in a later post. Blessings.

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I have empathic abilities I can physically feel peoples pain both physical and emotional often

Reading this I saw a lot that relates to me Thnaks for sharing this

Hey @tattoodjay thank you for your comment and I appreciate you sharing your ability with us on steemit. I had the empathic feeling you were, I can see it in your photography and I am very appreciative of your gifts. I am happy that you acknowledge this ability and I look forward to hearing your comments about protection and grounding. Living in a big city can be very draining, so we know that protection and grounding are huge. Blessings to you. xx

I really didnt know much about it till a few years ago when I meet my now wife and she was more aware I would just wonder why sometime don’t he train I wiould feel pain or similar, the grounding side is something I dont do too much but it is somehting i know I should be more aware of especially the rare time i try and do a bit of healing’

How nice that you found someone that understands you and is aware. I am so very happy for you. I have my Louis too, and life is so much easier when someone understands. Yes, doing the 'rare healing' is essential to have grounding and protection up. I will talk a lot more about all of this later. Healing is almost a backfire if the person giving is not taking measures stated above, it drains and possibly can do damage in return. I would suggest studying grounding and protection as well as looking into becoming attuned to Reiki I. I am a Reiki Master Teacher and it is a huge help if you are interested in a healing path. xx

I loved k forward to your posts I have stopped doing much till I learn more of these important things

cool, i'm honored. xx

They may we’ll be very good for me

I resonate deeply with all that is this post. Thank you 💓

I'm following you now, I look forward to seeing more Wonderful things from you!

Okay, why did I all a sudden feel a lot of pressure? LMAO!!

Hahaha no pressure at all! I'm brand new here! Idek if I'm interesting enough for steemit! Lol feel free to check out my posts as well! Much love sis

don't say that, just find your niche and it will be okay. try all different writings and just find yourself. it will be fine. much love sis

Why thank you. I look forward to the experience

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